Department of Zoology

06 February 2025

Department of Zoology

       The Department of Zoology, under the School of Biological Sciences, was established in 2010 at Riverside Transit Campus, Padannakad to promote education and research in the domain of Animal Science with limited faculty and students. The department has grown into an established system with six permanent faculty having vast experience and expertise in different fields of biological sciences. The department offers M.Sc. and Ph.D. in zoology (with annual intake of 30 students) with strong curriculum designed to provide the experience, skills and exposure in areas which range from basic conceptual framework to the most advanced areas of biological sciences. Deep engagement in research by faculty in the areas of entomology, aquatic pathobiology, herpetology, toxicology, immunology, physiology, cell and developmental biology, and endocrinology is a core strength of the department. Convergence of the expertise and research strengths of the faculty ensures that the academic programmes provide the students and researchers with profound insights and adequate skills, besides inculcating a culture of innovation and inclusive development


• To produce locally relevant and globally competitive human resources in the area of biological sciences.

• To engage in inter-disciplinary research and innovative educational practices which enable in fostering excellence in teaching and learning

• To undertake basic and applied research to address compelling scientific challenges in zoological sciences


• To become a centre of academic and research excellence imparting deeper insights, inculcating innovations, developing competence to appreciate, assimilate and nurture the core essence of the biological world

Thematic area

• Approaches/strategies to/for the sustainable utilization and conservation of terrestrial and aquatic biological resources

Thematic area

• Neurobiology, neuro-protective strategies, neurodegenerative diseases, natural peptides and toxicology

• Plant-animal interaction, biodiversity & land-use policy

• Insect systematics, ecology, behaviour, conservation, and pest management

• Molecular endocrinology and metabolism

• Reproduction & development

• Stem cells, animal models & therapeutics

• Aquatic animal diseases and host-pathogen interaction

• Anatomy, behaviour, ecology, evolution, genomics, and systematics of caecilian amphibians

• Crustacean Physiology and Endocrinology

• Marine biodiversity

• Aquatic Parasitology

Department of Zoology

The department envisions a scholar community committed to translate the knowledge they gain and generate for the well-being of the humanity and the biodiversity, in which the Department plays its pivotal role of a modern organisation.

Recent Events
 VAJRA-TALK on 1)Shieldtails:Diversity and evolution of uropeltid snakes 2)Human Wildlife Interaction in India  

 Talk on ''Biology of Sex Determination:Regulation of Plasticity" by Dr. Indrashis Bhattacharya,at Visva-Bharati, Shantiniketan, West Bengal  

 Onam Celebration 2023- Group Photo with the Hon'ble Vice Chancellor, Central University of Kerala  

 Dr. Indrashis Bhattacharya, Associate Professor & Head in the Department of Zoology, Central University of Kerala, receiving Prof. M. A. Akbarsha- Prof. M. Michael Aruldhas Gold Medal Oration at Navrachana University, Vadodara.   

 Invited talk at the International workshop on ‘Diagnostics for Future : Precision Diagnostics In Aquaculture’, ICAR-Central Institute of Fisheries Education, Mumbai, 13 September 2023.  

 Dr. Sinu delivered a talk on "Ecology: a discipline of synergistic and antagonistic interaction" as part of the induction program of the Master's students of Ecological Informatics held at Kerala University of Digital Sciences and Innovation, Trivandrum on 12th September 2023  

 Invited Talk - “Advanced Techniques in Pathogen Discovery and Disease Diagnosis in Aquaculture”  

 Group Photo - M.Sc. Zoology (2021-23 Batch) with the Hon'ble Vice Chancellor, Central University of Kerala  

 Invited talk in the ‘Hands-on training programme on Molecular Techniques for shrimp and fish diseases’ under the aegis of National Surveillance Programme for Aquatic Animal Diseases (NSPAAD), ICAR-Central Institute of Brackishwater Aquaculture, Chennai (24 July 2023)   

 Dr. H.P. Gurushankara delivering Invited talk at LEADCON 2023, Tirupati   

 Dr. Indrashis Bhattacharya, Associate Professor & Head, in the Department of Zoology, Central University of Kerala, presenting at the 9th International Symposium on the Biology of Vertebrate Sex Determination on 21 April 2023 at Kona, Hawaii  

 Dr. H.P. Gurushankara delivering Invited talk at IABS 2023 Conference, NIMHANS Bengaluru  

 JAIVAM-2023 - National Science Day Lecture Series  

 JAIVAM 2023 - Hands On Training Workshop On Hydra Regeneration  

 JAIVAM-2023 - National Science Day Lecture Series- Photo Session  

 Dr. H.P. Gurushankara delivering Invited talk at IMMUNOCON 2022 held at PGIMER Chandigarh   

 Visit under DST-JSPS Indo Japan Project (DST-JSPS) titled “ Origin, Specificity and Molecular Systematics of Bopyrid isopods infesting the Peneid shrimps-Studies on molecular systematics and host immune response” November 2022  

 Students of the Department of Zoology Participated on Ocean Cleaning Programme on 08 June 2022  

 Interaction of Students with VAJRA Faculty Dr David J. Gower-21 June 2022  

 DST SERB VAJRA (Visiting Advanced Joint Research) Project   

Department of Zoology

The department envisions a scholar community committed to translate the knowledge they gain and generate for the well-being of the humanity and the biodiversity, in which the Department plays its pivotal role of a modern organisation.

Programmes of study(M.Sc.Zoology & Ph.D Zoology)

Department of Zoology

The department envisions a scholar community committed to translate the knowledge they gain and generate for the well-being of the humanity and the biodiversity, in which the Department plays its pivotal role of a modern organisation.


Prof Sooraj Unniappan
View Profile

Prof. Sudha Kappalli
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Prof. RAJENDRAN Kooloth Valappil
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Associate Professor
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Dr. Palatty Allesh Sinu
Assistant Professor
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Dr. H.P. Gurushankara
Assistant Professor
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Dr. Ramachandran Kotharambath
Assistant Professor
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Dr Rijin K
Adhoc - Faculty
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Prof Muthukumarasamy Arunachalam
IRINS Profile
Assistant Professor
View Profile

Department of Zoology

The department envisions a scholar community committed to translate the knowledge they gain and generate for the well-being of the humanity and the biodiversity, in which the Department plays its pivotal role of a modern organisation.

  1. Jose Priya TA, Charutha Karunakaran, Aishwarya Nath, Sudha Kappalli,(2023)."Transcriptomic Variation of Amphiprion Percula (Lacepède, 1802) in Response to Infection with Cryptocaryon Irritans Brown, 1951",Marine Biotechnology,25(6):858-890.

  2. Aishwaria Nath, T.A.J. Priya, and Sudha Kappalli,(2023)."Report on sexual maturity in male fiddler crab, Gelasimus hesperiae (Crane, 1975) (Brachyura: Ocypodidae)",Invertebrate Zoology,,20 (4) 417-432 .

  3. Nikhila Reshmi M V , Rijin K , Drisya O K , Jose Priya T A , Sudha Kappalli.,(2023)."Lernanthropids (Siphonostomatoida: Copepoda) parasitizing the marine fishes of Kerala Coast (India): Species diversity, Phylogeny and host-parasite interaction",Regional studies in Marine Sciences, Elsevier: October 2023, 68 ,102838 IF: 2.1,68

  4. Jose Priya TA., Sudha Kappalli,(2023)."Chemicals and Their Interaction in the Aquaculture System Biomedical Applications and Toxicity of Nanomaterials, 2023",Biomedical Applications and Toxicity of Nanomaterials, 2023,277–297

  5. Jose Priya TA., Sudha Kappalli,(2022)."Modern biotechnological strategies for vaccine development in aquaculture – Prospects and challenges",Vaccine,40 (4),5873-5881

  6. Nikhila Reshmi M.V., Charutha Karunakaran, Jose Priya TA, Swaraj P, Sudha Kappalli,(2022)."Immune responses of Cyprinus carpio induced by protein extracts of Lernaea cyprinacea Linnaeus, 1758,",Experimental Parasitology,239, 108306

  7. Helna A.K., Sudha Kappalli,(2022)."Male and female reproductive systems of the pseudocycnid copepod cybicola armatus (bassett-smith, 1898) (siphonostomatoidae) infecting the commercially important scombrid fish scomberomorus commerson: light and electron microscopic study.",Curstaceana,95(5-6) 533-552

  8. Amrutha Vani Sahadevani, Jose Priya T A, Sudha Kappalli,(2022)."Amrutha Vani Sahadevani, Jose Priya T A, Sudha Kappalli Biphasic moulting in isopods confers advantages for their adaptation to various habitats and lifestyle",Biologia,77, 1067-1081

  9. Nikhila Reshmi M V, Rijin K, Drisya O K, Jose Priya T A, Sudha Kappalli,(2022)."Species diversity and genetic variation of caligids (Copepoda: Siphonostomatoida) infecting the marine fishes of Kerala Coast, India",Marine Biodiversity,52(1), 1-20.

  10. Asha G, K.K. Navya, T.P. Rajesh, Palatty Allesh Sinu,(2021)."Roller dung beetles of dung piles suggest habitats are alike, but that of guarding pitfall traps suggest habitat are different.",Journal of Tropical Ecology,37, 209-213

  11. Asha G, K. Manoj, P.P. Megha, Palatty Allesh Sinu,(2021)."Spatiotemporal effects on dung beetle activities in a tropical lowland: effect of habitat, season, and diel periods.",Scientific Reports,11, 17398

  12. Rajendran, K.V., Stentiford, G.D., Bass, D.,(2021)."The rise of syndrome- sub-optimal growth disorders in farmed shrimp",Reviews in Aquaculture,13(4); 1-19 DOI: 10.1111/raq.12550

  13. Aneesh, P. T., & Kappalli, S.,(2020)."Protandrous hermaphroditic reproductive system in the adult phases of Mothocya renardi (Bleeker, 1857)(Cymothoidae: Isopoda: Crustacea)–Light and electron microscopy study",Zoological studies,59 (61): 1-15

  14. T. A. Jose Priya, Kappalli Sudha,(2020)."Molecular remedies against Cryptocaryon irritans Brown, 1951—Practical difficulties.",Aquaculture Research,DOI: 10.1111/are.14751

  15. Rijin K., Amruthavani S., Nikhila Reshmi M.V., Drishya O.K., Sudha Kappalli. ,(2020)."Copepod (Crustacea) infection on Oil sardine, Sardinella longiceps (Actinopterygii; Clupeidae) ",Indian Journal of Geo-Marine Sciences ,Vol. 45(05), 911-914

  16. Aneesh, P. T., Sudha Kappalli ,(2020)."Occurrence of life cycle dependent monophasic and biphasic molting in Mothocya renardi Thalassas",An International Journal of Marine Sciences,36, 115–124

  17. Thasnim S. N, Megha R, Sisira C P, Sudha Kappalli,(2020)."The occurrence of parasitic copepods and isopods infesting the marine teleost fishes of Kerala coast, India.",Journal of parasitic diseases,45(1):78–88

  18. Rijin K., Mumthaz T. M.V., Sudha Kappalli ,(2019)."Clupeid fish hosts a Peniculus sp. (Pennellidae, Siphonostomatoida, Copepoda) – First report on new host and season dependent prevalence, ",Acta Oceanologica Sinica,38, 118–125

  19. R.M.V. Nikhila, O.K. Drisya, K. Rijin, T.M.V. Mumthaz, A.K. Helna, Viatcheslav N. Ivanenko, Sudha Kappalli,(2019)."Copepod crustaceans parasitizing marine fish of the Kerala coast, India.",Arthropoda Selecta,28:4

  20. Amrutha Vani Sahadevan, T.A. Jose Priya, Sudha Kappalli ,(2019)." Biphasic moult cycle of the parasitic isopod Norileca indica (H. Milne Edwards, 1840) (Isopoda: Cymothoidea): stage-wise characterization and haemolymph ecdysteroids titre",Journal of Crustacean Biology,40(1), 131-140

  21. Helna A.K., Sudha Kappalli. ,(2019)."Norileca indica (Crustacea: Isopoda, Cymothoidae) infecting Rastrelliger kanagurta along the Malabar Coast of India - Seasonal variation in prevalence and aspects of host-parasite interaction. ",Zoological studies ,58: e35

  22. Kottarathil, H. A., & Kappalli, S.,(2019)."Reproductive System in the Male Phase of a Parasitic Isopod (Crustacea)–Morphological, Histological and Ultrastructural Evidence for Sequential Protandrous Hermaphroditic Changes",Zoological Studies ,58: 4

  23. Keethadath, A., Kappalli, S., Gayathri, N., Thomas, D. M., & Anilkumar, G.,(2019)."Impact of gamma irradiation on tissues of the mud crab, Scylla serrata (Forskål, 1775) (Decapoda, Portunidae)—electron microscopic study and DNA comet assay.",Crustaceana,92(1), 33-56

  24. Kottarathil, H. A. & Kappalli, S.,(2019)."Characterization of a protandrous hermaphroditic reproductive system in transitional and female phases of Norileca indica—morphological, histological and ultrastructural approach",Crustaceana,92(6), 641-664

  25. Kottarathil, H. A., & Kappalli, S.,(2019)."Reproductive System in the Male Phase of a Parasitic Isopod (Crustacea)–Morphological, Histological and Ultrastructural Evidence for Sequential Protandrous Hermaphroditic Changes.",Zoological Studies,58: 4

  26. Panakkool-Thampan, A., Kottarathil, H. A., Kappalli, S., & Gopinathan, A,(2018)."First record of Glossobius auritus Bovallius 1885 and Glossobius hemiramphi Williams and Williams 1985 (Crustacea: Isopoda: Cymothoidae) parasitizing the marine fishes from Indian Coast.",Thalassas: An International Journal of Marine Sciences,34:1, 173-189

  27. Helna, A. K., Sudha, K., Aneesh, P. T., & Anilkumar, G.,(2018)."Caligus cybii (Caligidae, Copepoda) parasitising the commercially exploited seer fish, Scomberomorus commerson, from the Malabar Coast (India)-occurrence and adaptations. ,",Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences,18:3, 445-455

  28. Aneesh, P. T., Sudha, K., Helna, A. K., & Anilkumar, G.,(2018)."Agarna malayi Tiwari 1952 (Crustacea: Isopoda: Cymothoidae) Parasitising the Marine Fish, Tenualosa toli (Clupeidae) from India: Re-description/description of Parasite Life Cycle and Patterns of Occurrence.",Zoological Studies,57:25, 1-22

  29. Rijin, K., Sudha, K., Vineesh, P. J., & Anilkumar, G.,(2018)."Seasonal Variation in the Occurrence of Parasitic Isopods and Copepods (Crustacea) Infecting the Clupeidaen Fishes of Malabar Coast, India.",Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences,19(3), 241-249

  30. Supriya, N. T., Sudha, K., Krishnakumar, V., & Anilkumar, G.,(2017)."Molt and reproduction enhancement together with hemolymph ecdysteroid elevation under eyestalk ablation in the female fiddler crab, Uca triangularis (Brachyura: Decapoda).",Journal of Oceanology and Limnology,35:3, 645-657

  31. Panakkool-Thamban, A., Kottarathil, H. A., & Kappalli, S.,(2016)."Branchial cymothoids infesting the marine food fishes of Malabar coast.",Journal of parasitic diseases,40(4), 1270-1277

  32. Jithin, K., Swapna, A., Kumar, R. R., Venu, S., Helna, A. K., & Sudha, K.,(2016)."Studies on crustacean parasites from commercial marine fish along the Andaman Coast in comparison with Malabar Coast of Kerala of Indian EEZ.",World Journal of Fisheries and Marine Sciences,8(1), 47-53

  33. Helna, A. K., Sudha, K., Aneesh, P. T., Piasecki, W., & Anilkumar, G.,(2016)."A case of persisting massive infection of Scomberomorus commerson, a commercially exploited scombrid fish, with Cybicola armatus (Copepoda: Siphonostomatoida: Pseudocycnidae).",Acta Parasitologica,61(4), 836-848

  34. Panakkool-Thamban, A., Kappalli, S., Kottarathil, H. A., & Gopinathan, A.,(2016)."Mothocya renardi (Bleeker, 1857) (Crustacea: Isopoda: Cymothoidae) parasitising Strongylura leiura (Bleeker, 1850) (Belonidae) off the Malabar coast of India: Redescription, occurrence and life-cycle.",Systematic Parasitology,93(6), 583-599

  35. Arshad, K., Sudha, K., Hatha, A. A. M., & Anilkumar, G.,(2015)."Combined effect of gamma irradiation and cold temperature storage on the sensory properties of edible estuarine crab Scylla serrata.",International Food Research Journal,22(6), 2253-2258

  36. Arshad, K., Sudha, K., Mohamed Hatha, A. A., Aneesh, P. T., Helna, A. K., & Anilkumar, G.,(2015)."Effect by Gamma Irradiation and Low‐Temperature Storage on Bacteriological Profile of Edible Estuarine Crab Scylla serrata.",Journal of Food Processing and Preservation,39(6), 2473-2484

  37. Thamban, A. P., Kappalli, S., Kottarathil, H. A., Gopinathan, A., & Paul, T. J.,(2015)."Cymothoa frontalis, a cymothoid isopod parasitizing the belonid fish Strongylura strongylura from the Malabar Coast (Kerala, India): redescription, description, prevalence and life cycle.",Zoological Studies,54(1), 42.

  38. Shyamal, S., Sudha, K., Gayathri, N., & Anilkumar, G,(2014)."The Y-organ secretory activity fluctuates in relation to seasons of molt and reproduction in the brachyuran crab, Metopograpsus messor (Grapsidae): Ultrastructural and immunohistochemical study",General and Comparative Endocrinology,196, 81-90

  39. Durica, D. S., Das, S., Najar, F., Roe, B., Phillips, B., Kappalli, S., & Anilkumar, G,(2014)."Alternative splicing in the fiddler crab cognate ecdysteroid receptor: Variation in receptor isoform expression and DNA binding properties in response to hormone.",General and Comparative Endocrinology,206, 80-95

  40. Aneesh, P. T., Sudha, K., Helna, A. K., Anilkumar, G., & Trilles, J. P.,(2014)."Multiple parasitic crustacean infestation on belonid fish Strongylura strongylura.",ZooKeys,(457), 339

  41. Aneesh, P. T., Sudha, K., Helna, A. K., Arshad, K., Anilkumar, G., & Trilles, J. P.,(2013)."Simultaneous multiple parasitic crustacean infestation on banded needlefish, Strongylura leiura (Belonidae) from the Malabar Coast, India",International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications,3(7), 367-375

  42. Helna, A. K., Aneesh, P. T., Arshad, K., & Sudha, K.,(2013)."Occurrence of Caligus sp. a parasitic Copepod (Crustacea) infesting the commercially exploited fishes along the Malabar cost.",Journal of Basic and Applied Biology,7(3), 28-30

  43. P.T. Aneesh, Kappalli Sudha, Keethadath Arshad, Gopinathan Anilkumar and Jean-Paul Trilles,(2013)."Seasonal fluctuation of the prevalence of cymothoids representing the genus Nerocila (Crustacea, Isopoda), parasitizing commercially exploited marine fishes from the Malabar Coast, India.",Acta Parasitologica,58 (1), 80-90

  44. Kappalli, S., Supriya, N. T., Krishnakumar, V., Gopinathan, A., & Chang, E. S,(2012)."Hemolymph ecdysteroid titers in a brachyuran crab (Uca triangularis) that concomitantly undergoes molting and reproduction",Zoological Studies,51, 966-976

  45. Xingqiang, W., Sudha, K., Cao, M., & Ma, S,(2010)."Effects of low salinity and low temperature on survival, growth, and energy budget of juvenile Exopalaemon carinicauda",Journal of shellfish Research,29(4), 1035-1042

  46. Sudha K., Supriya N.T., Krishnakumar K.V., Anilkumar G and Chang E.S.,(2009)."Serum ecdysteriod titre and synergistic programming of moulting and reproduction in a highly fecund crab Uca triangularis",Journal of fisheries of China,Supplement Volume: 33

  47. K. Sudha and G. Anilkumar (2007),(2007)."Elevated ecdysteroid titer and precocious molt and vitellogenesis induced by eyestalk ablation in the estuarine crab, Metopograpsus messor (Brachyura: Decapoda)",Journal of Crustacean Biology,27(2), 304-308

  48. Anilkumar, G., Sudha, K., & Subramoniam, T.,(1999)."Spermatophore transfer and sperm structure in the brachyuran crab Metopograpsus messor (Decapoda: Grapsidae)",Journal of Crustacean Biology,Anilkumar, G., Sudha, K., & Subramoniam, T. (1999). Spermatophore transfer and sperm structure in the brachyuran crab Metopograpsus messor (Decapoda: Grapsidae). Journal of Crustacean Biology, 19(2), 361-370 [Oxford Academic, IF: 1.43]

  49. Anilkumar, G., Sudha, K., Anitha, E., & Subramoniam, T,(1996)."Aspects of sperm metabolism in the spermatheca of the brachyuran crab Metopograpsus messor (Forskal).",Journal of Crustacean Biology,16(2)

  50. Sudha, K., & Anilkumar, G,(1996)."Seasonal growth and reproduction in a highly fecund brachyuran crab, Metopograpsus messor (Forskal) (Grapsidae).",Hydrobiologia,319(1), 15-21

  51. ,()."Sheeja CC, Ambali Anusri, Chacko Levna, Aneesh PM, Divya Lekha*, (2020). nanoparticles induce behavioral alteration and oxidative stress mediated cellular toxicity in the social insect Oecophylla smaragdina (Asian weaver ant), ",Journal of Hazardous Materials,Elsevier, 2020

  52. ,()."Martin MV, Venkatesan R, Beyline M, Limna Mol VP, Divya Lekha (2020). Influence of environmental factors on macrofoulant assemblages on moored buoys in the eastern Arabian Sea. ",PLoS ONE 15(1),2020

  53. ,()."Damodaran Arun, S. Sandhya, Mohammad Abdulkader Akbarsha, Oommen V. Oommen, Divya Lekha*(2020). An insight into the skin glands, dermal scales and secretions of the caecilian amphibian Ichthyophis beddomei",Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences, (Elsevier) ,2020

  54. ,()."Bisphenol A induced oxidative stress mediated genotoxicity in Drosophila melanogaster",Journal of Hazardous Materials, 15 May 2019, 370: 42-53

  55. ,()."Morphological abnormalities in natural populations of common frogs inhabiting agroecosystems of central Western Ghats",Applied Herpetology,01 Jan 2007, 4(1):39–45

  56. ,()."Effect of Malathion on Survival, Growth, and Food Consumption of Indian Cricket Frog (Limnonectus limnocharis) Tadpoles",Archives of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology ,07 December 2006, 52:251–256

  57. ,()."Lead modulated Heme synthesis inducing oxidative stress mediated Genotoxicity in Drosophila melanogaster",Science of The Total Environment,1 September 2018, 634: 628-639

  58. ,()."Oxidative stress-mediated genotoxicity of malathion in human lymphocytes",Mutation Research/Genetic Toxicology and Environmental Mutagenesis,January 2020, 849: 503138

  59. ,()."Malathion induced cancer-linked gene expression in human lymphocytes",Environmental Research , March 2020, 182:109131

  60. ,()."Impact of malathion stress on lipid metabolism in Limnonectus limnocharis",Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology,May 2007, 88 (1): 50-56

  61. ,()."Epigenetic alterations induced by aflatoxin B1: An in vitro and in vivo approach with emphasis on enhancer of zeste homologue-2/p21 axis",Science of The Total Environment,22 October 2020, 143175

  62. ,()."Nitrate-Induced Morphological Anomalies in the Tadpoles of Nyctibatrachus major and Fejervarya limnocharis (Anura: Ranidae)",Turkish Journal of Zoology,32 (2008) 239-244

  63. ,()."Effects of nitrate on feeding and resting of tadpoles of Nyctibatrachus major (Anura: Ranidae)",Australasian Journal of Ecotoxicology,2006, 12: 123-127.

  64. ,()."Hyperthermia enhances methyl methanesulfonate-induced adaptive response in meiotic cells of grasshopper Poecilocerus pictus ",Mutagenesis,May 2018, 33(3): 215–224.

  65. ,()."Inducible protective processes in animal systems XV: Hyperthermia enhances the Ethyl methanesulfonate induced adaptive response in meiotic cells of grasshopper Poecilocerus pictus",Egyptian Journal of Medical Human Genetics,April 2016, 17 (2): 173-184

  66. ,()."Changes in Sialic Acid Content of Jelly Coat in Pesticide-Exposed Frog Eggs and Their Influence on Fertilization",Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology ,23 April 2012, 749: 329-336

  67. ,()."Effect of Methyl Parathion on Survival and Development of Tadpoles of Indian Cricket frog Fejervarya limnocharis",Journal of Tropical Life Science,2016, 6(1): 41-46.

  68. ,()."Estimation of acute toxicity of malathion insecticide on tadpoles and adults of Rana (Limnonectus) limnocharis",Indian journal of comparative animal physiology,2003, 21:48-54

  69. ,()."Organophosphate pesticides–a major threat to anuran populations in an agroecosystem of Western Ghats, India",FrogLog ,October 2007, 83:8-9

  70. ,()."Effects of fungicide Dithane M 45 in Drosophila melanogaster on courtship behavior",Drosophila Information Service,2013, 96:94-98

  71. ,()."Convolvulus pluricaulis (Shankhapushpi) ameliorates human microtubule-associated protein tau (hMAPτ) induced neurotoxicity in Alzheimer’s disease Drosophila model",Journal of Chemical Neuroanatomy,January 2019, 95: 115-122

  72. ,()."Diversity and abundance of anurans in the cashew plantations in endosulfan sprayed areas of Kasaragod district, India. ",Proceedings of Biodiversity and Evaluation Paradigm Shift,2015, 79-81

  73. ,()."Withania somnifera (Ashwagandha) enhances antioxidant activities, extend lifespan and improves fitness trait of Drosophila melanogaster",Herbal Technology,March 2016, Conference: National Seminar on ‘Herbal Technology and Ethnobotany'At: Karwar

  74. ,()."Cricket frogs: morphological abnormalities",Herpetological Review,January 2008, 31(9): 77

  75. ,()."Pesticides and amphibian decline",Course material 1st SERC School in HerpetologyAt: North Orissa University,Jan 2008, 68-72

  76. ,()."",,

Department of Zoology

The department envisions a scholar community committed to translate the knowledge they gain and generate for the well-being of the humanity and the biodiversity, in which the Department plays its pivotal role of a modern organisation.

Department of Zoology
School of Biological Science
Tel Ph:0467-2309222,
Email: hod_zoology[at]cukerala[dot]ac[dot]in