Brief Profile
I obtained PhD in Zoology from the University of Calicut in 1993. I have 29 years of teaching experience at post-graduate level from 1994. Since March 2017, I have been serving as Professor at the Department of Zoology, School of Biological Science, Central University of Kerala. I have successfully completed four major research projects funded by International Foundation for Science (Stockholm, Sweden), BRNS, UGC, KSCSTE and SERB as Principal Investigator during the period from 2004-2020. Currently, I am the Principal Investigator of three Major research projects funded by KSCSTE, DST-RFBR and DST-JSPS. I have established international research collaboration with the institutions in UK, Russia, China, and Japan under international fellowships, including Commonwealth fellowship, TWAS fellowship, CAS-PIFI Visiting Scientist Fellowship and collaborative research projects including the DST-RFBR and DST-JSPS. I am the recipient of CAS-PIFI Visiting Scientist Fellowship (2015), CAS-TWAS Visiting Scholar Fellowship (2009 and 2011), Commonwealth Academic Staff Fellowship (2007), INSA Visiting Scientist Fellowship (2007) and IAS Summer Teacher Fellowship (2005) and University Post-Doctoral Fellowship (1994). My laboratory has also the research collaboration with Central Institute of Brackish water Aquaculture (CIBA-ICAR, Chennai) and Aquaculture Industry, ADCOS, Amazing Biotech, Puducherry through MoU.
My research focus is on Aquatic Animal Health-related aspects. I have worked on disease monitoring, host-parasite interactions and defence mechanisms of shellfish. I am interested in determining the growth-reproduction interaction via biochemical & endocrine regulation in crustaceans, biodiversity of parasitic isopods and copepods and their host-parasite interaction, and developing treatment strategies against several aquatic pathogens. My research findings were published as ̴ 47 research papers in peer-reviewed journals and 6 papers in conference proceedings, and two book chapters. I have presented 18 papers in the conferences held in India and abroad and guided eight PhD students. I have edited one book published by Springer. I am the Reviewer of many reputed international journals. I am currently mentoring seven doctoral students and one Post-Doctoral Fellow (DST-WoS).
I serve as a member of several professional and academic bodies of universities and government agencies. In honour of excellence in teaching, I have been awarded the prestigious Dr. P.K. Rajan Memorial Excellent Award (2012), Prof. Sivaprasad Memorial Award (2013) and St. Berchmans Award (2013) for Best College Teacher in Kerala. I organized one national-level Lecture-Workshop in Molecular Endocrinology in 2006 and eight DST-INSPIRE Internship Science Camps. Co-convener of the national level workshop on Aquacultural Biotechnology (2005), served as NSS Programme Officer during 2009-2012 and Co-ordinator of DST-INSPIRE Science Camp-2011-2019, Warden, Ladies hostel, CUK (2018-2021).