Brief Profile
Dr. ARVIND R. GAJAKOSH, PhD in Management from VTU Belagavi Karnataka is Associate Professor, Department of Management Studies, Central University of Kerala and formerly Head, Department of Business Management, HNB Garhwal Central University Srinagar Uttarakhand. Having more than 13 years of PG teaching experience and 9 years of research experience in the field of management and finance. He has visited countries like Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia during offshore international conferences. He has presented more than 20 papers in national and international conferences including invited lecture. He has published 14 articles in international peer review, UGC CARE journals and several chapters in edited books. He is the alumni of Christ College Institute of Management Bangalore. He has attended many FDPs like Orientation Program at Kannur University, Refresher Course Program at University of Himachal Pradesh Shimla, Osmania University Hyderabad and University of Allahabad Prayagraj. He is the life time member of Indian Commerce Association and Orissa Commerce Association.
Recent and Major Publications
- Dr. Arvind R. Gajakosh,"The Impact of Modern Culture on Indian Younger Generation",Third Concept,Volume 37, No. 440, pp. 81-82 (Printed UGC CARE Group I Journal)
- Dr. Arvind R. Gajakosh (Principal Author), Mr. P. K. Rinoj (Co Author),"Analytical Studies on Development of Monetary Aggregates in India During
Post Liberalization",The Indian Journal of Technical Education,Volume 56, pp.288-293, Special Issue UGC CARE Group I
- Dr. Arvind R. Gajakosh (Co Author), Mr. Bipin Kumar (Scholar Principal Author),"MSMEs Issues and Prospectus of Uttarakhand: A Conceptual Investigation with Special Reference to Covid-19",Small Enterprises Development, Management & Extension,Vol. 48, Issue 3,
- Dr. Arvind R. Gajakosh,"Analytical Study of Indian Regional Rural Banks’ Credit from FY 2008-09 to FY 2017-18",Shodh Sanchar Bulletin,Vol. 10, Issue
38, Ver. III
Page. 184-190
(UGC CARE Group I Printed Journal during publication)
- Dr. Arvind R. Gajakosh,"Inflation Impact on Industrial Credit Disbursement by Scheduled Commercial
Banks In India Between
2008-09 And 2017-18",Orissa Journal of Commerce,Vol. 41, Issue 1
Page. 32-42
- Dr. Arvind R. Gajakosh,"Indo-German Economic Relations in context with Trade and FDI
Inflow",Shodh Sarita,Vol. 7, Issue
25, Ver. II
Page. 238-244
(Printed UGC CARE Group I Journal during Publication)
- Dr. Arvind R. Gajakosh,"The Effect of Inflation on Deposits in Indian Commercial Banks Between FY 2008-09
And FY 2018-19",Shodh Sanchar Bulletin,Vol. 10, Issue
37, Ver. II
Page. 166-172
(Printed Journal UGC CARE Group I during publication)
- Dr. Arvind R. Gajakosh,"An Analytical Study on Export of Indian Jute Products Between FY 2013-14 and FY 2017-18",International Journal of Advance and Innovative Research,Vol. 6, Issue 2
Page. 30-35
- Dr. Arvind R. Gajakosh,"A Study on Changes in Banking Service Charges in State Bank of India",International Journal of Research in Economics and Social Science,Vol. 7, Issue 9
Page. 227-290
(UGC Listed Journal)
- Dr. Arvind R. Gajakosh (Principal Author), Dr. Savita Trivedi (Co Author),"The Analytical Study on Indian Textile Mills with reference to Cotton/Man
Made Fibre Textile Units",International Journal of Management and Social Science Research Review,Vol. 1 Issue 18
Page. 135-143
- Dr. Arvind R. Gajakosh (Principal Author), Dr. Savita Trivedi (Co Author),"The Effect of Inflation
on Indian Textile Export during FY 2009-14",Global Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies,Vol. 4, Issue
Page. 120-127
- Dr. Arvind R. Gajakosh (Principal Author), Dr. Savita Trivedi (Co Author),"A Study on Difficulties Faced by Exporters In Textile Industry",International Journal of Business and Administration Research Review,Vol. 1, Issue
Page. 43-49
- Dr. Arvind R. Gajakosh (Principal Author), Dr. Savita Trivedi (Co Author),"Comparative Study Between Indian Textile Export And China’s Textile Export",Zenith International Journal of Business Economics and Management Research,Vol. 3, Issue
Page. 217-228
- Dr. Arvind R. Gajakosh,"The Impact of Indian Foreign Trade Policy (2009-14) on Export in
Textile Industry",Zenith International Journal of Business Economics and Management Research,Vol. 2, Issue
Page. 23-38
Books / Chapters
Chapter(s) - Sole Author, (2020). Redefining Teaching Learning in Times of Social Distance, National Press Associate, New Delhi, ISBN No: 978-81-947590-7-2Chapter(s) - Sole Author, (2020). New Horizons inCommerce, IT & Social Sciences, National Press Associate, New Delhi, ISBN 978-81-944303-5-3Chapter(s) - Sole Author, (2019). Emerging Trends in
Entrepreneurship, Archers & Elevators Publishing House, Bangalore, 978-93- 5391-950-4
Membership/Fellowship of other institutions/professionals societies : |
Student related co-curricular, extension and field based activities and counseling. |
Contribution to corporate sector-management of the department and institution through participation in academic and administration,committees and responsibilities.
Other activities/Responsibilities : |
Any other relevant information, if not given above : |