Department of Yoga

06 February 2025

Department of Yoga

       The department of Yoga studies was established in Central University of Kerala under the School of Medicine and Public Health during 2nd March 2018.We are proud that Central University of Kerala is one of the six Central Universities of India, identified by the Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India to offer range of programs in Yoga. Presently department has intake of 50 students and offers the course in Post Graduate Diploma in Yoga(PGDY) and Master of Science degree in Yoga Therapy(M.Sc. in Yoga Therapy). At present the department is headed by Dr. Subramanya Pailoor.The department of Yoga is in the process of upgrading its facilities with Ph.D programs and research oriented activities and Yoga Therapy Clinics which can provide service to the general public.Curriculum includes contents from syllabus of various competitive examination such as UGC-CSIR NET, AYUSH, QCI etc. It also includes recent innovations and practices adopted by industry in the fields of medicine and health therapies. The curriculum of Yoga Therapy contains Ancient Philosophy, Anatomy, Physiology, Yoga Therapy and Clinical Diagnosis of various diseases.


To evolve as a National Centre of Advanced Studies in Yoga and to cultivate human resources to develop a holistic system of health care through integration of ancient traditional science and modern science and technologies. Also to build ideal social orders and to bring values in social life.


  • To facilitate the need of Yoga based research to combine Philosophy with modern scientific advancement to reveal the science behind Indian Traditional Practices.
  • To cultivate critical thinking that ignite minds for innovations.
  • To contribute towards building a socially active, humane and generations with spiritual intelligence.
  • To promote quality and excellence in academics, administration and infrastructure.

Department of Yoga

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Department of Yoga

Programmes of study(Yoga)

Department of Yoga

Dr. Subramanya Pailoor
Associate Professor
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Dr. M.Anjaladevi
Assistant Professor
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Mr. Jampala Ganesh Ranadheer
Assistant Professor
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Department of Yoga

  1. Sethulakshmi CS & Subramanya P,(2024)."A Short Communication on Hemophilic Arthropathy among Women",Clinical Case Reports International,6(1):1329

  2. Sriharisukesh Naduvanthody, Pailoor Subramanya, P Shitha, PS Sayana,(2022)."Effect of structured yoga program on functional balance, flexibility, and emotional status in students with bilateral sensorineural hearing impairment",The Journal of Applied Consciousness Studies,10(1):p 77-83,

  3. HR Shree Ganesh1, Pailoor Subramanya2, M Raghavendra Rao3, HS Vadhiraj3, Vivek Udupa,(2022)."Impact of yoga therapy in improving perceived stress, depression, and quality of life in elderly population: A randomized controlled trial",The Journal of Applied Consciousness Studies,10(1):p 62-68

  4. Tikhe AS, Subramanya, P, Metri K, Ganpat TS, Ramarao NH,(2022)."Yoga: Managing overweight in mid-life T2DM",Journal of Mid-life Health,6(1):81-84

  5. Ganesh HRS, Subramanya P, Rao RM, Vadiraj HS, Udupa V,(2022)."Effects of an Integrated Yoga Program on Quality of Life, Spinal Flexibility, and Strength in Older Adults: A Randomized Control Trial",Advances in Mind-Body Medicine,36(1):22-28.

  6. Shree Ganesh HR, Subramanya, P, Raghavendra Rao M, Vivek U,(2021)."Role of Yoga Therapy In Improving Digestive Health And Quality of Sleep In An Elderly Population: A Randomized Controlled Trial",Journal of Bodywork & Movement Therapies,27:692-697

  7. K.N. Srihari Sharma, Subramanya, P, Choudhary NR, Bhat P, Smeeta S,(2020)."Integrated Yoga Practice In Cardiac Rehabilitation Program: A Randomized Control Trial",The Journal Of Alternative And Complementary Medicine,26:918–927

  8. . Thangalakshmi R, Subramanya, P,Kashinath M,NateshBabu,(2019)."Effect Of Yoga On Psychological States, Sleep And Emotional Intelligence Of School Teachers Suffering From Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Pilot Study",Voice of Research.,8:2277-7733

  9. Srihari Sharma KN, Chaudhary NR, Subramanya, P,(2019)."Evidence Base Of Yoga Studies On Cardiovascular Health: A Bibliometric Analysis",International Journal Of Yoga,12(2):162-171

  10. Srihari Sharma K N., Subramanya, P., Nidhi Choudhary Ram, Smeeta Shrestha,(2019)."Development of a yoga module targeting cardiovascular health for patients with postmyocardial left ventricular dysfunction in India.",Complementary Therapies in Medicine,42(2019): 170:177

  11. Sharma, S.D., Rajesh, S.K., &Subramanya, P,(2018)."Relation between mindfulness and depression among adolescent orphans",Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research,12(11)

  12. Mathew, P. V., Ragavendrasamy, B., and Subramanya, P,(2018)."Association between a guided Meditation practice, sleep and Psychological wellbeing in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus patients",Journal of Complementary and Integrative medicine,15(4):2015-0026. VC01-VC04.

  13. Telles, S., Deepeshwar, S., Naveen, K V., Subramanya, P., Singh, N., and Pathak, S,(2018)."P300 and heart rate variability recorded simultaneously in meditation",Clinical EEG and Neuroscience,50(3):161-171.

  14. Shetty S, Subramanya P, Moorthy VK,(2018)."Effect of yoga on flexibility and psychomotor performance in college-going healthy individuals",International Journal ofYoga –Philosophy, Psychology and Parapsychology.,6 (1):51- 54.

  15. Rshikesan, P. B., Subramanya, P., &Singh, D,(2018)."Yoga Practice to Improve Sleep Quality and Body Composition Parameters of Obese Male - a Randomized Controlled Trial.",Journal of Complimentary and Integrative Medicine,15(4)

  16. Rshikesan, P. B., &Subramanya, P,(2018)."Ancient yoga texts: understanding the attributes and associations of obesity with reference to some of the ancient Yoga texts,",International Journal of Sanskrit Research,4(3):139-145.

  17. Sharma, S. D., Subramanya, P., Ganpat, T. S., & Nagendra, H. R,(2018)."Role of Yoga for Psychological distress in orphaned adolescents",Annals of Medical and Health SciencesResearch,8:10.

  18. Sriharisukesh N, SubramanyaPailoor,(2018)."A review of asanas referenced in ancient texts and a brief comparative study of selected asanas.",International Journal of Sanskrit Research,5(4): 270-273

  19. Sharma, S.D., Subramanya, P.,& Rajesh, S.K,(2018)."Orphan children and yogic approach",International Journal of Yoga – Philosophy,Psychologyand Parapsychology,5(2): 64-65

  20. Rshikesan PB, Subramanya P,(2017)."Response to Comment on “Sleep Quality and Body Composition Variations in Obese Male Adults after 14 Weeks of Yoga Intervention: A Randomized Controlled Trial",International Journal of Yoga,11:85.

  21. UmashankarK, &Subramanya P,(2017)."The immediate effect of cyclic meditation on heart rate variability in patients suffering fromtype 2 diabetes mellitus",International Journal of Yoga – Philosophy,Psychologyand Parapsychology,4 (2): 49-50

  22. Rshikesan, P. B., Subramanya, P., & Singh D,(2017)."Sleep quality and body composition variations in obese male adults after 14 weeks of yoga intervention: A randomized controlled trial.",International Journal of Yoga,10(3):128-137

  23. GovindarajaSettyA.G,Subramanya, P., Mahadevan, B,(2017)."Effect of Yoga on Adolescents' Beliefs about Aggression and Alternatives",International Journal of Medicine and Public Health,7(3): 166-171

  24. GovindarajaSetty, A.G., Subramanya, P., Mahadevan, B,(2017)."Parenting and Child Development – Insights from Ancient Indian Texts.",International Journal of Sanskrit Research,,4(2):12-18.

  25. GovindarajaSetty, A.G., Subramanya, P., Mahadevan, B,(2017)."Effect of Yoga on Adolescents’ Attitude Towards Violence",Journal of Human Values,23(2): 81-91.

  26. Sharma SD, Subramanya, P, Tikhe SG,(2016)."Rehabilitation in orphan children: Role of evidence-based yoga.",Yoga Mimamsa,47(1):3-5. 27

  27. Rshikesan, P. B., Subramanya, P., & Nidhi, R.,(2016)."Yoga Practice for Reducing the Male Obesity and Weight Related Psychological Difficulties-A Randomized Controlled Trial.",Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research,10(11), OC22–OC28

  28. Rshikesan, P. B., &Subramanya, P,(2016)."Effect of Integrated approach to Yoga Therapy on male Obesity and psychological Parameters-A Randomised Controlled Trial",Journal of Clinical and Diagnostic Research,10(10), KC01–KC06.

  29. Das, M., Deepeshwar, S., Subramanya, P., &Manjunath, N. K,(2016)."Influence of Yoga-Based Personality Development Program on Psychomotor Performance and Self-efficacy inSchool Children",Frontiers in Pediatrics,4(62):1-8

  30. GovindarajaSetty, A.G., Subramanya, P., &Mahadevan, B,(2016)."Effect of yoga on Human Aggression and Violent Behaviour – A Review of the Indian Yoga Scriptures and Scientific Studies",Journal of Social and Education History,5(1): 83-104

  31. GovindarajaSetty, A.G, Mahadevan,,(2016)."Effect of yoga on Human Aggression and Violent Behaviour – A Review of the Indian Yoga Scriptures and Scientific Studies.",Journal of Social and Education History,5(1), 83-104

  32. Telles, S., Subramanya, P., Jain, M,(2016)."Influence of Yoga Practice on Memory in Children",Journal of Indian Psychology,30(1): 70-77.

  33. Telles, S., Singh, D., Naveen, K. V., and Subramanya, P.,(2015)."Long Latency Auditory Evoked Potentials during Meditation. ,",Clinical EEG and Neuroscience,46(4): 299-309.

  34. Jagannathan, A., Narayanan, V. V., Kulkarni, I., Jogdand, S. P., Subramanya, P.,&Nagarathna, R,(2015)."Prevalence of type 2 diabetes among Yoga practitioners: A pilot cross-sectional study in two districts in India.",International Journal of Yoga,8(2): 148-153.

  35. . Patil N J., Nagarathna R., Tekur P., Patil D N., Nagendra, H R and Subramanya, P,(2015)."Designing, validation, and feasibility of integrated yoga therapy module for nonspecific chronic low back pain",International Journal of Yoga,8(2): 103- 108

  36. Telles S, Nilkamal Singh, Naveen K.V., Singh Deepeshwar, Subramanya, P, N.K. Manjunath, Lija George, Rose Dawn, and Acharya Balkrishna,(2015)."A fMRI Study of Stages of Yoga Meditation Described in Traditional Texts.",Journal of Psychology & Psychotherapy.,5(3):1-6

  37. Subramanya, P., and Telles, S,(2015)."Performance in the Stroop Task and Simultaneously Recorded Heart Rate Variability before and after Meditation,Supine Rest and No – Intervention",International Journal of Brain and Cognitive Sciences,4(1): 8-14

  38. Madhura S, Subramanya, P,(2015)."The concept of contentment in various literature.",International Journal of Yoga – Philosophy, Psychology and Parapsychology,3:14-19.

  39. Shetty P., Nagendra H. R., Varma B. R., Subramanya, P,(2015)."Effect of naturopathy and yoga intervention on patients with type II diabetes mellitus",Online International Interdisciplinary Research Journal,5(1):320-329

  40. Madhura, S., Subramanya, P., Balaram, P.,(2014)."Job satisfaction, job stress and psychosomatic health problems in software professionals in India.",Indian Journal Of Occupational And Environmental Medicine,18(3): 153-161.

  41. Neorem, J, D., Thongam, B. S, Subramanya, P,(2014)."Effect of yoga on depression and quality of life in drug abusers",International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharma Research.,2 (2): 61-65

  42. Arun, K., Prithvi, A., Ganpat, T. S, Deshpande, S, Subramanya, P., and Nagendra, H. R.,(2014)."Suryanamaskara exercise enhances sustained attention.",Saudi Journal of Sports Medicine,,14(1):31-34.

  43. Delgado-Pastor, L. C., Subramanya, P., Perakakis, P, Telles, S, and Vila, J,(2013)."Mindfulness (Vipasana) meditation: Effects on P3b event-related potential and heart rate variability.",International Journal of Psychophysiology,90(2): 207-214

  44. Raghavendra, B. R., Telles, S., Manjunath, N. K, Deepak, K. K., Naveen, K.V,Subramanya, P.,(2013)."Voluntary heart rate reduction following yoga using different strategies",International Journal of Yoga,6(1):26-30

  45. Telles, S., Raghavendra, B. R., Naveen, K. V., Manjunath, N. K., Kumar, S, Subramanya.P,(2013)."Changes in autonomic variables following two meditative states described in yoga texts",Journal of Alternative and Complimentary Medicine,19(1):35-42

  46. Telles, S., Raghavendra, B. R., Naveen, K. V., Manjunath, N. K, Subramanya, P,(2012)."Mid-latency auditory evoked potentials in 2 meditative States",Clinical EEG and Neuroscience,43(2):154-60

  47. Subramanya, P.,Telles,(2009)."A review of the scientific studies on cyclic meditation.",International Journal of Yoga,2(2): 46-48.

  48. Subramanya, P.,Telles,(2009)."Performance on psychomotor tasks following two yoga-based relaxation techniques",Perceptual and Motor Skills,109: 563-576

  49. Subramanya, P.,Telles,(2009)."Effect of two yoga-based relaxation techniques on memory scores and state anxiety",Biopsychosocial Medicine,3(1): 8-12

  50. Subramanya, P., Telles,(2009)."Changes in midlatency auditory evoked potentials following two yoga-based relaxation techniques",Clinical EEG and Neuroscience,40(3): 190-195

  51. Subramanya, P, Manjunath, N. K., Telles,,(2009)."Effect of yoga on tasks for manual and tweezer dexterity",Journal of Indian Psychology,27(1&2): 9-12.

Department of Yoga


Department of Yoga

Department of Yoga
School of Medicine and Public Health
Tel Ph:0467-2309432
Email: hodyoga[at]cukerala[dot]ac[dot]in