Brief Profile
Dr Uma Purushothaman teaches International Relations at the Central University of Kerala. She was earlier associated with the Observer Research Foundation and the United Service Institution of India. Her areas of interest include great power politics, Russian foreign policy, soft power, Middle East politics, and US domestic and foreign policies. She serves as a peer reviewer to many international and national journals. She has published in national and international journals and presented papers at national and international conferences.
Recent and Major Publications
- Anagha Babu and Uma Purushothaman,"The Role of Indian Soft Power In India-US Relations",Gandhi Marg,volume 44, Issue 1, pp. 63-82
- Uma Purushothaman,"The Politics of the Covid-19 Pandemic in India",Social Sciences,10 (10); 381
- ,"A Tale of Many Roads: India’s Approach to Connectivity Projects in Eurasia ",India Quarterly ,75 (1), March 2019, pp. 69-86
- ,"‘Russia in Middle East: Playing the Long Game?’ ",India Quarterly ,73(2), 2017, pp. 251-258. I
- ,"Indian and American Perspectives on Food Security’",International Studies (SAGE), ,2011, Vol. 48, No. 3&4, pp. 281–303.
- ,"American Shadow over India-Iran Relations’, (Taylor & Francis), ISSN:
",Strategic Analysis ,November-December 2012, vol. 36(6), pp. 899-910.
- ,"‘Role of the Indian Political System in Shaping India’s Nuclear Policy’ ", International Journal of Nuclear Law (Inderscience Publishers),,Vol. 3, No. 4, 2012, pp.246–258.
Books / Chapters
Chapter(s) - Sole Author, (2022). Belt and Road Initiative: Towards New Colonialism, Meerut: Anu Book, 978-81-948985-0-4Chapter(s) - Sole Author, (2022). Politics of Change in Middle East and North Africa Since Arab Spring: A Lost Decade?, Knowledge World and Middle East Institute @New Delhi, 978-93-91490-76-8Chapter(s) - Co-Author, (2020). Roads and Belts of Eurasia, Singapore: Palgrave Macmillan
, 978-981-15-0856-1Chapter(s) - Co-Author, (2020). Global Governnace in Transformation: Challenges for International Cooperation , Cham, Switzerland: Springer , 978-3-030-23091-3. Chapter(s) - Sole Author, (2020). ‘Pentagon Yearbook South Asia Defence and Strategic Perspective 2020, New Delhi: Pentagon Press, 978-81-944659-3-5.Book - Co-Author, (2015). Trends in Russia-China Relations: Implications for India , Observer Research Foundation, New Delhi, 978-81-86818-11-4
Membership/Fellowship of other institutions/professionals societies : |
Non Resident Fellow at the Middle East Institute, New Delhi;
Trustee, Peninsula Foundation, Chennai; member, Indo Pacific circle network
Student related co-curricular, extension and field based activities and counseling. |
Contribution to corporate sector-management of the department and institution through participation in academic and administration,committees and responsibilities.
Member, Centre for Women's Studies
Member, Campus Development Committee
Member, Center for Sustainability,Corporate Relations and Social Responsibility
Member, Green Audit Committee
Member, Alumni Committee
Member, Reservation Roster Committee
Member, Sports Committee
Member, Departmental Grievance Redressal Committee
Other activities/Responsibilities : |
Department NAAC Coordinator
PTA in-charge
Any other relevant information, if not given above : |
Peer reviewer for a number of journals and institutes including Journal of Eurasian Studies (Sage Publications, Hanyang University, South Korea),The International Journal of Cultural Policy (Taylor & Francis, UK), India Quarterly (Sage Publications, New Delhi), Observer Research Foundation (New Delhi), Journal of Defence Studies (Institute for Defence and Strategic Analyses, New Delhi) and East Asia Forum (Australian National University)
Teaching & Research Guidance
- • Contemporary International Relations- MA Core paper
• International Security- MA Optional
• Theories and Concepts in Political Science (Shared)- MA Core paper
• International Organizations- MA Core paper
• International and Regional Organizations- MA Core paper
• War and Peace in West Asia- MA Optional
• International Politics of West Asia- MA Optional
• Great Powers in International Relations-Ph.D. course Work
• Advanced Theories and Concepts in Political Science and International Re:Post Graduate