Brief Profile
Brief CV of Dr. John Moolakkattu Stephen
Email: [email protected]; [email protected]
Phone: 8943688388
Courses taught: International Relations Theory, Research Methodology, India’s Foreign Policy, Peace and Conflict Resolution Studies, Africa in World Affairs
A Professor of 17 years standing, Dr. M S John is now with the Department of International Relations & Politics, Central University of Kerala.
He had served as Head of the Department of International Relations, Dean, School of Global Studies, Director of Research and Chief Vigilance Officer of the University during 2016-19.
Before joining the Central University, he was Director of the School of Gandhian Thought and Development Studies, Mahatma Gandhi University (2012-15), Professor of Development Studies at IIT Madras (2011-12), and inaugural Gandhi-Luthuli Professorial Chair in Peace Studies (2008-2010) at School of Politics, University of KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa. He founded BA(Hons), MA and Ph.D. Conflict Transformation Programme at University of KwaZulu-Natal and was the co-founding editor of Ubuntu: Journal of Conflict Transformation in 2012, now known as African Journal of Peace and Conflict Studies, published by Adonis Abbey, London.
He has thirty-eight years of teaching experience to his credit (including 5 years at St. Joseph’s College, Calicut, and four years in the UK, the US and South Africa).
He had also served as Honorary Director of Dr Paulose Mar Gregorios Chair, Coordinator of the UGC SAP DRS Phase 1 & II, and Director of Research of Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam.
Dr. John has published nine books (five edited, three co-authored and one single-authored) and over 95 research articles in highly rated national and international journals such as Public Administration and Development(Wiley), Cooperation and Conflict(Sage), Asian Journal of Women’s Studies (Routledge, 2 articles), Indian Journal of Gender Studies (Sage, 3 articles), Peace Review(Taylor and Francis, 5 articles), Sage open (1) Economic and Political Weekly(3 special articles), International Studies (Sage, 2 articles), India Quarterly(Sage), Man & Development (5 articles) Review of Development and Change (Sage), Indian Journal of Public Administration (Sage) , Journal of Social Sciences (Taylor and Francis), Journal of Human Ecology (Taylor and Francis), Journal of Rural Development (2 articles), Gandhi Marg and so on.
The Oxford International Encyclopaedia of Peace published in early 2010 has five entries written by him.
Some of his articles have been re-published in edited anthologies and handbooks (eg. one in Kanti Vajpayee ed. Orient Longman, 1995, One in Tina Uys ed., Orient Blackswan 2012, and one in the Sage Handbook of Peace Building 2014).
He has been a reviewer of international journals like International Political Science Review, Critical Security Studies, International Negotiations, Development in Practice, International Journal of Feminist Politics, Asian Social Science and India Review
He is a recipient of highly competitive awards such as Commonwealth Scholarship (Bradford University, UK), Commonwealth Fellowship (Lancaster University, UK), UGC Research Award (1999-2002) and Fulbright Visiting Professorship (Eastern Mennonite University, USA).
Since 2005, he has been editing Gandhi Marg (UGC Care listed), the topmost Quarterly Journal in Gandhian Studies published by Gandhi Peace Foundation, New Delhi.
Dr. John is one of the most widely cited scholars in the field of social sciences in Kerala with an H-index of 13 and an i10 index of 14 and over 632 citations.
Twenty-two candidates have successfully completed their doctoral theses working under his guidance.
His areas of interest include International Relations Theory, Peace and Conflict Resolution Studies, Gandhi, Political Theory, African Studies, Local Governance, participatory planning, Northeast India and Gender and Development.
He is an alumnus of JNU, Hyderabad Central University, University of Bradford (UK) and Mahatma Gandhi University.