Department of International Relations

06 February 2025

Department of International Relations

        The Department of International Relations, based in the School of Global Studies, was started in 2012. It offers Masters and Doctoral Studies in International Relations and Political Science. The study programmes examine the role of states, regional and international organisations, NGOs and multinational companies in an increasingly globalised world. International Relations(IR) is about relationships that involve power, authority, influence, conflict, co-operation, egoism and solidarism. Instruments of politics include discussion, propaganda, persuasion, legislation, administration, threats, inducements and the use of force. Students will learn about topics such as the causes of war and the conditions of peace and security, the workings of international organizations, the complexities of international negotiations, the threat posed by terrorism, and the politics of foreign economic policy. It is also about understanding patterns of behaviour between the different actors in the world, be they states, prime ministers, presidents and corporations. The students will also have the opportunity to study the international relations of particular countries (such as India, China, US & Russia) or regions (such as South Asia & Africa). Because international and domestic politics are closely related, students will also learn about comparative politics- the politics and political institutions of different countries and regions. IR teaches us to unravel the complex and often invisible network of factors that lead to a situation where events in one part of the world can have their effects in another. Kerala is one state that has experienced the benefits and downsides of globalization more than any other state in India considering the large number of people from the state who have an overseas connection, particularly with the Gulf countries. The Department seeks to provide a congenial setting for the study of and research in IR supported by brilliant faculty with varied research and teaching experiences to their credit

Department of International Relations

The study programmes examine the role of states, regional and international organisations, NGOs and multinational companies in an increasingly globalised world.

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Department of International Relations

The study programmes examine the role of states, regional and international organisations, NGOs and multinational companies in an increasingly globalised world.


Department of International Relations

The study programmes examine the role of states, regional and international organisations, NGOs and multinational companies in an increasingly globalised world.


Prof. K Jayaprasad
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Dr. Suresh R
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Dr. Reinhart Philip
Assistant Professor
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Dr. Gilbert Sebastian
Assistant Professor
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Dr. Uma Purushothaman
Assistant Professor
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Dr Prasanna Kumar P C
Associate Professor
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Department of International Relations

The study programmes examine the role of states, regional and international organisations, NGOs and multinational companies in an increasingly globalised world.

  1. Jayaprasad K,(2023)."A Decade of Human Right to Water: Achievements and Challenges Ahead",The Indian Journal of Political Science,Vol. LXXXIV No2

  2. Anagha Babu and Uma Purushothaman,(2022)."The Role of Indian Soft Power In India-US Relations",Gandhi Marg,volume 44, Issue 1, pp. 63-82

  3. Dr Suresh R,(2021)."National Security Strategy of India and China: A Tri -Guna Theory Perception",Journal of Polity and Society,13

  4. Dr Suresh R,(2021)."Maritime Security of India and Sri Lanka: An Indian Perspective,",Himachal Pradesh University Journal (Humanities and Social Sciences),,8 pp 15-38

  5. Uma Purushothaman,(2021)."The Politics of the Covid-19 Pandemic in India",Social Sciences,10 (10); 381

  6. Dr Suresh R,(2021)."Changing Dimensions of Security: An Indian Perspective",Palgrave Encyclopedia of Interest Groups, Lobbying and Public Affairs, Palgrave Macmillan, London,1

  7. Jayaprasad K,(2021)."National Education Policy 2020: A Vision for Excellence and Self-Reliant India",Journal of Indian Institute of Public Administration,Vol. XXVIII

  8. Dr Suresh R,(2021)."Peace Security and Prosperity in the New World Order",Peace Studies Journal, New York,14

  9. Jayaprasad K,(2020)."Trade Creates Geography: A Lesson from BRICS Nations",Scopus Indexed Journal,Vol.83

  10. Jayaprasad K,(2020)."The BRICS and Post Financial Crisis, Journal of Studies in the Indian Place Names",UGC CARE List Journal,Vol.40

  11. Jayaprasad K,(2020)."The BRICS and Global Politics Platform",UGC CARE List Journal,Vol.68, Issue.30

  12. Jayaprasad K,(2020)."The BRICS and International Political Economy, American Review of Political Economy, USA",ProQuest & EconLit cited journal approved by American Economic Association,Vol.15, Issue.1

  13. ,(2020)."Peace Profile: Albert John Luthuli",Peace Review,32 (1), 103-111

  14. Jayaprasad K,(2019)."The BRICS: Stepping Stone for India’s Service Sector",Think India Journal, New Delhi,Vol.22

  15. Jayaprasad K,(2019)."BRICS: A Stepping Stone or Stumbling Block for India",International Journal for Research and Analytical Review,Volume.6

  16. Jayaprasad K,(2019)."The BRICS: Traits for Global Interdependence",UGC Approved Journal No. 40893,Volume. 7

  17. Jayaprasad K,(2018)."Theory and Practice of Economic Regionalism: A case study of BRICS",ECI cited Journal,Vol.6, No.3

  18. Jayaprasad K,(2018)."The Evolution of BRICS in Global Political Economy, Journal of Political Studies",Bi Annual Journal of the Department of Political science, North Bengal University,Volume 13

  19. ,(2018)."Gender-responsive budgeting: the case of a rural local body in Kerala",Sage Open , 8 (1)

  20. Gilbert Sebastian,(2016)."Reflections on Consent",Mainstream weekly,Vol. LIV, No 19

  21. Jayaprasad K,(2016)."Assembly Election 2016: Emergence of BJP and the Decline of Bi-Politics in Kerala",Social Science in Perspective,Vol. 9

  22. Gilbert Sebastian,(2014)."Academic Recruitments: Seeking a Way-out of Ascriptive Privilege and Institutional Corruption",Journal of Social Discourse,vol. 1, no. 1, pp. 92-110.

  23. Gilbert Sebastian,(2013)."Patriarchy and the Rise in Sexual Assaults in India: An Explanation",Mainstream weekly,vol. LI, no. 13

  24. Jayaprasad K,(2011)."Kerala Navodanathinte Vikasana Prinamangal(Malayalam)",Pragati Quarterly Research Journal,87

  25. Jayaprasad K,(2009)."R. Sankar and Communist Movement",Pragati Quarterly Research Journal,109

  26. Jayaprasad K,(2009)."Keralathinte Podu Vidyabhyasa Megala”(Malayalam)",Pragati Quarterly Research Journal,110

  27. Gilbert Sebastian,(2008)."An Embedded Politics of Civil Society?",Economic and Political Weekly,vol. 43, no. 18, pp. 68-71

  28. Jayaprasad K,(2007)."Savarkar and the History of War of Independence",Pragati Quarterly Research Journal,100

  29. Gilbert Sebastian,(2004)."Tsunami and Other Disasters: How 'Natural' are These Natural Calamities?",Indian Journal of Human Rights,vol. 8, nos. 1-2, pp. 39-56

  30. Gilbert Sebastian,(2003)."Reining in the Lesser Lords: “Social Structures of Accumulation” in India’s Informal Economy",Indian Journal of Labour Economics,vol. 46, no. 2

  31. Jayaprasad K,(1997)."Politics of Democracy and Decentralisation in India – A Case study of Kerala",Loyola Journal of Social Science,Vol XI, No.1

  32. Jayaprasad K,(1991)."Campaign Strategy of BJP",The UP Journal of Political Science,Vol.3, No. 1

  33. Jayaprasad K,(1990)."Emerging Hindu Nationalism – A Study of RSS in Kerala",The UP Journal of Political Science,Vol. 2

  34. ,()."",,

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  36. ,()."A Tale of Many Roads: India’s Approach to Connectivity Projects in Eurasia ",India Quarterly ,75 (1), March 2019, pp. 69-86

  37. ,()."‘Russia in Middle East: Playing the Long Game?’ ",India Quarterly ,73(2), 2017, pp. 251-258. I

  38. ,()."Indian and American Perspectives on Food Security’",International Studies (SAGE), ,2011, Vol. 48, No. 3&4, pp. 281–303.

  39. ,()."American Shadow over India-Iran Relations’, (Taylor & Francis), ISSN: ",Strategic Analysis ,November-December 2012, vol. 36(6), pp. 899-910.

  40. ,()."‘Role of the Indian Political System in Shaping India’s Nuclear Policy’ ", International Journal of Nuclear Law (Inderscience Publishers),,Vol. 3, No. 4, 2012, pp.246–258.

Department of International Relations

The study programmes examine the role of states, regional and international organisations, NGOs and multinational companies in an increasingly globalised world.

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Department of International Relations

The study programmes examine the role of states, regional and international organisations, NGOs and multinational companies in an increasingly globalised world.


Department of International Relations

The study programmes examine the role of states, regional and international organisations, NGOs and multinational companies in an increasingly globalised world.

Department of International Relations
School of Global Studies
Tel Ph: 04672-309440,
Email: hod[dot]politics[at]cukerala[dot]ac[dot]in