Department of Social Work

06 February 2025

Department: Social Work

       The Department of Social Work was started with a Master Programme in 2012. It was started as one among the department initiated at the university during its inception. The department aspires to become a centre of excellence in developing social work professionals for promoting justice and empowerment. With a judicious mix of theory and practice, the department has geared itself to be strong in teaching, research and learning. In the year 2016 the Ph.D programme is also initiated at the department.


       To become a center of excellence of learning, experience, research, training and services.


  • To provide a conducive environment for participatory learning
  • To promote a just and equitable society through research and provisioning of professional services.


  • To offer innovative teaching and learning in social work
  • To impart evidence based intervention at individual, groups and community level.
  • Inculcate skills to conceptualize research with policy implication.
  • Collaboration and co-operation with public, voluntary agencies, para-professionals for their capacity building.

Department of Social Work

The Department has well-equipped teaching laboratories including modern experimental setups for achieving high standards in learning.

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Recent Events
 Social Work Student’s Forum Session On Road Safety  

 Orientation on Better Life Foundation  

 Orientation on National Health Mission Adolescent Health Program  

 Orientation on Navajeevana Trust's Activities  

 Orientation about Pantech Migrant Suraksha Project  

 Orientation on District Legal Services Authority  

 Orientation about Akkara Foundation  

 Orientation about vital for Education  

 Orientation on Deshiya Seva Bharathi Keralam activities  

 Social Work Students Forum is organizing an interactive session on YOUTH ACTION AGAINST HUMAN TRAINING   

 Department of Social Work Organizes an interactive session " Know Dementia,Know Alzheimer's "  

 Central University of Kerala in collaboration with Shreyas SPC & Department of Women and Child Development is organising a webinar on 'The Dowry Prohibition Act 1961'  

 Class on Alternative Education with introduction to their new initiative 'Uyare Project'  

 Department of Social Work, Central University of Kerala in association with DMHP (District Mental Health Program) is organizing an interactive session on "Stress Management"  

 "LIFE SKILL TRAINING" based on activities and games for the students of 8th to 12th standard.  

 Talk and discussion on the topic VIOLENCE AND BULLYING OF LGBTQIA+ COMMUNITIES  

 International Webinar on Challenges in Social Work Profession  

 Historical search of kannada drama by Prof K Y Narayana Swami on 28th July 2021 at 5 pm  

 The Social Work Students Forum is organising an interactive session on 'Dowry and Social Perception'  

 The Social Work Students Forum is organising a talk and discussion on the topic 'Green Menstruation'  

 Final Result of PhD interview held on 11th and 12th February 2021  

Department of Social Work

The Department has well-equipped teaching laboratories including modern experimental setups for achieving high standards in learning.


Department of Social Work

The Department has well-equipped teaching laboratories including modern experimental setups for achieving high standards in learning.

Prof. Mohan A K
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Dr. Nagalingam. M
Associate Professor
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Dr. Jilly John
Assistant Professor
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Dr. Dilip Diwakar G
Assistant Professor
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Dr. Laxmi
Assistant Professor
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Dr. Rajendra Baikady, Ph.D.FRSA
Assistant Professor
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Department of Social Work

The Department has well-equipped teaching laboratories including modern experimental setups for achieving high standards in learning.

  1. Mohammed Zaber Hossain, Md Shamimul Islam, Isahaque Ali, Rajendra Baikady, Azlinda Azman & Muhammed Kabir Uddin,(2024)."The interplay of religious values, servant leadership and teacher job satisfaction in Bangladeshi education institutions",Discover Global Society,1.2

  2. Jarosław Przeperski, Rajendra Baikady,(2024)."The Routledge International Handbook of Social Work Teaching",The Routledge International Handbook of Social Work Teaching,1

  3. Jarosław Przeperski, Rajendra Baikady,(2024)."Introduction: Teaching Social Work in Contemporary Global Society",The Routledge International Handbook of Social Work Teaching,1

  4. Rajendra Baikady, John Gal, Varoshini Nadesan, Sajid S.M., Gao Jianguo,(2023)."The Routledge Handbook of Poverty in the Global South",The Routledge Handbook of Poverty in the Global South,1

  5. Rajendra Baikady, John Gal, Varoshini Nadesan, Sajid S.M., Gao Jianguo,(2023)."Introduction: Producing Poor and Naming Them – Globalization and Neoliberalism in the Global South",The Routledge Handbook of Poverty in the Global South,1

  6. Koustab Majumdar, Rajendra Baikady, Ashok Antony D'Souza,(2023)."Indigenization Discourse in Social Work- International Perspectives",Indigenization Discourse in Social Work - International Perspectives,0

  7. Koustab Majumdar, Rajendra Baikady, Ashok Antony D'Souza,(2023)."Understanding Indigenous Social Work Education and Practice: Local and Global Debates",Indigenization Discourse in Social Work,1

  8. Koustab Majumdar, Rajendra Baikady, Ashok Antony D'Souza,(2023)."Indigenous Social Work Education for the Global South",Indigenization Discourse in Social Work,1

  9. Koustab Majumdar, Rajendra Baikady, Ashok Antony D'Souza,(2023)."Interconnectedness and Cocreating Indigenous Social Work: Collaborative Approach and Future Directions for Sustainable Development",Indigenization Discourse in Social Work,1

  10. Rajendra Baikady, Jarosław Przeperski , Rebecca Scott, and Brian J. Taylor,(2023)."Access to help in intimate partner violence: systematic narrative review",European Social Work Research,1–20

  11. Rajendra Baikady,Nadesan Varoshini &Gao Jianguo,(2023)."Understanding social work education in China - a field snapshot",Social Work Education,00

  12. Claudia Reyes-Quilodrán, Rajendra Baikady,(2023)."Latin American Social Work in the Justice System",Latin American Social Work in the Justice System,00

  13. Claudia Reyes-Quilodrán, Rajendra Baikady,(2023)."Latin American Social Work Practice in the Justice System",Latin American Social Work in the Justice System,00

  14. Rajendra Baikady,(2023)."Inaugural editorial post COVID-19 global society: issues, challenges and edging forward",Discover Global Society,1,1-10

  15. Baikady, R. & Przeperski J.,,(2022)."‘Foreword’, in Matusitz, J. From Child Terrorism to Peace Activism.",Cham: Springer, Nature.,00,00

  16. Jaroslaw Przeperski and Rajendra Baikady,(2022)."‘Foreword’, in Arnold, M. Social Work Leadership and Management: Current Approaches and Concepts for Human Service Institutions.",Cham: Springer, Nature.,00,00

  17. Rajendra Baikady, Jaroslaw Przeperski,(2022)."Routledge Series in Social Work and Society",Book Series, Routledge, New York & New Delhi.,00,00

  18. Visakh Visawambaran and Dilip Diwakar G,(2022)."Learning Outcomes of Employing Media Deconstruction in Indian Magazines",Journal of Media and Communication (CARE List),6 (1), 118-141

  19. Rajendra Baikady, Varoshini Nadesan and Gao Jianguo,(2022)."What Brings People to the Social Work Classroom: A Comparative Perspective from India and China",Social Work Education, The International Journal. Tailor and Francis /Routledge (Scopus),00,1-17

  20. Visakh Visawambaran and Dilip Diwakar G,(2021)."Policy directions and Public Choices in Direct Cash Transfer Programme of PDS",The Indian Journal of Social Work (Scopus),Vol 82, Issue 4, pp 503-518

  21. Aneesh M. S. & John Jilly,(2021)."The Contribution of Psychological Issues in the Life of Homosexual Men in Kerala- Step wise Regression Analysis.",NIU International Journal of Human Rights,8, XXII 76-84

  22. Rajendra Baikady, Jaroslaw Przeperski, Sajid S.M, Gao Jianguo,(2021)."Springer Series in International Social Work",Book Series, Springer United States,00,00

  23. Andria John & Laxmi,(2021)."Indigenous women’s Contribution towards Environment Sustainability through Conservation Measures in India",Kalyan Bharathi,Volume – 36 No. (V) Page No.208-213

  24. Swasthik A S & Laxmi,(2021)."Preservation and Protection of Indigenous Health Practices Among Koraga Community, Kalyan Bharathi",Kalyan Bharathi,Volume – 36 No. (V), Page No.208-213

  25. Akhila, K.P., & Jilly John,(2021)."The Impact of COVID-19 on Children and Adolescents: An Indian Perspectives and Reminiscent Model",International Journal of Aquatic Science,Vol 12, Issue 02

  26. Mani K. J & Jilly John,(2021)."Reflections of Satisfaction and Expectations in Parental Life",Turkish Online Journal of Qualitative Inquiry,Volume 12, Issue 5

  27. Visakh Visvambaran and Dilip Diwakar G,(2021)."Intersectional pedagogy for gender transformation among graduate students in India: A case study from Kerala",Social Sciences & Humanities Open (Elsevier, Science Direct),4 (1), 100170, pp 1-19

  28. Amin P, & Mohan A.K. ,(2021)."Efficiency and outcome of healing practices performed by spirit dancers in healing mental illness – a patient’s perspective.",Journal of Evolution of Medical and Dental Sciences ,10(11): 6808-6813

  29. Rajendra Baikady, Cheng Shengli and Gao Jianguo,(2021)."Serving the state or serving the People? - Dilemma of Social Work Graduates in Mainland China",Critical and Radical Social Work (Policy Press, Bristol),9,219–235

  30. Rajendra Baikady, Jaroslaw Przeperski, Sajid S.M,(2021)."Springer Series in Social Work and Social Change",Book Series, Springer Nature, United States,00,00

  31. Rajendra Baikady, Jaroslaw Przeperski, Sajid S.M, Gao Jianguo,(2021)."SpringerBriefs in International Social Work",Book Series, Springer Nature, United States,00,00

  32. Rajendra Baikady, Jaroslaw Przeperski, Sajid S.M,(2021)."SpringerBriefs in Social Work and Social Change",Book Series, Springer Nature, United States,00,00

  33. Rajendra Baikady,(2020)."Organized crime and corruption across borders - exploring the belt and road initiative (Book Review)",The Social Science Journal. Tailor and Francis /Routledge (Scopus),00,1-2

  34. Aneesh M. S. & Jilly John,(2020)."A Reason to Rejoice – The Empowerment of Transgender Women in Kerala",IASSI Quarterly: Contributions to Indian Social Science,Vol. 39, No. 4, 665-683

  35. Anoop C Choolayil & Laxmi,(2020)."COVID-19, The Local and The Global Lessons From Kerala",South Asia Research (SAR), SAGE,Vol.41 (1): 1-15

  36. Jilly John, Rifa & Aneesh M.S,(2020)."Knowledge of Tribes on Psychosocial Problems among Tribal Communities in Kerala",International Journal of Advanced Research and Review,5(10), 66-76

  37. Akhila, K.P., & Jilly John,(2020)."Impact of Pandemic on Child Protection -A Response to COVID-19",Wesleyan Journal of Research,13(14),10-18

  38. Mani K. J & Jilly John,(2020)."The Need and Importance of Parenting Education",PEARL Multidisciplinary Journal,Vol.: 6, No.2, 117-132

  39. Dilip Diwakar G, Visakh Visawambaran,(2020)."Introducing Privilege & Oppression in Classrooms",Journal of Indian Education (CARE List),46 (2), 94-111

  40. Rajendra Baikady and Cheng Shengli,(2020)."Challenges for social work education in China: findings from three metropolises",Social Work Education, The International Journal. Tailor and Francis /Routledge (Scopus),41,34-49

  41. Amin, P., & Mohan, A.K.,(2020)." Knowledge of Indigenous healers on mental health problems. ",Journal of Critical Reviews,7(14), 2403-2409

  42. Raneesh C., & Mohan, A.K. ,(2020)."Modernisation of Childcare Workforce in India: A Way to Deinstitutionalisation.", Institutionalised Children Explorations and Beyond,7(2) 159–169.

  43. Anoop C Choolayil, Laxmi Putran,Vishnu K Santhosh, Krithika Venugopal, Joslin T Joseph Ramanand K & Molankal Gangabhushan,(2020)."A Multinational Study on Stress, Burnout and Resilience among Health Care Professionals Working with COVID-19 Patients",Journal of Social Work and Social Development, UGC Care Listed,Volume 11, Number 01 81-97

  44. Laxmi & Anoop C Choolayil,(2020)."Ageism among Undergraduate Students: Do Grandparents make a Difference? ",Indian Journal of Gerontology ,Vol. 34, No. 3 pp. 333–342

  45. Rajendra Baikady, Cheng Shengli and Chanaveer R.M,(2020)."Eight decades of existence and search for an identity: educators perspectives on social work education in contemporary India",Social Work Education, The International Journal. Tailor and Francis /Routledge (Scopus),40, 994-1009

  46. Gao Jianguo, Rajendra Baikady, Sajid S.M, Wang Yuxiang,(2020)."Teaching Poverty in the Social Work Classroom- perspectives from the Global South and Policy Implications (Special Issue Editorial)",Social Work & Society,18,1-10

  47. Rajendra Baikady and Cheng Shengli,(2020)."Let Us Be Influenced but Not Dominated by The West- Students' Perspectives on Social Work Development in India",Journal of Social Work Education and Practice(Web of Science, SSCI),5(2)18-34

  48. Laxmi & Anoop C Choolayil,(2020)."Music Therapy: A Catalyst for Promoting Well Being of Institutionalized Seniors ",Indian Journal of Gerontology ,Vol. 34, No. 3

  49. Nair, I., & Mohan, A.K. ,(2020)." Social care and wellbeing for adolescent girls: Need of the hour. ",Purakala,31(17), 272-278.

  50. Amaladevi, Mohan, A.K.,Nair, I., & Amin, P. ,(2020)."Adaptive and maladaptive perfectionism and its effects prevailing in Adolescents. ",Purakala,31(17), 810-818.

  51. Rajendra Baikady,(2020)."Where Academia and Policy Meet- a Cross-National Perspective on the Involvement of Social Work Academics in Social Policy (book Review).",International Journal of Community and Social Development, (SAGE).,2, 99–101

  52. Aneesh M. S. & Jilly John,(2020)."Violence against Female to Male (F to M) Transsexuals and the Social Support Systems in Kerala",Studies in Indian Place Names,Vol. 40 Issue 84, PP: 293-308

  53. Akhila, K.P., & Jilly John,(2020)."Dimensionality and Psychometric Characteristics of Psychosocial Adjustment (PSA) Tool for Survivors of Sexual Abuse",Studies in Indian Place Names,40(70), 4309-4327

  54. Amin, P., & Mohan, AK.,(2020)." Suicidal behaviour: A knowledge assessment of adolescents. ",Studies in Indian Place Name, 40(70), 3816-3830.

  55. Dilip Diwakar G, Renjith R. Pillai,(2019)."Implementation of DBT to ensure Food Security: A Case Study of PDS in Puducherry, India",Journal of Social Work and Social Development, UGC CARE List,Volume 10, Number 01, pp 16-33

  56. Sreehari E., Mohan, A. K., & Indu Nair.,(2019)."Impact and Prevalence of Electronic Gadgets on Life style among University Students. ",Adelaide Journal of Social Work. ,6(1),38-51.

  57. Mohan A.K,(2019)."Skill Training for Youth Development: Understanding from the perspective of trained employed youth of Mysuru. ",Review of Research, 8(9)1-7.

  58. Prakasha & Mohan. AK. ,(2019)."Indigenous healing and Beneficiaries’ Perception. ",Research Review, International Journal of Multidisciplinary., 04(06).494-499.

  59. Raneesh C.,& Mohan A.K,(2019)."Tracing the Evolutionary Journey of the Concept of Child.",Educere-BCM Journal of Social Work,15(1), 38-44

  60. Dilip Diwakar G, Nitin Tagage and Sandeep Sharma,(2019)."Social Inclusiveness of National Food Security Bill: Issues and Concerns",Productivity,Vol 60 (3), pp 292-302

  61. Akhila, K.P., & Jilly John,(2019)."Deprivation of Social Justice among sexually abused girls: a background study",International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews,Volume 6, Issue 2, P: 645-656.

  62. Jilly John, Krishna Prasad & Aneesh M. S,(2019)."Addressing the Psychosocial Threats for the wellbeing of tribes in Kerala,",International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research,Volume 6, Issue 2 (XXXIII), P:81-90.

  63. Kavitha M.R., & Mohan. AK.,(2019)."Vulnerability of the Solid Waste Collectors’ (Household waste collectors) Good Health and well-being: With reference to Bengaluru City, Karnataka, India. ",International Journal of Applied Social Science.,6(4),817-823.

  64. Rajendra Baikady, Cheng Shengli and Chanaveer R.M,(2019)."Politics of Social Welfare: A Comparison of Social Work Curriculum and Pedagogy in India and China",Contemporary Chinese Political Economy and Strategic Relations: An International Journal (CCPS)(Scop,5,173-209

  65. Laxmi & Jayachandran MR,(2019)."Distress among Parents of Type 1 of Diabetes Mellitus ",Perspectives in Social Work,Vol.XXXIV (No.1)

  66. Rajendra Baikady,(2019)."Police Corruption in Comparative Perspective- Building Trust in the Police in India and China (book review)",China Information (Web of Science, SSCI),35,114-115

  67. Akhila, K.P., & Jilly John,(2019)."Care and protection of sexually abused girls: An overview of Integrated Child protection Scheme",International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research,Volume 6, Issue 1(XIII),

  68. Revathi., Mohan, A. K. , Indu Nair., & Raneesh. N,(2019).".Adolescent Tribal Girls awareness on Menstrual Hygiene and Sanitation. ",Adelaide Journal of Social Work. 6(1),93-103. (ISSN: 2349-4123),6(1),93-103

  69. Raneesh C., & Mohan, A.K.,(2019)."Reluctance to register Under the JJ Act among Child Care Institutions in Malappuram District of Kerala. ",Human Rights for Children& youth: Socio-Cultural Differentiation, Resistance and Unity Social Studie, 24,221-233.

  70. Aneesh M. S. & Jilly John,(2018)."The Challenges due to social exclusion of homosexual men in Kerala",Shodhaytan,Volume V, Issue X, P: 1-10.

  71. Dilip Diwakar G, Vinod Mishra, Sanghmitra S. Acharya,(2018)."Reproductive and Sexual Health Education: Addressing Challenges of Physiological Changes among Adolescents",Indian Anthropologist,48 (1) 13-30

  72. Laxmi & Anoop C Choolayil,(2018)."Integrating Elderly into Community: A Socio-Economic Model",Indian Journal of Gerontology , 2018al of Gerontology ,Vol.3 2 No.4

  73. Aneesh M. S. & Jilly John,(2018)."Problems and prejudices of men who have sex with men (MSM) in India",, International Journal of Creative Research Thoughts,Volume 6, Issue 1, p: 1444-1455.

  74. Dash, G., & Mohan, A. K.,(2018)."Promoting Healthy and Eco- Friendly School through students’ participation. ",Indian Journal of Public Health Research & Development; An International Journal,9(3), 59-64

  75. Prasieja, J.K., & Mohan, A.K.,(2018)."Teachers’ and School Counsellors’ Awareness on POCSO Act. ",Deeksha – BI- Annual Journal of Social Work,16(1),19-24.

  76. Akshatha K., & Mohan, A.K.(2018). ,(2018)."Psycho-social problems among Adolescent Students and need for school Counselling Services. ",Journal of Media and Social Development. Special Issues,2018/3, 14-21

  77. Jilly John,(2018)."Knowledge and attitude of university students towards substance abuse in Kerala",International Journal of Research Culture Society,Special Issue – 14

  78. Mani K. J & Jilly John,(2017)."Role of Social Workers in Prevention of Juvenile Crimes in Kerala: A Paradigm Shift",South Asian Journal of Participative Development,Vol.: 17, No.2, p: 34-44.

  79. Dash, G., & Mohan, A. K.,(2017)."Education for sustainability: Perception of teachers and practices in urban primary schools of Mysore. ",Gyanodaya-The Journal of Progressive Education, 10(2), 09-17.

  80. Dash, G., & Mohan, A. K. ,(2017)." Impact of whole house approach and strategic environment education on environment responsible behaviour, concern for environment and environment knowledge. ",International Journal of Research in Social Sciences,07(10), 561-573

  81. Mohan, A. K., & D’Souza, V. V. ,(2017)."Human Rights of the Deep Sea Fishermen at Malpe Fishing Port. ",Research Discourse: An International Referred Research Journal,, 4(15), 29-31.

  82. Akshatha K.,& Mohan, A.K. ,(2017)."Stakeholders’ Opinion on Psycho-Social Issues of Adolescents. ",International Journal of Arts, Science and Humanity ,05(4), 10-15

  83. D’Souza, V. V., & Mohan, A. K.,(2017)." Social security concerns of the migrant labourers at fisheries sector. ",International Journal of Research in Social Sciences,07(09), 83-95.

  84. Dash, G., & Mohan, A. K .,(2017)."Strengthening eco-clubs and maintaining eco- schools: Reflections of students and teachers. ",Adelaide Journal of Social Work,04(01), 45-54.

  85. Rajendra Baikady, Venkat Pulla and Channaveer R.M,(2017)."Rural poverty and Social Work –Three Models",International Journal of Social work and Human Service Practice,5, 25-28

  86. Rajendra Baikady and Chanaveer R.M,(2017)."Towards Building Sustainable Development in Asia- Social Work Approach",Indian Journal of Sustainable Development,3,20-29

  87. Laxmi,(2017)."Social Work Practice in Hospital Setting with Special Reference to Nephrology Department",DEEKHA, a bi-annual Peer Reviewed Journal of Social Work, ISSN:2250 3919,Vol.15 (2)

  88. D’Souza, V. V., & Mohan, A. K. ,(2017)."Occupational stress faced by the deep sea fishermen at Mangalore port of coastal Karnataka. ",International Journal of Applied Research,03(06), 1178-1182.

  89. Karanth, A., & Mohan, A. K. ,(2017)."Parents’ opinion about the challenges faced by adolescents.", International Journal of Research – Granthaalayah,05(06), 211-222.

  90. Laxmi,(2017)."Impact of Hygiene Awareness Module among Self Help Group Members",International Journal of Research- Granthaalayah ,Vol.5 Issue.6

  91. Laxmi,(2017)."Role of sanitation awareness workshop in enhancing the knowledge and awareness among self-help group members",International Journal of Applied Research ,Vol.3 Issue 7, 2011 t0 215

  92. Venkat Pulla, Rajendra Baikady, Channaveer R.M,(2017)."Social Work Students Perception of Peace and Social Justice",International Journal of Innovation, Creativity and Change (Scopus),3,87-104

  93. Rajendra Baikady, Cheng Shengli and Chanaveer R.M,(2016)."Social Work Students Field Work Experience in Bhutan: A Qualitative Study",Asian Journal of Development and Governance,2, 65-82

  94. Mohan, A. K,(2016)."Understanding employees’ views to bridge skills gap: A study in Mysuru city. ",Deeksha - An Annual Journal of Social Work. ,14(02), 17-25.

  95. Dilip Diwakar G, Vanessa Peter,(2016)."Resettlement of Urban Poor in Chennai, Tamil Nadu: Concerns in R&R Policy and Urban Housing Programme",Journal of Land and Rural Studies,4(1) 97-110

  96. Madar, S. & Mohan, A. K. ,(2016)."Out-migration of Lambani community: An observation.", International Journal of Multidiscipline Educational Research, ),05(4.1), 175-184.

  97. Mohan, A. K.,(2016)." Opinion of youth on issues and challenges related to employment: A study in Mysore city.", International Journal of Research – Granthaalayah,04(04), 1-7.

  98. Madar, S., & Mohan, A. K. ,(2016)."Awareness on sexual transmission infections (STIs) among sexual minorities in Mysuru city: An exploratory study. ",IRA International Journal of Educational and Multidisciplinary Studies,03(01), 54-66.

  99. Laxmi,(2016)."Assessment of Current level of Compliance to COTPA (The Cigarette and Other Tobacco Product Act) 2003 in Mysore district of State of Karnataka",Indian Journal of Preventive, curative and Community Medicine,Vol. 2(1), Page No: 11-15

  100. Mohan, A. K., & Dash, G. ,(2016)."Perception of youth on marriage practices: A study in Dodda Birana Kuppe gram panchayat, H D Kote Taluk, Mysuru district. ",International Journal of Research – Granthaalayah, ,04(03), 42-52.

Department of Social Work

The Department has well-equipped teaching laboratories including modern experimental setups for achieving high standards in learning.


Department of Social Work

The Department has well-equipped teaching laboratories including modern experimental setups for achieving high standards in learning.

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Department of Social Work

The Department has well-equipped teaching laboratories including modern experimental setups for achieving high standards in learning.

Department: Social Work
School of Social Science(SSS)
Tel Ph:0467-2309372,
Email: hod[dot]socialwork[at]cukerala[dot]ac[dot]in