on 11th November 2020 between 7:00AM – 7:30AM
Kasaragod Celebrated NATIONAL EDUCATION DAY on behalf of Birth Anniversary of Maulana Abul Kalam Azad, the First Education Minister of Independent India by conducting yoga and meditation class on the topic "NATIONAL EDUCATION OF HEALTH THROUGH YOGA" on 11th November 2020 between 7:00 AM – 7:30 AM. A webinar was conducted in co-ordination with Department of Yoga Studies, Central University of Kerala. The subject expert was Mr. Chirag S Hakked, from Consult.Yoga, Coimbatore, Tamilnadu. In his talk he explained how our present scenario with COVID 19 needs a special care for our ‘health’. Health education is one among National education policy. Yoga stands in the best place to maintain one's good health. Mr. Chirag in his talk explained the importance of Prana- the vital force and Pranayama in yoga practice. The mind and breath is well connected to each other. To keep our mind calm we need to control our breath and hence Pranayama is significant. During this time of pandemic, practices to calm the mind is very much needed. The resource person detailed about the principles, types and procedures to practice pranayama. There was a live practical session with demonstration and instructions of pranayama. The session was well received by all the participants. The session was for 30 mins duration. There were around 60 + participants in the session for the class.
The programme was very well coordinated by Dr. Seema Chandran NSS Unit 3 officer. Dr. Ranjith Kumavath, NSS Officer delivered the welcome address. Dr. S. Anbazhagi NSS officer introduced the resource person. Dr. Shaini P NSS Officer delivered the vote of thanks.