Department of Public Health and Community Medicine

06 February 2025

Department of Public Health and Community Medicine

The Department of Public Health & Community Medicine (PH & CM) established in the year 2016 under the School of Medicine & Public Health, Central University of Kerala (CUK) is envisaged as an academic, and research-based university department that nurtures public health professionals as relevant to the needs of the country.. The flagship academic programme of the Department is a two-year (4-Semesters) full-time Master of Public Health (MPH), popularly known as Cu Kerala MPH with competencies on Health Systems and Epidemiology. The doctoral programme in Public Health that commenced in 2017at the Department has a strong blend of theory and practice of public health. The Department also aspires to establish short term public health professional development programmes (PDP) on diverse fields of public health in the near future.

Department of Public Health and Community Medicine

This department will be integral in developing a people-centric public health approach by positioning it as a centre for excellence in Public Health education, training and research in South India.

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Department of Public Health and Community Medicine

This department will be integral in developing a people-centric public health approach by positioning it as a centre for excellence in Public Health education, training and research in South India.

MPH Programme Goal and Outcome

The goal of CU Kerala MPH programme is to build necessary knowledge, competencies, attitude, and skills among the graduates who would proactively contribute in strengthening health systems and address contemporary and future public health challenges at the local, regional and international levels. People centric approaches guided with epidemiological methods with a health system focus will be the focus of the MPH programme owing to the principles of public health, namely, population, prevention and social justice. On completion of the programme our graduates will be able to:

  • I.Demonstrate the fundamentals of public health practice and will be able to appreciate and use the theories and skills of the sub-disciplines such as epidemiology, bio-statistics, social sciences, health systems, research methods and programme management.
  • II. Develop understanding of interrelationships between multitude of factors (medical, social, environmental, behavioural, economic and political) that can impact health of individuals and communities within a societal perspective.
  • III. Apply public health concepts, principles, standards and methodologies that would address challenges experienced by individuals and communities across diverse populations including vulnerable communities.
Course Credits and Contents

The MPH programme consists of 72 Credits, of which 60 and 12 credits are offered through core and elective courses respectively. The students have the option to take in-house electives offered by the Dept. of Public Health & Community Medicine, or any other Department in the Central University of Kerala or offered by the SWAYAM MOOC courses approved by the BoS only.

  • Semester- I consist of 21 credits;
  • Semester- II consist of 20 Credits;
  • Semester-III consist of 17 Credits; and
  • Semester -IV consist of 14 credits.

The programme is structured employing a multi-disciplinary curriculum. The courses included in this programme focus on; health research methodology, bio-statistics, demography, epidemiology of chronic and infectious disease, nutrition, data analytics, Information communication technology (ICT), programme management, health promotion, health inequity, environmental and occupational health, economics and finance, health legislation and research ethics, equity, and social sciences. In addition, all students are required to complete a Dissertation (undertake a primary research of public health importance) and undertake an Internship in a reputed health organization in India serving public health.

[Note: As per UGC’s Choice Based Credit Systems (CBCS) guidelines, one Credit is defined as one hour of lecture or 2-4 hours of laboratory/field work in a week. Each Semester has approximately 16 weeks with a minimum of 90 instructional days]

Eligibility for Admission into MPH Programme (Academic year 2021 onwards)

Bachelor’s degree in the following disciplines is eligible: Medicine / AYUSH / Dentistry / Veterinary Sciences/ Nursing/ Allied Health Sciences / Life Sciences / Statistics / Biostatistics / Demography / Population Studies / Nutrition / Sociology / Psychology / Anthropology / Social Work/ Engineering/ Bio-medical sciences/ Law/ Management Studies/ Public Policy & Administration/ Economics. No upper age limits.

Teaching Methodology

A variety of teaching and learning techniques, including classroom and online lectures, case studies, seminar presentations, experiential learning, group work, field visit, field survey, collaborative learning, group discussions, self-study, take home assignments, hands-on computers/software, organizational visits to health organization etc., will be employed.


As per CBCS guidelines, all courses (except MOOC) will be evaluated for 100 marks with a Continuous Evaluation (CA) component of 40 marks and End-Semester Evaluation (ESA) component of 60 marks. For CA, maximum 4 and minimum 2 examinations are permitted. The MOOC courses will be delivered and evaluated as per the offering host institutions.

Course Structure in MPH Programme

Master of Public Health

PhD in Public Health

Department of Public Health and Community Medicine

This department will be integral in developing a people-centric public health approach by positioning it as a centre for excellence in Public Health education, training and research in South India.

Prof. Mathew George
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Dr. Praveen Balabaskaran Nina
Associate Professor
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Dr. Elezebeth Mathews
Assistant Professor
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Dr. Sibasis Hense
Assistant Professor
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Dr. Prakash Babu Kodali
Assistant Professor
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Dr. Jayalakshmi Rajeev
Assistant Professor
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Department of Public Health and Community Medicine

This department will be integral in developing a people-centric public health approach by positioning it as a centre for excellence in Public Health education, training and research in South India.

  1. Priyanka Kerketta, Karthika Maniyara, Edukondal Palle, Prakash Babu Kodali,(2024)."Exploring health worker absenteeism at public healthcare facilities in Chhattisgarh, India",Primary Health Care Research & Development,25

  2. Mathew George,(2024)."Policy paralysis, a weakened public health sector",The Hindu,The Hindu Opinion page

  3. Mohanty AK, Mazumdar D, Govekar A, De'souza C, Mohapatra A, Balabaskaran Nina P,(2024)."Anopheles jamesii Supports Plasmodium vivax Sporogony under Laboratory Conditions.",Am J Trop Med Hyg,Sep 10:tpmd240267

  4. C Vanlalhriata, Lalpianpuii, Phibahunlang T Wankhar, Pooja T Prakash, Christiana Amarthaluri, Lalfakzuala Pautu, Vanramliana, Pachuau Lalmalsawma, Prakash Babu Kodali, Karuppusamy Balasubramani & Praveen Balabaskaran Nina,(2024)."Assessment of knowledge, attitude, and practices toward malaria in the Lunglei district, Mizoram, North-East India",Malaria Journal,Volume 23, article number 236

  5. Vanlalhriata C, Lalpianpuii, Wankhar PT, Prakash PT, Amarthaluri C, Pautu L, Vanramliana, Lalmalsawma P, Kodali PB, Balasubramani K, Balabaskaran Nina P,(2024)."Assessment of knowledge, attitude, and practices toward malaria in the Lunglei district, Mizoram, North-East India.",Malaria Journal,Aug 7;23(1):236.

  6. Balasubramani K, Bharti PK, Amarthaluri C, Chellappan S, Behera SK, Mohanty AK, Sarma DK, Dash AP, Balabaskaran Nina P,(2024)."Spatiotemporal Epidemiology of Malaria in India from 2007 to 2022.",Am J Trop Med Hyg.,tpmd230688

  7. Fogawat, Kavita; Keswani, Jyoti; Sharma, Hemanshu; Tewani, Gulab R; Kodali, Prakash B; Nair, Pradeep M. K.,(2024)."Randomized controlled trial investigating the role of yoga at workplace in improving fatigue, burnout, pain, strength, and quality of life among blue-collar workers",Journal of Education and Health Promotion,13(1):152

  8. GBD collaborators (Including Elezebeth Mathews),(2024)."Global, regional, and national burden of disorders affecting the nervous system, 1990–2021: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021.",Lancet Neurology,23(4): 344-381

  9. GBD collaborators (Including Elezebeth Mathews),(2024)."Global, regional, and national burden of neck pain, 1990–2020, and projections to 2050: a systematic analysis of the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021.",Lancet Rheumatology,6 (3), e142-e155

  10. Ritupriya, Sayan Das, Unnikrishnan Payapallimana, John Porter, George, M; Carolyn Stephens, Jose Siri,(2024)."Editorial: Urban Health and Planning in the 21st Century: Bridging Across the Formal and Informal Using an Eco-Social Lens",Frontiers in Public Health,12

  11. Ajeet Kumar Mohanty, Abhishek Govekar, Charles de Souza, Abhipsa Mohapatra, Malapati Kuppuswamy Janarthanam, Raja Vukanti, Justin J Montemarano, Praveen Balabaskaran Nina,(2024)."Evaluating the carnivorous efficacy of Utricularia aurea (Lamiales: Lentibulariaceae) on the larval stages of Anopheles stephensi, Culex quinquefasciatus, and Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae)",Journal of Medical Entomology,tjae038

  12. GBD collaborators (Including Elezebeth Mathews),(2024)."Temporal patterns of cancer burden in Asia, 1990–2019: a systematic examination for the Global Burden of Disease 2019 study.",The Lancet RegionalHealth-Southeast Asia,NA

  13. Balasubramani K, Ravichandran V, Prasad KA, Ramkumar M, Shekhar S, James MM, Kodali NK, Behera SK, Gopalan N, Sharma RK, Sarma DK, Santosh M, Dash AP and Balabaskaran Nina P.,(2024)."Spatio-temporal epidemiology and associated indicators of COVID-19 (wave-I and II) in India.",Scientific Reports,Sci Rep. 2024 Jan 2;14(1):220.

  14. Thottasseri Haseena, Sibasis Hense, Prakash Babu Kodali, Kavumpurathu Raman Thankappan,(2024)."Consumption of packaged food and associated factors among adults aged 18–30 years: a cross-sectional study in Kerala",Nutrition & Food Science,Vol. 54 No. 1, pp. 151-163

  15. Naveen Kumar Pulicherla, Prakash Babu Kodali,(2023)."Tobacco Imagery in Indian Over-the-Top (OTT) Media and Its Compliance With Existing Tobacco Laws: A Content Analysis",Nicotine & Tobacco Research,Online First

  16. Global Burden of Cardiovascular Diseases and Risks Collaborators (including Elezebeth Mathews),(2023)."Global Burden of Cardiovascular Diseases and Risks, 1990-2022",Journal of American College of Cardiology,na

  17. Mathew George,(2023)."Social determinants of health of ashram school girls in Maharashtra India",contemporary voice of dalit,online

  18. Vanramliana, Pautu L, Lalmalsawma P, Rosangkima G, Sarma DK, Chinza H, Malvi Y, Kodali NK, Amarthaluri C, Balasubramani K, Balabaskaran Nina P,(2023)."Epidemiology of scrub typhus and other rickettsial infections (2018–22) in the hyper-endemic setting of Mizoram, North-East India",PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases,17(11): e0011688.

  19. Ubbla, Sparjan Raj; Kodali, Prakash Babu; Thankappan, Kavumpurathu Raman,(2023)."Depressive Disorders and Associated Factors among Farmers in Andhra Pradesh: Results from a Cross-Sectional Study",Indian Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine,27(3):p 235-240

  20. Sebastian D, Joseph J, Mathews Elezebeth,(2023)."The prevalence and correlates of comorbidities among patients with cancer attending a tertiary care cancer center in South India: An analytical cross-sectional study.",Cancer Research, Statistics, and Treatment,6(4):p 526-533

  21. Sebastian D, Joseph J, Mathews Elezebeth,(2023)."The prevalence and correlates of comorbidities among patients with cancer attending a tertiary care cancer center in South India: An analytical cross-sectional study.",Cancer Research, Statistics, and Treatment,6(4):p 526-533

  22. Prakash Babu Kodali, Wapangjungla Longchar, Naveen Kumar Pulicherla, Kavumpurathu Raman Thankappan,(2023)."Chewing tobacco use among pregnant women in India: Analysis of national family health surveys",European Journal of Obstetrics & Gynecology and Reproductive Biology,289; 79-84

  23. Verma, M., Moudgil, N., Goel, G., Pardeshi, P., Joseph, J., Kumar, N., Singh, K., Singh, H., & Kodali, P. B.,(2023)."People's perceptions on COVID-19 vaccination: an analysis of twitter discourse from four countries.",Scientific Reports,13(1), 14281

  24. Mohammed Parisa Abdul Arshad, Elezebeth Mathews , Sandeep Gopinathan, Kavumpurathu R Thankappan,(2023)."Diabetes Health Literacy, Drug Adherence and Factors Associated with Them among Urban Patients in Kerala, India",Journal of Postgraduate Medicine, Education and Research,57:3

  25. Baliyeri P Jeena, Prakash Babu Kodali, Wapangjungla Longchar, Sibasis Hense,(2023)."Patterns and determinants of aerated drinks consumption among adolescents in India: analysis of National Family Health Survey-5 (2019-2021) data",Nutrition & Food Science,ahead-of-print

  26. Mk P, Kodali PB, Tewani GR, Sharma H, Nagarkar A,(2023)."Physiological and Psychological Effects of Medically Supervised Fasting in Young Female Adults: An Observational Study",Cureus Journal of Medical Science,15(7)

  27. Biji P Varkey, Jaison Joseph, Hoineiting Rebecca Haokip, Suresh K Sharma, Elezebeth Mathews, Shahul Ameen, Venkata Lakshmi Narasimha, Manju Dhandapani, Sandeep Grover,(2023)."The Prevalence of Comorbidities and Associated Factors among Patients with Dementia in the Indian Setting: Meta-analysis of Observational Studies",Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine,45(4):338-344.

  28. GBD collaborators (Including Elezebeth Mathews),(2023)."Global, regional, and national burden of diabetes from 1990 to 2021, with projections of prevalence to 2050: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2021",Lancet,

  29. Thirunavukkarasu Sathish, Elezebeth Mathews,(2023)."Development of a Modified Global Physical Activity Questionnaire and Its Construct Validity among Adults in Kerala, India",Diabetology,235-242

  30. Tilahun Haregu, Zahra Aziz, Yingting Cao, Thirunavukkarasu Sathish, Kavumpurathu Raman Thankappan, Jeemon Panniyammakal, Pilvikki Absetz, Elezebeth Mathews, Sajitha Balachandran, Edwin B Fisher, Brian Oldenburg,(2023)."[HTML] from A peer support program results in greater health benefits for peer leaders than other participants: evidence from the Kerala diabetes prevention program",BMC Public Health,1175

  31. Tewani S, Sharma H, Tewani GR, Kodali PB, Nair PM,(2023)."The Long-Term Impact of Therapeutic Fasting on Primary Dysmenorrhea in Young Female Adults: A Randomized Controlled Trial",Cureus Journal of Medical Science,15(7)

  32. Nair PMK, Kriplani S, Kodali PB, et al.,(2023)."Characteristics of patients who use yoga for pain management in Indian yoga and naturopathy settings: a retrospective review of electronic medical records.",Front Pain Res (Lausanne),4

  33. Prakash Babu Kodali,(2023)."Achieving Universal Health Coverage in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Challenges for Policy Post-Pandemic and Beyond",Risk Management and Healthcare Policy,16, 607–621

  34. Soniya Biswas, Sibasis Hense, Prakash Babu Kodali, Kavumpurathu Raman Thankappan,(2023)."Quality of COVID-19 information, education and communication materials in India: A content analysis",Health Education Journal,Published online

  35. Devaganesh Kadhuluri, Sibasis Hense, Prakash Babu Kodali & Kavumpurathu Raman Thankappan,(2023)."How WhatsApp is transforming health communication among frontline health workers: a mixed-method study among midwives in India",Journal of Communication in Healthcare: Strategies, Media and Engagement in Global Health,Published online

  36. Pachuau Lalmalsawma, K. Balasubramani, Meenu Mariya James, Lalfakzuala Pautu, Kumar Arun Prasad, Devojit Kumar Sarma & Balabaskaran Nina P,(2023)."Malaria hotspots and climate change trends in the hyper-endemic malaria settings of Mizoram along the India–Bangladesh borders",Scientific Reports,13, Article number: 4538 (2023)

  37. Karthika Maniyara, Prakash Babu Kodali, Kavumpurathu Raman Thankappan,(2023)."Prevalence, awareness, treatment, control and correlates of prevalence and control of hypertension among older adults in Kerala: A mixed methods study",Indian Heart Journal,Published online

  38. Navaneeth Kunnumbrath, Prakash Babu Kodali,(2023)."Exploring migration intention among registered pharmacists in Kerala: a mixed-methods study",International Journal of Pharmacy Practice,Published Online

  39. Ronald Buyinza, Jonathan Nsamba, Anthony Muyingo, Nicholas Matovu, Gloria Nabirye, Adellah Kantengwa, Sandra Akandunda, Wenceslaus Sseguya, Elezebeth Mathews,(2023)."Body composition of type 2 diabetes patients in Uganda: a case-control study",Journal of Public Health in Africa,14(1)

  40. Silwal, Karishma; Kodali, Prakash Babu; Sharma, Hemanshu; Tewani, Gulab Rai; Nair, Pradeep M. K,(2023)."Impact of COVID-19 vaccines on the health status of young female adults from India: A cross-sectional study",Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care,12(2):p 338-351

  41. Susmita Saikia, Jonathan Nsamba, Elezebeth Mathews,(2023).".Health System Preparedness in Provision of Noncommunicable Diseases’ Services in Lakhimpur District, Assam State, India.",HAP Journal of Public Health and Clinical Medicine,1(1) 44–49

  42. Pautu L, Lalmalsawma P, Vanramliana, Balasubramani K, Balabaskaran Nina P, Rosangkima G, Sarma DK, Malvi Y, Hunropuia.,(2023)."Seroprevalence of scrub typhus and other rickettsial diseases among the household rodents of Mizoram, North-East India",Zoonoses and Public Health,10.1111/zph.13025

  43. GBD 2021 Health Financing Collaborator Network (including Elezebeth Mathews),(2023)."Global investments in pandemic preparedness and COVID-19: development assistance and domestic spending on health between 1990 and 2026.",Lancet Global Health,na

  44. Balasubramani K, Prasad KA, Kodali NK, Kalladath Abdul Rasheed N, Chellappan S, Sarma DK, Kumar M, Dixit R, James MM, Behera SK, Sekhar S and Balabaskaran Nina P,(2022)."Spatial epidemiology of acute respiratory infections in children under 5 years and associated risk factors in India: District-level analysis of health, household, and environmental datasets",Frontiers in Public Health,10:906248

  45. Kodali PB, Hegde V, Minhaz R, Mithra P P, Alva S, Joseph J, RoshniR,(2022)."Cost-Effective analysis of silver diamine fluoride in comparison to glass ionomer cement along with fluoride varnish in the management of early childhood caries in anganwadi centers of Mangalore: A randomized control trail",J Indian Assoc Public Health Dent,20, 4; Page 420-426

  46. Nsamba J, Eroju P, Drenos F, Mathews E,(2022)."Body Composition Characteristics of Type 1 Diabetes Children and Adolescents: A Hospital-Based Case-Control Study in Uganda.",Children,9, 1720

  47. Nsamba J, Nabirye G, Hense S, Drenos F, Mathews E,(2022)."Lived Experiences of Newly Diagnosed Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus Children and Adolescents in Uganda.",Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare,S389265

  48. Vaman RS, Valamparampil MJ, Varghese B, Mathews E, Kunhiraman M, Ramachandran R,(2022)."Association of symptom characteristics and comorbid conditions with viral RNA positivity of Covid-19 patients in Kasaragod district in Kerala, India: A retrospective cohort study",Natl Med J India,35:138–41

  49. Bhagiaswari Kodapally, Zinto Vilane, Jonathan Nsamba, Anjaly Joseph, Elezebeth Mathews, Kavumpurathu Raman Thankappan,(2022)."The suitability, acceptability, and feasibility of a culturally contextualized low-calorie diet among women at high risk for diabetes mellitus in Kerala: a mixed-methods study",International Journal of Diabetes in Developing Countries,

  50. Devojit Kumar Sarma, Manoj Kumar, Praveen Balabaskaran Nina, Karuppusamy Balasubramani, Malay Pramanik, Rintu Kutum, Swasti Shubham, Deepanker Das, Manoj Kumawat, Vinod Verma, Jigyasa Dhurve, Sekar Leo George, Alangar Balasundreshwaran, Anil Prakash, Rajnarayan R. Tiwari,(2022)."An assessment of remotely sensed environmental variables on Dengue epidemiology in Central India",Plos Neglected Tropical Diseases,16(10):e0010859

  51. Varkey BJ, Joseph J, Haokip HR, Sharma SK, Mathews E, Ameen S, Narasimha VK, Dhandapani M, Grover S.,(2022)."The Prevalence of comorbidities and associated factors among patients with dementia in the Indian Setting: Meta-analysis of observational studies.",Indian Journal of Psychological Medicine,na

  52. Zinto Gabsile Vilane, Prakash Babu Kodali, Kavumpurathu Raman Thankappan,(2022)."Effect of socioeconomic status on smoking cessation behavior in selected African countries: Secondary analysis of Global Adult Tobacco Survey data (2014–2018)",PLoS One,17(9)

  53. Anjaly Joseph, Maradana Thirupathamma , Elezebeth Mathews , Manickavelu Alagu,(2022)."Genetics of type 2 diabetes mellitus in Indian and Global Population: A Review",Egyptian Journal of Medical Human Genetics,23:135

  54. Julie Abraham, Sibasis Hense, Elezebeth Mathews,(2022)."Changing social dynamics and older population: A qualitative analysis of the quality of life among older adults in Kerala",Journal of Geriatric Mental Health,9:34-42

  55. GBD 2019 Cancer Risk Factors Collaborators (including Elezebeth Mathews),(2022)."The global burden of cancer attributable to risk factors, 2010–19: a systematic analysis for the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019",Lancet,400: 563–91

  56. E Mathews et al,(2022)."The Distribution of Lifestyle Risk Factors Among Patients with Stroke in the Indian Setting: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis",Annals of Neurosciences,1-14

  57. Sharma S, Joseph J, Dhandapani M, Varghese A, Radha K, Mathews E,(2022)."COVID-19 and psychological distress among the general population of India: Meta-Analysis of observational studies.",Indian Journal of Community Medicine,47,160-5

  58. GBD 2019 Adolescent Transport and Unintentional Injuries Collaborators (Including Elezebeth Mathews),(2022)."Adolescent Transport and Unintentional Injuries: a systematic analysis using Global Burden of Disease study 2019.",Lancet Public health 2022,S2468-2667(22)00134-7

  59. Jonathan Nsamba , Elezebeth Mathews, Ronald Buyinza,(2022)."Insulin dependent diabetes and anthropometric assessment: Understanding the rationale for body composition measurement",African Journal of Diabetes Medicine,Vol 30 No 6

  60. Paulson W, Balasubramani K, Dixit R, Chellappan S, Behera SK, Balabaskaran Nina P,(2022)."Social and Housing Determinants of Dengue and Chikungunya in Indian Adults Aged 45 and Above: Analysis of a Nationally Representative Survey (2017-18)",Archives of Public Health,Apr 20;80(1):125

  61. Kattiyeri Puthenveedu Veena, Elezebeth Mathews, Prakash Babu Kodali, Kavumpurathu Raman Thankappan,(2022)."Trends and correlates of hardcore smoking in India: findings from the Global Adult Tobacco Surveys 1 & 2",Wellcome Open Research,6 (353)

  62. Sukumar Nandru, PB Kodali, KR Thankappan,(2022)."Perceived effectiveness of anti-tobacco advertisements used in Indian cinema: results of a cross-sectional study from South-India",Journal of Substance Use,2022

  63. Elezebeth Mathews, Thirunavukkarasu Sathish, Anjaly Joseph, Bhagieshwari Kodapally, Jissa Vinoda Thulaseedharan, KM Venkat Narayan, Brian Oldenburg, Kavumpurathu Raman Thankappan,(2022)."Effectiveness and implementation of a lifestyle modification intervention for women with isolated impaired fasting glucose: Study protocol for hybrid type 2 study in Kerala, India",Wellcome Open Research,7:62

  64. Mathew George,(2022)."Trust in Public Health Practice",Economic and Political Weekly,57, 7

  65. 2. Veena KP, Mathews E, Kodali PB and Thankappan KR,(2022)."Trends and correlates of hardcore smoking in India: findings from the Global Adult Tobacco Surveys 1 & 2",Wellcome Open Research,6:353

  66. Rajeev Jayalakshmi, Kannan Srinivasan,(2021)."Nutritional status of socioeconomically disadvantaged children below 5 years: A cross-sectional study from Kerala, India",World Medical & Health Policy,13 (4): 1-11

  67. Leethu LT, Sibasis Hense, Prakash Babu Kodali, Kavumpurathu Raman Thankappan,(2021)."Prevalence and underlying factors of depressive disorders among PhD students: a mixed-method study in the Indian context",Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education,4

  68. LT Leethu, Sibasis Hense, Prakash Babu Kodali, Kavumpurathu Raman Thankappan,(2021)."Prevalence and underlying factors of depressive disorders among PhD students: a mixed-method study in the Indian context",Journal of Applied Research in Higher Education,2021

  69. Mathew George,(2021)."Slippery Slopes in Public Health Practice",Clinical Epidemiology and Global Health,12

  70. Jayakant Singh and Mathew George,(2021)."Intolerable Burden of Malaria among Primitive Tribal Community in Odisha: Examining the Fundamental Cause,",Journal of Health Management,23, 4

  71. Jonathan Nsamba, Elezebeth Mathews,(2021)."Can Food Labels Improve the Food Systems in the World?",ALTERNATE HORIZONS - 2021 SPECIAL EDITION WITH UNAI SDG 2 HUB,

  72. Bhagiaswari Kodapally, Elezebeth Mathews , Prakash Babu Kodali , Kavumpurathu Raman Thankappan,(2021)."Bullying victimization and its associated factors among adolescents in Kozhikode district, Kerala, India: a mixed-methods study",Wellcome Open Research,6 (223)

  73. Thekke Veedu Sreena, Elezebeth Mathews, Prakash Babu Kodali, Kavumpurathu Raman Thankappan,(2021)."Clustering of noncommunicable disease risk factors among adolescents attending higher secondary schools in Kasaragod District, Kerala, India",Wellcome Open Research,6 (145)

  74. Balasubramani K, Paulson W, Chellappan S, Ramachandran R, Behera SK, Balabaskaran Nina P,(2021)."Epidemiology, Hot Spots, and Sociodemographic Risk Factors of Alcohol Consumption in Indian Men and Women: Analysis of National Family Health Survey-4 (2015-16), a Nationally Representative Cross-Sectional Study",Frontiers in Public Health,Aug 27;9:617311

  75. Mohan I, Kodali NK, Chellappan S, Karuppusamy B, Behera SK, Natarajan G, Balabaskaran Nina P,(2021)."Socio-economic and household determinants of malaria in adults aged 45 and above: analysis of longitudinal ageing survey in India, 2017-2018",Malaria Journal,20(1):306

  76. 2. Bhagiaswari Kodapally, Elezebeth Mathews, Prakash Babu Kodali, Kavumpurathu Raman Thankappan,(2021)."Bully victimization and its associated factors among adolescents in Kozhikode district, Kerala, India: a mixed method study.",Wellcome Open Research,6:223

  77. Thekke Veedu Sreena , Elezebeth Mathews , Prakash Babu Kodali , Kavumpurathu Raman Thankappan,(2021)."Clustering of noncommunicable disease risk factors among adolescents attending higher secondary schools in Kasaragod District, Kerala, India",Wellcome Open Research,Wellcome Open Res 2021, 6:145

  78. Sonalee Rajput, Sibasis Hense, K.R. Thankappan,(2021)."Healthcare utilization: a mixed-method study among tea garden workers in Indian context",Journal of Health Research,06/2021

  79. Prakash Babu Kodali, Shankar Das,(2021)."Acceptance of mHealth technologies among Auxiliary Nurse Midwives in Andhra Pradesh, India: A mixed method study",Medical Science,25(111); 1052-1060

  80. Elezebeth Mathews, Odile Sauzet, K R Thankappan,(2021)."Effectiveness of a physical activity intervention program using peer support among sedentary women in Thiruvananthapuram City, India; Results of a non-randomized quasi-experimental study.",Wellcome Open Research,6(87),87

  81. Vivekanand Jha Panniyammakal Jeemon, Elezebeth Mathews,(2021)."Non-communicable diseases: A modern condition?",Nature India,doi. 10.1038/nindia.2019.60

  82. 5. Balasubramani, K, Sarma, D K, Lalmalsawma P, Pautu L, Karmodiya K, and Balabaskaran Nina P,(2021)."Effect of climate change and deforestation on vector borne diseases in the North-Eastern Indian state of Mizoram bordering Myanmar",The Journal of Climate Change and Health,100015

  83. Balasubramani, K, Paulson, W, Chellappan, S, Behera, S. K, and Balabaskaran Nina P,(2021)."District-level epidemiology, hot spots and socio-demographic determinants of tobacco use in Indian men and women: Analysis of national family health survey-4 (2015–16)",Public Health,194:127-134

  84. Ravi Barigela, Prakash Babu Kodali, and Sibasis Hense,(2021)."What is Stopping Primary Health Centers to Go Digital? Findings of a Mixed-method Study at a District Level Health System in Southern India",Indian Journal of Community Medicine,46(1): 97–101.

  85. Ravi Barigela; Prakash Babu Kodali; Sibasis Hense,(2021)."What is stopping primary health centers to go digital? Findings of a mixed-method study at a district level health system in Southern India.",Indian Journal of Community Medicine,46:97-101

  86. Raman Swathy Vaman, Mathew J Valamparampil, Basil Varghese, Elezebeth Mathews, Muhammed Anwar Valiyapurayilmundakundil, Ramya K Abraham, AV Ramdas, AT Manoj, TS Anish,(2021)."Quarantine practices and COVID-19 transmission in a low-resource setting: Experience of Kerala, India",Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care,10 (2) 1003

  87. Ramesh Godara, Elezebeth Mathews, GK Mini, KR Thankappan,(2021)."Prevalence, awareness, treatment and control of hypertension among adults aged 30 years and above in Barmer District, Rajasthan, India",Indian Heart Journal,

  88. Prakash Babu Kodali; Shankar Das,(2021)."Digital health technologies for universal health coverage: a promising change ",Current Science,120 (4) pg: 637-643

  89. Lourde Raja L; Prakash Babu Kodali,(2021)."Prevalence and risk factors of alcohol consumption behavior among late adolescents: Evidence from Puducherry, India",Journal of Mental Health and Human Behaviour,25(2) pg: 101-105

  90. Rajeev Jayalakshmi, Kannan Srinivasan,(2021)."Protocol of Explanatory Study on Social, Economic and Political Dimensions of Nutritional Status of Children Aged Six to Sixty Months from Low Socio-Economic Strata in Kerala, India",Social Science Protocols,4

  91. Balasubramani K, Leo George S, Anusuya K, Venkatesh R, Thilagaraj P, Gnanappazham L, Kumaraswamy K, Balasundareshwaran A, and Balabaskaran Nina P,(2021)."Revealing the socio-economic vulnerability and multi-hazard risks at micro-administrative units in the coastal plains of Tamil Nadu, India.",Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk,VOL. 12, NO. 1, 605-630

  92. M Kumar, DK Sarma, S Shubham, M Kumawat, V Verma, Balabaskaran Nina P, S Kumar, B Singh, Rajnarayan R Tiwari,(2021)."Futuristic Non-antibiotic Therapies to Combat Antibiotic Resistance: A Review",Frontiers in Microbiology,12:609459

  93. Chellappan S, Roy S, Nagmoti JM, Tabassum W, Vukanti R, Hoti SL, Bhattacharyya MK, Balabaskaran Nina P,(2020)."Functional studies of Plasmodium falciparum putative SURF1 in Saccharomyces cerevisiae",Journal of Vector Borne Diseases,Oct-Dec;57(4):325-330

  94. Mathew George,(2020)."Fragmentation and Weakening of Institutions of Primary Health Care: A prescription for revival,",Economic and Political Weekly,55, 42, 58-66

  95. Sima Kurmi, Elezebeth Mathews, Prakash Babu Kodali, KR Thankappan,(2020)."Awareness of Stroke Warning Symptoms, Risk Factors, and Response to Acute Stroke in Biswanath District, Assam, India",Journal of Stroke Medicine,2516608520962349

  96. Chellappan S, Roy S, Nagmoti JM, Tabassum W, Hoti SL, Bhattacharyya MK and Balabaskaran Nina P,(2020)."Functional studies of Plasmodium falciparum's Prohibitin 1 and Prohibitin 2 in Yeast",Indian Journal of Medical Microbiology,Apr-Jun;38(2):213-215

  97. Balabaskaran Nina P and Dash AP,(2020)."Hydroxychloroquine as prophylaxis or treatment for COVID-19: What does the evidence say?",Indian Journal of Public Health,Jun;64(Supplement):S125-S127

  98. Anjaly Joseph, Thankappan KR, Elezebeth Mathews,(2020)."Why People use Private over Public Transportation? A Cross Sectional Study from Ernakulam District, Kerala",International Journal of Health Sciences and Research,10 (6); 179-187

  99. Mathew George,(2020)."Sociocultural determinants of the spread of covid 19,",Health and Primary Care,4

  100. Behera SK, Das D, Balasubramani K, Chellappan S, Rajaram K, Kumar Mohanta H, Balabaskaran Nina P,(2020)."Seroprevalence and risk factors of brucellosis in livestock in the wildlife and livestock interface area of Similipal Biosphere Reserve, India",Veterinary World,(3):465-470

Department of Public Health and Community Medicine

This department will be integral in developing a people-centric public health approach by positioning it as a centre for excellence in Public Health education, training and research in South India.

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Department of Public Health and Community Medicine

This department will be integral in developing a people-centric public health approach by positioning it as a centre for excellence in Public Health education, training and research in South India.

Department of Public Health and Community Medicine
School of Medicine and Public Health(SMPH)
Tel Ph:0467-2309195 ,
Email: hod[dot]publichealth[at]cukerala[dot]ac[dot]in