Department of Yoga

06 February 2025

International Day of Yoga  2020

“6th International Day of Yoga” Celebration Report

The “6th International Day of Yoga” was celebrated befittingly as per the mandate of Ministry of AYUSH and the directive of the University Grants Commission, MHRD Government of India D.O. letter No. F 14-13/2015(CPP-II) dated 18 June 2020 focused on social distancing due to COVID-19 pandemic by the Department of Yoga Studies, functioning under School of Medicine and Public Health, Central university of Kerala using digital media platform.

The teaching, non teaching staff, students of Central University of Kerala and their families were provided on line Yoga training according to the Common Yoga Protocol circulated by the Ministry of AYUSH prior to fifteen days to 6th International Day of Yoga through our Post Graduate and Post graduate Diploma Yoga students under the supervision of Yoga faculty of Department of Yoga Studies.

We organized a webinar on the theme “Yoga at Home, Yoga with Family, “My Life My Yoga” as a part of 6th International Day of Yoga 21 Jun 2020 celebration. The webinar was also publicised in Central University Kerala web site to ensure maxim participation. The webinar was led by Dr. Subrahmanya Pailoor, Academic Coordinator, Department of Yoga studies, Central University of Kerala. Dr A Radhakrishnan Nair, Registrar, Central University of Kerala Kasaragod inaugurated the webinar. He said his own personal experience that daily yoga practice very much helped him to manage his diabetics. He also stated that the practice of Yoga on daily basis leads to a healthy body and mind. Yoga need to be taken as a way of life for leading a healthy life , and importance of Yoga practice in the present scenario to be free from COVID-19 pandemic. Dr Rajendra Pilankatta, Dean, School of Medicine and Public Health and eminent Virologist felicitated the webinar. He said to live in harmony with rules of the Nature and stressed the role of daily Yoga practice as a preventive measure to keep away from spreading corona virus.

We are blessed with the first webinar speech by the international eminent speaker Padmasree Dr H R Nagendra, Chancellor,SVYASA (Deemed University), Bangalore. He highlighted the importance of celebration of International Day of Yoga and how the Yogic practices are helpful during COVID-19 crisis as stress busters and immunity boosters. Yogacharya Dr Anandha Balayogi Bhavanani, Director and Professor of Yoga therapy, CYTER Pondicherry,was the other eminent speaker in the webinar. He talked about the concept of Salutogenesis, an approach focusing on factors that support human health and well-being, rather than on factors that cause disease through Yoga therapy and quoted

relevant sutras from Patanjala Yoga Sutra related to Yoga therapy. The next eminent speaker was Vaidya B R Ramakrishna, Vice Chancellor, SVYASA (Deemed University) Bangalore, Vice President of Ayurveda, CCIM, and Ministry of AYUSH. He emphasized the importance of Yoga particularly the role of pranayama during COVID-19 crisis and importance of celebration of International Day of Yoga. Dr Padmanabhan T V, Faculty, Department of Yoga Studies, Central University of Kerala, focused on role of Namaskaram for social distancing and Yogic diet besides other Yoga practices to fight against the spreading of corona virus which has become a big threat to human life. At last Yogacharya Dr A Subramanian, Founder and Director, Adhyatma Yoga Academy talked and demonstrated simple Yoga practices to keep oneself healthy in all respects. The webinar was concluded with vote of thanks and chanting Shanti Mantra by the Coordinator of the webinar.

The faculties and students of Department of Yoga studies were fully committed to provide online Yoga training during the International Day of Yoga celebration. Following were the important activities taken during the of International Day of Yoga celebration:

  1. Proper guidelines were given to all teaching and non teaching staff and students regarding the role of Yoga during COVID-19 pandemic.
  2. Yoga promotion videos explaining the benefits of yoga circulated among the students and
  3. The Common Yoga Protocol circulated by Ministry of AYUSH for celebration of International Day of Yoga was compiled and translated in Malayalam by Padmanabhan. T.V., our Yoga faculty in consultation with the Department of Yoga Studies, Central University of Kerala especially to facilitate the families of students and staff of Central University of Kerala to understand various of Yoga practice in their own regional language for practicing yoga effectively in their daily life. The Malayalam translation of Common Yoga Protocol is uploaded in the University portal of UGC site.
  4. E-quiz competitions and Yoga demonstration competitions were conducted by the Department of Yoga Studies through digital
  5. Conducted essay writing competition on role of yoga in fighting against the COVID- 19
  6. Circulated images, display charts on yoga postures and pranayama techniques through the social media platform to encourage more people to adopt yoga as their life style,

  1. Yoga Students were directed to participate "My Life, My Yoga‟ video blogging contest jointly organized by the Ministry of AYUSH and the Indian Council of Cultural Relations (ICCR).
  2. The Students, University Staff and their families joined in solidarity at 7.00 a.m and celebrated International Day of Yoga with great enthusiasm on 21st June 2020 by staying their homes safe according to the Common Yoga Protocol with the pledge and Shanti mantra at the end of the Yoga The photos of their Yoga practice in video mode are uploaded in the University portal of UGC site.
  3. The important external activities of Department of Yoga Studies, Central University of Kerala related to Celebration of International Day of Yoga include talk on importance of daily practice of Yoga against COVID-19 pandemic broadcast in All India Radio, Trivandrum, Yoga for stress management during COVID Crisis for Cancer Survivors of Malabar Cancer Centre Society, creation of video on science of

„Namaskaram” for social distancing and role of Yoga for management of fear during corona crisis.

  1. The International Day of Yoga programme was concluded quoting great words on Yoga by our Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi, “Yoga is symbol of universal aspiration for health and well being. It is health assurance in zero budget” and his flagship programme of Ayushman Bharat - Fit India, Young India, and Strong India. Stay Home Stay Safe and Stay Fit at Home.