Department of Management Studies

06 February 2025

Department of Management Studies

The University

The Central University of Kerala, Kasaragod, came into being in 2009 under the Central Universities Act 2009 (Parliament Act No.25 of 2009). The University is founded on the noble vision of a “caring wisdom” and is guided by the lofty ideals of academic and social commitment, moral steadfastness and intellectual and spiritual enlightenment, as reflected in its vision statement. Located in a region characterized by linguistic and ethnic diversity and cultural richness, the University seeks to harness the local resources- human , intellectual, social, artistic and cultural- while bringing in the best that is globally available, thus maintaining a fruitful, symbiotic relationship with a region that badly needs an educational uplift. The University opened its academic portals in October 2009 with two PG programmes and operated from a rented building at Nayanmarmoola (Vidyanagar). From this humble beginning, CU Kerala has grown into an institution offering twenty one postgraduate and research programmes.

Higher Education in India

Higher education in India has taken a giant leap due to the rising standards of living, aspirations of the middle class for higher education, and the proven records of how education had touched the lives of families and also the Governments focus and the consequent quantum leap in the level of investment in education. India according to reports has 65% of the population below the age group of 35 and it means, India by all means will be the provider of manpower to the world. The Indian Higher Education system is the largest in the world encompassing 17 million students and approximately 900 Universities and 43,023 colleges. In the last six decades, the number of universities has jumped 23 times, whereas the number of colleges has increased by over 66 times. However, with the population of India expected to grow to over 1.3 billion by 2020, the capacity of the higher education needs to nearly double, to meet the targeted Gross Enrolment Ratio, or GER, of 30% for the higher education segment. This would require an investment of USD 180 billion. Only 18% of the total student population is involved in Commerce and Management education.

A recent study on the public spending on higher education world-wide indicates that countries which have considerably improved the higher education infrastructure have witnessed rapid growth over the years. It also seen that though public funding on education had improved over the years, the higher education scenario in many nations, still remains inadequate compared to the demand. Kasargod district lacks a professional management programme and Central University of Kerala has taken the initiative to offer the programme.

Management Education

Management is as old as human civilization. It is universal in nature. It is multi-disciplinary and goal oriented. Management education enhances the managerial skills by sharing of ideas, the acceptance of others’ ideas, problem solving skills, experiential learning and decision making .Students coming from different spheres of life, bring with them all the advantages, disadvantages, fairness and prejudice of centuries of cultural heritage. These characteristics manifest themselves sometimes, in totally different approaches towards solving business problems and learning fundamentals of management. Management Education imparts them with conceptual skills, communication skills, human relations skills, problem solving skills, technical skills, administrative and leadership skills.  Management education in India had achieved a lot of significance with the country being exposed to Liberalization, Privatization and Globalization. Over the years, management institutions have burgeoned in the country rapidly. The MNCs and TNCs actively seek management graduates and groom them to become future leaders. Thus, the Management Education is not only a catalyst but also acts as guide to the student in times of his development. It can also nurture the seed of entrepreneurship that can not only establish the faith in the mind of the student to be entrepreneurial in career, but will also make the institution proud of its achievement.

In this backdrop , as a part of responsibility towards society , the Central University of Kerala has identified the need to prepare professionals with Management education to fill the gap between trained manpower demand and shortage in available supply. Authorities of the university decided to offer two-year full-time post graduate programme in Master of Business Administration (MBA) to cater the needs of industry at managerial level.


To be a center of global excellence in the area of Management and bring in innovations in pedagogy, foster entrepreneurship and provide industry institute interface for the budding managers.


To create professionals who are able to take decisions, implement and lead in the realms of business and other institutions across the globe.


To be a center of global excellence in the area of Management and bring in innovations in pedagogy, foster entrepreneurship and provide industry institute interface for the budding managers.

The Department wishes
  • To prepare young and dynamic professionals, entrepreneurs and researchers in marketing, finance, HR, Operations and Systems.
  • To contribute in developing socially responsible business models
  • Collaborate with corporates of varied industries to get practical exposure so as to manage, lead and succeed in all endeavors.
  • To offer world class management programme
  • To provide insights into the knowledge, skills and mould the attitude of the students to become professionals in their area of specialization.
    The Department perceives strongly in
  • humanness, kindness, honesty, hardwork and positive thinking as essential qualities to work with and for people.
  • Equanimity, integrity, inter personal rapport and dignity as the core values to have a healthy and productive work culture.
  • The values of the Department are to:
  • To reflect the mindset of humanness
  • Inculcate a sense of belongingness
  • Deliver ethically , morally and socially responsible professionals

Department of Management Studies


Department of Management Studies


Prof. Bommadevera Ramesh
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Dr. Arvind. R. Gajakosh
Associate Professor
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Dr. Rinoj P K
Assistant Professor
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Ms. Rajitna Balakrishnan
Assistant Professor
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Dr. Johnpaul M
Assistant Professor
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Mr. U Sreejith
Assistant Professor
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Department of Management Studies

  1. Dr. Arvind R. Gajakosh,(2023)."The Impact of Modern Culture on Indian Younger Generation",Third Concept,Volume 37, No. 440, pp. 81-82 (Printed UGC CARE Group I Journal)

  2. Dr. Arvind R. Gajakosh (Principal Author), Mr. P. K. Rinoj (Co Author),(2023)."Analytical Studies on Development of Monetary Aggregates in India During Post Liberalization",The Indian Journal of Technical Education,Volume 56, pp.288-293, Special Issue UGC CARE Group I

  3. Dr. V.Balachandran & Dr.Arunima K.V,(2022)."Company secretary- A preferred Professional",Chartered Secretary,P-45 to 50

  4. Dr. V.Balachandran & Dr.Siva Prasad K.I,(2022)."A Study on Problems and Prospects of Ginger Exports via Marine Transportation",International Journal of Research and Analytical reviews,Volume 9, P-454-467

  5. Dr. V.Balachandran & Ms. Amitha Kumari B,(2022)."Social Stock Exchange: Rejuvenating The Indian Economy",International Journal of Research Analytical Reviews,Volume 9 P 1-15

  6. Dr. V.Balachandran & Ms.Shamla,(2022)."Mapping Indian Start-up Ecosystem on the Global start Up System-Opportunities & Challenges",International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews,Volume 9, P-414-423

  7. Dr. V. Balachandran & Ms. Saumya Manoharan,(2022)."Digital Transformation in Finance – Need, Challenges and Opportunities for Professionals",CHARTERED SECRETARY,41-45

  8. C. V. Madhusudhanan, Dr V Balachandran,(2022)."NEED TO KNOW ABOUT TRADE MARK REGISTRATION BY YOUNG ENTREPRENEURS",International Journal of Advanced Research in Management and Social Sciences,Vol. 7 | No. 1 | pp 1-9

  9. Dr. Arvind R. Gajakosh (Co Author), Mr. Bipin Kumar (Scholar Principal Author),(2022)."MSMEs Issues and Prospectus of Uttarakhand: A Conceptual Investigation with Special Reference to Covid-19",Small Enterprises Development, Management & Extension,Vol. 48, Issue 3, 299-310

  10. Ms Shamla and Prof Dr V Balachandran,(2021)."Atma Nirbhar Bharath: Changing Face of Indian Women Entrepreneurs",International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management,Vol 7, No.8, pp 48-54

  11. Mrs Dannya Sadanandan and prof Dr V Balachandran,(2021)."Determinants of Medical Tourist Destination Selection – A study on Medical Tourism in India",International Journal for Research in Engineering Application & Management (IJREAM),Vol 7, No 6, pp 94-99

  12. P V Soumya & Dr V Balachandran,(2021)."Effect of Technostress creators and Techno inhibitors on Organizational Commitment in the remote working model: A study on Indian IT sector",International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews,Vol 8, No. 3, pp 115-120

  13. Lakshmi Varma & Dr V Balachandran,(2021)."Atmanirbhar Bharat Abhiyaan –Towards Promotion of Entrepreneurship",IOSR Journal of Business and Management,Vol 23, No 9, pp 16-20

  14. Dr V Balachandran & Arunima K V,(2021)."A Study on Consumer Protection Act 2019 and Its Implications on the Pillars of Integrated Communication Channel",IOSR Journal of Business and Management,Vol 23, No 9, pp 59-67

  15. P V Soumya & Dr V Balachandran,(2021)."Technostress Levels of IT Sector Employees in the Remote Working Model: A Study on Indian IT Sector",IOSR Journal of Business and Management,Vol 23, No 8, pp 9-14

  16. Aida Augustine & Dr V Balachandran,(2021)."A STUDY ON CHANGES IN TOURIST BEHAVIOUR DURING PANDEMIC",International Journal of Advanced Research in ISSN: 2278-6236 Management and Social Sciences,Vol 10, No.8, pp 1-10

  17. Muhammed Nayeef A V & Dr V Balachandran,(2021)."A PPP Model for Promoting Responsible Tourism- A Case Study of Ezharakund Waterfalls in Kerala",Sambodhi Journal( UGC Care),Vol 44, No 1,pp 59-54

  18. Lakshmi Varma & Dr V Balachandran,(2021)."Green Human Resource Management Practices - Implementation in Universities And Higher Educational Institutions - A Study",Sambodhi Journal( UGC Care),Vol 44, No.1, 93-98

  19. Saumya C Manoharan & Dr V Balachandran,(2021)."A STUDY ON THE SCOPE FOR TAKEAWAY HOTEL ROOMS IN INDIA",Sambodhi Journal( UGC Care),Vol 44, No 16. pp 19-23

  20. Dr V Balachandran, Ranjith Krishnan,(2021)."Patent Management In Pharmaceutical Industry In India",Chartered Secretary,pp 82-91

  21. V Balachandran and Dr Sudheendhra Putty,(2020)."Governance from Grassroot Level to Global Level -- An Indian Perspective",",Journal of Corporate Governance Professionals- Chartered Secretary,Vol.50,No.08, pp.51 -55

  22. V Balachandran and Dr K S Ravichandran,(2020)."" MSMEs -- Substantial in criteria and the need to address certain issues"",Journal of Corporate Governance Professionals- Chartered Secretary,Vol.50, No.07, pp.58 - 62.

  23. Dr. Arvind R. Gajakosh,(2020)."Analytical Study of Indian Regional Rural Banks’ Credit from FY 2008-09 to FY 2017-18",Shodh Sanchar Bulletin,Vol. 10, Issue 38, Ver. III Page. 184-190 (UGC CARE Group I Printed Journal during publication)

  24. Dr V Balachandran & Arunima K V,(2020)."Knowledge Management in start - ups to scale up through innovations",International Journal of Analytical and Experimental Model Analysis,Vol 12, No 2, pp 2184-2195

  25. Dr. Arvind R. Gajakosh,(2020)."Inflation Impact on Industrial Credit Disbursement by Scheduled Commercial Banks In India Between 2008-09 And 2017-18",Orissa Journal of Commerce,Vol. 41, Issue 1 Page. 32-42

  26. Dr. Arvind R. Gajakosh,(2020)."Indo-German Economic Relations in context with Trade and FDI Inflow",Shodh Sarita,Vol. 7, Issue 25, Ver. II Page. 238-244 (Printed UGC CARE Group I Journal during Publication)

  27. Dr. Arvind R. Gajakosh,(2020)."The Effect of Inflation on Deposits in Indian Commercial Banks Between FY 2008-09 And FY 2018-19",Shodh Sanchar Bulletin,Vol. 10, Issue 37, Ver. II Page. 166-172 (Printed Journal UGC CARE Group I during publication)

  28. Dr V.Balachandran and C.Revathi,(2019)."Corporate Social Responsibility Awareness among Small, Medium Enterprises in Virudhunagar",International Journal of Analytical and Experimental Model Analysis,Vol.XI, Issue IX, pp:88-97

  29. Dr. Arvind R. Gajakosh,(2019)."An Analytical Study on Export of Indian Jute Products Between FY 2013-14 and FY 2017-18",International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research,Vol. 6, Issue 2 Page. 30-35

  30. Dr Sathyanarayana Reddy P and Dr V Balachandran,(2018)."Social Audit of Corporate Social Responsibility Activities in India– A Step Towards Good Global Corporate Citizenship",The Chartered Accountant,pp 92-96

  31. C.V.Madhusudhanan and Dr.V.Balachandran,(2018)."“Likelihood of confusion in Trademark law of India and US – A comparative study",International journal of Trade and Global Business Perspectives,Vol.7, No.1, pp

  32. C. V. Madhusudhanan, Dr V Balachandran,(2018)."NEED TO KNOW ABOUT TRADE MARK REGISTRATION BY YOUNG ENTREPRENEURS",International Journal of Advanced Research in Management and Social Sciences,Vol. 7 | No. 1 | pp 1-9

  33. Dr V Balachandran, A. Panjavarnam,(2017)."SEBI RULES AND REGULATIONS OF MUTUAL FUND IN INDIA: A STUDY",International Journal of Advanced Research in Management and Social Sciences,Vol. 6 | No. 12 | pp 76-84

  34. Dr V Balachandran, C V Madhusudhanan,(2017)."INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS AND ENTREPRENEURIAL VENTURE - SOME REFLECTIONS",International Journal of Advanced Research in Management and Social Sciences,Vol. 6 | No. 10 | pp 52-58

  35. Dr V Balachandran, A. Panjavarnam,(2017)."SECRETARIAL AUDIT COMPLIANCE UNDER COMPANIES ACT 2013 IN INDIA - A STUDY",International Journal of Advanced Research in Management and Social Sciences,Vol. 6 | No. 10 | pp 82-87

  36. Dr. Arvind R. Gajakosh,(2017)."A Study on Changes in Banking Service Charges in State Bank of India",International Journal of Research in Economics and Social Science,Vol. 7, Issue 9 Page. 227-290 (UGC Listed Journal)

  37. Sudheehdhra Putty, Dr V Balachandran,(2017)."THE TELANGANA INDUSTRIAL POLICY - A SINGLE WINDOW WITHOUT GRILLS",International Journal of Advanced Research in Management and Social Sciences,Vol. 6 | No. 3 | pp 137-146

  38. CA Bharat Patel and CS V Balachandran,(2016)."E-WASTE: HEALTH HAZARDS AND LEGAL ENVIRONMENT IN INDIA",International Journal of Advanced Research in Management and Social Sciences,Vol. 5 | No. 12 pp 119-129

  39. Dr Sathyanarayana Reddy P and Dr V Balachandran,(2016)."Competition Law Compliance Audit of corporates in India- An integral part of Secretarial Audit",Chartered Secretary,pp 32-37

  40. CA Bharat Patel and CS V Balachandran,(2016)."E waste Management: Increasing Concern in India",International Journal of Research in Economics and Social Sciences,Vol. 6 Issue 11, pp~180~189

  41. Dr Sathyanarayana Reddy P and Dr V Balachandran,(2016)."Disclosure of UPSI under the SEBI(LODR) Regulations, 2015",Chartered Secretary,pp 58-62

  42. Dr. M. Govindarajan and Dr. V. Balachandran,(2016)."Invoking of Writ Jurisdiction against Show- Cause Notice Issued under Provisions of Service Tax",The Chartered Accountant,pp 92-99

  43. Dr Sathyanarayana Reddy P and Dr V Balachandran,(2016)."Regulatory Initiatives of SEBI in Combating Cross Border Securities Market Misconduct",Taxmann,pp 1-15

  44. Dr Sathyanarayana Reddy P and Dr V Balachandran,(2016)."Diversifying the Boards of Directors- A step towards Better Corporate Governance",Chartered Secretary,54-59

  45. Dr V Balachandran and Mr Satyanarayana Reddy,(2016)."Trends in E-Commerce",International Journal of Advanced Research Trends in Engineering and Technology,Vol. 3, Special Issue 20, pp 627-630

  46. Dr Sathyanarayana Reddy P and Dr V Balachandran,(2016)."Regulatory Initiatives of SEBI in Combating Cross Border Securities Market Misconduct",Taxmann,pp1-15

  47. Dr Sathyanarayana Reddy P and Dr V Balachandran,(2016)."The Indispensability of Addressing Directors Duty of Boardroom Confidentiality and Sactity of board Minutes through SS-1",Chartered Secretary,pp 50-59

  48. Dr. Arvind R. Gajakosh (Principal Author), Dr. Savita Trivedi (Co Author),(2015)."The Analytical Study on Indian Textile Mills with reference to Cotton/Man Made Fibre Textile Units",International Journal of Management and Social Science Research Review,Vol. 1 Issue 18 Page. 135-143

  49. Dr. Arvind R. Gajakosh (Principal Author), Dr. Savita Trivedi (Co Author),(2015)."The Effect of Inflation on Indian Textile Export during FY 2009-14",Global Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies,Vol. 4, Issue (6) Page. 120-127

  50. Dr. Arvind R. Gajakosh (Principal Author), Dr. Savita Trivedi (Co Author),(2014)."A Study on Difficulties Faced by Exporters In Textile Industry",International Journal of Business and Administration Research Review,Vol. 1, Issue (6) Page. 43-49

  51. Dr. Arvind R. Gajakosh (Principal Author), Dr. Savita Trivedi (Co Author),(2013)."Comparative Study Between Indian Textile Export And China’s Textile Export",Zenith International Journal of Business Economics and Management Research,Vol. 3, Issue (8) Page. 217-228

  52. Dr. Arvind R. Gajakosh,(2012)."The Impact of Indian Foreign Trade Policy (2009-14) on Export in Textile Industry",Zenith International Journal of Business Economics and Management Research,Vol. 2, Issue (8) Page. 23-38

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Department of Management Studies

Department of Management Studies
School of Business Studies
Tel Ph: 0467-2309337,