Department of Plant Science

06 February 2025

Department of Plant Science

       The Department of Plant Science was established as one of the four department in the school of Biological Sciences in 2011 with 16 students and five guest faculty. Prof.( Dr.) G.M. Nair, the( former Director of the prestigious Tropical Botanical Garden Research Institute (TBGRI))headed the department since its inception till November 2013.The department currently comprises of 6 permanent faculty,one post-Doctoral fellow,21 Ph.D scholars,2 support staff and 42 masters students. The teaching activities in the department cover a wide ranging curriculum designed to provide in depth knowledge to graduate students pursuing M.Sc. and Ph.D degrees. We also conduct regular training programs and workshop for scientists and students outside the University.Faculty is also actively engaged in promoting science education in schools by organizing regular interaction program with the high school students. Research program is in our department covers wide range of aspects in Plant Science from fruit devlopment,plant micro propagation, algal biochemistry and bio prospecting ,genome stability in plants under stress ,bio energy and plant-microbe interaction biology


  • To prepare a work force ready to address the current and future challengersof our nation in ensuring food security and enhanced quality of life.
  • Providing research based solutions and assistance to 'plant' related needs of the society.
  • Improving the fundamental knowledge on basic plant biology


       To become the centre of innovative teaching and research in Plant Science that culminate in the service of our nation and the world.

  • Major Research Areas

           Department of Plant Science is involved in both basic as well as applied research. At, present major research areas include:

    • Plant Tissue Culture & Reproductive Biology
    • Plant Pathogen Interactions
    • Phycology
    • Developmental Biology of Plants
    • Algal Biotechnology
    • Bioenergy

Department Of Plant Science

To become the centre of innovative teaching and research in Plant Science that culminate in the service of our nation and the world.

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Department Of Plant Science

To become the centre of innovative teaching and research in Plant Science that culminate in the service of our nation and the world.


Department Of Plant Science

To become the centre of innovative teaching and research in Plant Science that culminate in the service of our nation and the world.


Department Of Plant Science

To become the centre of innovative teaching and research in Plant Science that culminate in the service of our nation and the world.

Prof. Dennis Thomas T.
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Prof. K. Arunkumar
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Dr. Pramod K Kandoth
Associate Professor
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Dr. Jasmine M Shah
Assistant Professor
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Dr. Ginny Antony
Assistant Professor
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Dr. Ajay Kumar
Assistant Professor
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Dr. Chithra Manisseri
Assistant Professor
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Department Of Plant Science

To become the centre of innovative teaching and research in Plant Science that culminate in the service of our nation and the world.

  1. Bioenergy products sequestration proportions among three mixotrophically cultDelampady Vidya,Mohammad Sibtain Kadri,Aishwarya Mallikarjun Honnad,Nayana Karicheri,Sudhakar Muthiyal Prabakaran &Arunkumar Kulanthaiyesu,(2024)."Bioenergy products sequestration proportions among three mixotrophically cultivated microalgae by remediating two organic waste resources",International Journal of Phytoremediation,26/27; 1-15

  2. Ganesan Mohan, Adila Farisa K. M., Mohammad Sibtain Kadri, M. P. Sudhakar, Kulanthaiyesu Arunkumar, Gholamreza Abdi,(2024)."Revealing the Synergistic Anticancer Efficacy of Curcumin andIota-Carrageenan-Stabilized Silver Nanoparticles Derived FromSolieria robusta",Scientifica,108370, 1- 20

  3. K. Anjana and K. Arunkumar,(2024)."Review Brown algae biomass for fucoxanthin, fucoidan and alginate; update review on structure, biosynthesis, biological activities and extraction valorisation",International Journal of Biological Macromolecules,280,135632

  4. Umashree Vaninilaya Raghurama, Mohammad Sibtain Kadri, Kavya Mullechery, Nayana Karicheri & Arunkumar Kulanthaiyesu,(2024)."Enhancing growth and Cadmium remediation in red alga, Gracilaria edulis through silicate intervention",Bioremediation Journal,

  5. Mohammad Sibtain Kadri a,b , Nayana K. c , Reda Fassi Firhi d , Gholamreza Abdi e,* , Sukumar C. f , Arunkumar Kulanthaiyesu c,(2024)."Greening the oil industry: Microalgae biorefinery for sustainable oil-produced water treatment and resource recovery",Journal of Water Process Engineering,60, 105259

  6. V. R. Umashree, P. Dhanya & Kulanthaiyesu Arunkumar,(2024)."Host seaweed extracts effect on epiphytic Acrochaetium sp growth and its phycobilipigments content and biological activity",Vegetos,1-9

  7. VR Umashree, M Imchen, R Kumavath, K Arunkumar,(2024)."Bacteria Normobiosis and Gracilaria edulis Growth; Metagenomic and Culture Studies Unfold New Insights on the Associated Bacterial Diversity",Thalassas: An International Journal of Marine Sciences,1-15

  8. Doddavarapu D., Lata C., Shah J.M.,(2024)."Epigenetic regulation influenced by soil microbiota and nutrients: paving road to epigenome editing in plants.",Biochimica et Biophysica Acta,

  9. Nivya V.M. and Shah J.M.,(2023)."Standardization of reference genes for real-time PCR analysis of Vigna radiata L. under Agrobacterium tumefaciens infection.",Journal of Applied Biology and Biotechnology,Journal of Applied Biology and Biotechnology

  10. Amritha P.P., Anjitha R., Sruthi. B., Anilkumar, M., Shah J.M.,(2023)."Computational analysis of regulation and expression of plant DNA repair genes under various abiotic stresses reveals a stochastic correlation between",Australian Journal of Crop Science,19:950-958.

  11. Roseline, T.A., M. P. Sudhakar, K. Arunkumar,(2023)."Aqueous extraction of red seaweed bioactive compounds and synthesis of silver nanoparticles for agriculture applications",Journal of Agriculture and Food Research,14,100769

  12. Nayana,K., Vaishnav S. Babu, D. Vidya, M.P. Sudhakar, K. Arunkumar,(2023)."Growth and productivity of Haematococcus pluvialis and Coelastrella saipanensis by photosystem modulation for understanding the heterotrophic nutritional strategy for bioremediation application",Environmental Research,245, 118077

  13. Amritha P.P. and Shah J.M.,(2023)."Essential role of the BRCA2B gene in somatic homologous recombination in Arabidopsis thaliana.",BioTechnologia,104:371-380.

  14. Sudhakar, M.P., Arunkumar, K., Dharani, G., Thangavel Mathimani,(2023)."(Re)-thinking the red seaweed biomass for biofuel production to meet sustainable development goals toward circular bioeconomy.",Energy, Ecology, and Environment,9,42-57

  15. Sudhakar,M.P., Rahulkumar Maurya, Sanjeet Mehariya, Obulisamy Parthiba Karthikeyan, Gopal Dharani, K. Arunkumar, Sandra V. Pereda, María C. Hernández-González, Alejandro H. Buschmann, Arivalagan Pugazhendhi,(2023)."Feasibility of bioplastic production using micro- and macroalgae- A review",Environmental Research,240, 2,117465

  16. Yamuna K.T., Areekan A.H. and Shah J.M.,(2023)."Identification of a suitable method of inoculation for reducing background effect in mock‑inoculated controls during gene expression studies in Arabidopsis thaliana.",Physiology and Molecular Biology of Plants,29:1619-1632.

  17. Ajith T.G, and Shah J.M.,(2023)."In-silico promoter analysis of MSP1 gene co-expressing network in rice.",Journal of Cytology and Genetics,24: 67-81.

  18. Nivya V.M. and Shah J.M.,(2023)."Recalcitrance to transformation, a hindrance for genome editing of legumes.",Frontiers in Genome Editing,5:1247815.

  19. Puhari, S.S.M., Yuvaraj, S., Vasudevan, V., Ramprasath, T., Arunkumar, K. Amutha, C.,Selvam, G. S.,(2023)."Fucoidan from Sargassum wightii reduces oxidative stress through upregulating Nrf2/HO-1 signaling pathway in alloxan-induced diabetic cardiomyopathy rats",Molecular Biology Report,50;8855–8866

  20. Arya, K.,Sachin Ashok Thorat, Nagarajan Shanthi, Shashikala Tantry, M. P. Sudhakar, K. Arunkumar, Annamalai Muthusamy,(2023)."In Vitro Plant Growth Promoting Effect of Fucoidan Fractions of Turbinaria decurrens for Seed Germination, Organogenesis, and Adventitious Root Formation in Finger Millet and Eggplant.",Journal of Plant Growth Regulation,43,283-298

  21. Suchithra Palliprath, Najya Jabeen Poolakkalody, Kaviraj Ramesh, Starlet Marath Mangalan, Shama Prasada Kabekkodu, Rogelio Santiago and Chithra Manisseri (2023),(2023)."Pretreatment of sugarcane postharvest leaves by γ-valerolactone/water/FeCl3 system for enhanced glucan and bioethanol production’",Industrial crops and products,197, 116571

  22. Najya Jabeen Poolakkalody, Kaviraj Ramesh, Suchithra Palliprath, Shima Namath Nittoor, Rogelio Santiago, Shama Prasada Kabekkodu, Chithra Manisseri (2023),(2023)."Understanding triethylammonium hydrogen sulfate ([TEA][HSO4]) pretreatment induced changes in Pennisetum polystachion cell wall matrix and its implications on biofuel yield",Renewable Energy,209, 420-430

  23. Arunkumar, K., Madhuri Nalluri, K. Anjana, G. Mohan & Rathinam Raja,(2023)."Fucoxanthin as antioxidant, anti-hyaluronidase and cytotoxic agent: potential of brown seaweeds decoction for tea supplement.",Journal of Food measurement and characterization,17, 3980 - 989

  24. Ahmad I, Rawoof A, Priyanka, Islam K, Momo J, Anju T, Kumar A, Ramchiary N,(2023)."Diversity and expression analysis of ZIP transporters and associated metabolites under zinc and iron stress in Capsicum",Plant Physiology and Biochemistry,196: 415-430

  25. Rathinam Raja , Shanmugam Hemaiswarya, Kulanthaiyesu Arunkumar, N. Mathiyazhagan, Sabariswaran Kandasamy , A. Arun, P. Ramasamy,(2023)."Efficacy of Eisenia bicyclis phlorotannins in the treatment of diabetes and reducing inflammation",Food Bioscience,52, 102381

  26. Momo J, Rawoof A, Kumar A, Islam K, Ahmad I, and Ramchiary N,(2022)."Proteomics of Reproductive Development, Fruit Ripening and Stress Responses in Tomato",Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry.,71(1): 65–95

  27. Thomas TD.,(2022)."Effect of gibberellic acid, sugars and abscisic acid on somatic embryogenesis in Tylophora indica (Burm. f.) Merrill.",Chinese journal of biotechnology,22: 465-471

  28. ThomasTD, Chaturvedi R,(2022)."Endosperm culture - A novel method for triploid plant production. Review article-",Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture,93: 1-14

  29. Anju T and Kumar A,(2022)."Traditional Food Plants in the Face of Global Change: Past, Present, and Future",Annual Plant Reviews Online,5: 383–454

  30. K.Arunkumar, K.Sreena, MuhsinaMoosa, G.Mohan, RathinamRaja,(2022)."Cytotoxic characterization of optically negative Codium fragile polysaccharide against HeLa and MCF cell lines",Bioactive Carbohydrates and Dietary Fibre,100341

  31. Abdul Rawoof, Ilyas Ahmad, Khushbu Islam, John Momo, Ajay Kumar, Vandana Jaiswal, Nirala Ramchiary,(2022)."Integrated omics analysis identified genes and their splice variants involved in fruit development and metabolites production in Capsicum species",Functional & Integrative Genomics,ND

  32. Shanavas Syed Mohamed Puhari,Subramani Yuvaraj,Varadaraj Vasudevan,Tharmarajan Ramprasath,Prabhakaran Rajkumar,Kulanthaiyesu Arunkumar,Chinnaiah Amutha,Govindan Sadasivam Selvam,(2022)."Isolation and characterization of fucoidan from four brown algae and study of the cardioprotective effect of fucoidan from Sargassum wightii against high glucose-induced oxidative stress in H9c2 cardiomyoblast cells",Journal of food biochemistry,

  33. Anjana K, Arunkumar K,(2022)."Anti-hyaluronidase and cytotoxic activities of fucoxanthin cis/trans isomers extracted and characterized from 13 brown seaweeds",Process biochemistry,Volume 122, Part 2, November 2022, Pages 53-68

  34. K. Nayana, D. Vidya, K. Soorya, Aswathi Dineshan, Anaswara S. Menon, Rashida Mambad & K. Arunkumar,(2022)."Effect of Volume and Surface Area on Growth and Productivity of Microalgae in Culture System",BioEnergy Research,

  35. Dineshkumar K., Ginny Antony,(2022)."In silico prediction of putative antimicrobial targets in Xanthomonas citri pv. punicae using genome subtraction approach",Archives of Microbiology,204;490

  36. E.J. Suraby, Sruthi Bharathan and Ginny Antony,(2022)."Genome‑wide identification of type III effectors and other virulence factors in Ralstonia pseudosolanacearum causing bacterial wilt in ginger (Zingiber officinale)",Molecular Genetics and Genomics,62; 423-448

  37. Thomas TD, Michael A,(2022)."High frequency plantlet regeneration and multiple shoot formation from cultured immature seeds of Rhynchostylis retusa Blume., an exquisite orchid.",Plant Biotechnology Reports,1: 243-249.

  38. Dineshkumar, K., and Ginny Antony.,(2022)."Computational identification of putative copper-binding proteins in pomegranate bacterial blight pathogen Xanthomonas citri pv. punicae",Archives of Microbiology,204:362

  39. Thattantavide Anju, Pratheesh Prabhakar, Sajana Sreedharan, Ajay Kumar,(2022)."Nutritional, antioxidant and dietary potential of some traditional leafy vegetables used in ethnic culinary preparations",Food Control,141

  40. Isaac Cherian, Varsha Premarajan, Bargu Anitha, Ashifa Nizam, Darshan Girish, Ajay Kumar, Padmanaban S Suresh, Thejaswini Venkatesh,(2022)."In silico identification of rice and human miRNAs sequences within tRFs of O. sativa and expression analysis of rice tRFs with their corresponding miRNAs",South African Journal of Botany,149

  41. John Momo, Ajay Kumar, Khushbu Islam, lyas Ahmad, Abdul Rawoof, Nirala Ramchiary,(2022)."A comprehensive update on Capsicum proteomics: Advances and future prospects",Journal of Proteomics,261

  42. Thomas TD,(2022)."2008. The efffect of in vivo and in vitro applications of ethrel and GA3 on sex expression in bitter melon.",Euphytica,164: 317-323

  43. Anju Thattantavide, Rai Nishmitha Kumari S. R., Ajay Kumar,(2022)."Sauropus androgynus (L.) Merr.: a multipurpose plant with multiple uses in traditional ethnic culinary and ethnomedicinal preparations",Journal of Ethnic Foods,10:1

  44. K. Nayana, M. P. Sudhakar & K. Arunkumar,(2022)."Biorefinery potential of Coelastrella biomass for fuel and bioproducts—a review",Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery,

  45. Joseph J.T. and Shah J.M.,(2022)."Biotic stress-induced epigenetic changes and transgenerational memory in plants.",Biologia,77:2007-2021

  46. Saritha GNG, Anju T and Kumar A,(2022)."Nanotechnology - Big Impact: How nanotechnology is changing the future of agriculture?",Journal of Agriculture and Food Research,100457

  47. Sivaraman, S., Krishnamoorthy, D., Arvind, K., Grace, T., Sharma, J. and Antony, G,(2022)."TAL effectors and the predicted host targets of pomegranate bacterial blight pathogen Xanthomonas citri pv. punicae",Current Genetics,1-13

  48. Najya Jabeen Poolakkalody, Anju Thattantavide, Chithra Manisseri,(2022)."Evaluating the biofuel potential of perennial grass, Pennisetum polystachion based on aqueous 1-ethyl, 3-methylimidazolium acetate ([EMIM][Ac]) pretreatment",Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery,online published

  49. Ashifa Nizam, Suraj Prasannakumari Meera, Ajay Kumar,(2021)."Genetic and molecular mechanisms underlying mangrove adaptations to intertidal environments",iScience,103547

  50. Kumar A, Sreedharan S, Kashyap AK, Singh P, Ramchiary N,(2021)."A review on bioactive phytochemicals and ethnopharmacological potential of Purslane (Portulaca oleracea L.).",Heliyon,Check website

  51. Anju T, Rai NKSR, Uthirchamkavu I, Sreedharan S, Ndhlala AR, Singh P, Kumar A,(2021)."Analysis of nutritional and antioxidant potential of three traditional leafy vegetables for food security and human wellbeing",South African Journal of Botany,Check website

  52. Nagarajan Shanthi, Ponnan ArumugamPonnan Arumugam Department of Zoology, Bharathiar University, Coimbatore 641 046, India More by Ponnan Arumugam , Marudhamuthu Murugan, Muthiyal Prabakaran Sudhakar, and Kulanthaiyesu Arunkumar*,(2021)."Extraction of Fucoidan from Turbinaria decurrens and the Synthesis of Fucoidan-Coated AgNPs for Anticoagulant Application",ACS Omega,0

  53. Suraj Prasannakumari Meera, Malini Bhattacharyya, Ashifa Nizam & Ajay Kumar,(2021)."A review on microplastic pollution in the mangrove wetlands and microbial strategies for its remediation",Environmental Science and Pollution Research,Online

  54. Ajay Kumar,(2021)."How Can India Leverage Its Botanic Gardens for the Conservation and Sustainable Utilization of Wild Food Plant Resources through the Implementation of a Global Strategy for Plant Conservation?",Journal of Zoological and Botanical Gardens,2(4):586-599

  55. Joseph J.T, Ajith T.G, and Shah J.M.,(2021)."In silico analysis and comparison of pathogenesis-related transcription factor binding sites in Arabidopsis DNA repair gene promoters",Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, India Section B: Biological Sciences. https://doi.o,91:929-945

  56. Silpa P, Thomas TD,(2021)."High frequency shoot regeneration from flower bud derived callus of Gymnostachyum febrifugum Benth., an endemic medicinal plant to the Western Ghats. Plant Cell Tissue organ Culture",Plant Cell Tissue organ Culture,147:221-228

  57. Yoosuf N.A. and Shah J.M.,(2021)."Genotoxic and cytotoxic effects of food additives",Journal of Cytology and Genetics,22:67-82

  58. Thynraj Antony Roseline, Muthiyal Prabakaran Sudhakar, and Arunkumar Kulanthaiyesu,(2021)."Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticle Composites Using Calliblepharis fimbriata Aqueous Extract, Phytochemical Stimulation, and Controlling Bacterial Blight Disease in Rice",ACS Agricultural Science & Technology,0

  59. Vijay, A.; Nizam, A.; Radhakrishnan, A.M.; Anju, T.; Kashyap, A.K.; Kumar, N.; Kumar, A.,(2021)."Comparative Study of Ovule Development between Wild (Passiflora foetida L.) and Cultivated (P. edulis Sims) Species of Passiflora L. Provide Insights into Its Differential Developmental Patterns",Journal of Zoological and Botanical Gardens,2(3), 502-516

  60. M.K., Rajesh & Antony, Ginny & Arvind, Kumar & Jeffrey, Godwin & K P, Gangaraj & Maruthakasi, Sujithra & Josephrajkumar, And & Grace, Tony.,(2021)."Draft genome sequence, annotation and SSR mining data of Oryctes rhinoceros Linn. (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae), the coconut rhinoceros beetle",Data in Brief,38. 107424.

  61. D. Vidya, K. Nayana, M. Sreelakshmi, K. V. Keerthi, K. Sneha Mohan, M. P. Sudhakar & K. Arunkumar,(2021)."A sustainable cultivation of microalgae using dairy and fish wastes for enhanced biomass and bio-product production",Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery,4.987

  62. Dubey, M.; Jaiswal, V.; Rawoof, A.; Kumar, A.; Nitin, M.; Chhapekar, S.S.; Kumar, N.; Ahmad, I.; Islam, K.; Brahma, V.; et al.,(2021)."Identification of Genes Involved in Fruit Development/Ripening in Capsicum and Development of Functional Markers.",Genomics,111, 1913–1922,

  63. Kumar, A.; Sreedharan, S.; Achigan-Dako, E.G.; Singh, P.; Ramchiary, N.,(2021)."Improvement of a traditional orphan food crop, Portulaca oleracea L. (Purslane) using genomics for sustainable food security and climate resilient agriculture",Frontiers in Sustainable Food Systems,10.3389/fsufs.2021.711820.

  64. Kumar A, Anju T, Kumar S, Chhapekar SS, Sreedharan S, Singh S, Choi SR, Ramchiary N, Lim YP.,(2021)."Integrating Omics and Gene Editing Tools for Rapid Improvement of Traditional Food Plants for Diversified and Sustainable Food Security",International Journal of Molecular Sciences,13(6):3062.

  65. 2021. Arunkumar, K. Reeshma Raj, R. Raja, I.S. Carvalho,(2021)."Brown seaweeds as a source of anti-hyaluronidase compounds",South African Journal of Botany(Elsevier),139, 470-477

  66. Sreelekha E, Bini George, Sarojini Sharath S, Thomas TD, Stanisław Wacławek, Miroslav Černík, Vinod V. T. Padi,(2021)."Chitosan/gelatin/silver nanoparticles composites films for biodegradable food packaging applications.",Polymers,13: 1680

  67. Shah J.M.,(2021)."Epimutations and mutations, nurturing phenotypic diversity.",Genetica,

  68. Kumar A, Kumar S, Anju T, Ramchiary N.,(2021)."Genetic, Epigenetic and Hormonal Control of Fruit Development and Ripening in Capsicum L. Species",Annual Plant Reviews,6

  69. Chhapekar, S.S.; Brahma, V.; Rawoof, A.; Kumar, N.; Gaur, R.; Jaiswal, V.; Kumar, A.; Yadava, S.K.; Kumar, R.; Sharma, V.; et al.,(2021)."Profiling of miRNAs in Bhut Jolokia (Capsicum chinense) and Kon Jolokia (C. frutescens) of Northeast India",Scientia Horticulturae,281, 109952

  70. Amritha P.P. and Shah J.M.,(2021)."Can genetic engineering-based methods for gene function identification be eclipsed by genome editing in plants? A comparison of methodologies",Molecular Genetics and Genomics,296:485-500

  71. Joseph J.T, Chandhini S, Das S, Mysore KS and Shah J.M.,(2021)."Methylation status of Arabidopsis DNA repair gene promoters during Agrobacterium infection reveals epigenetic changes in three generations",Plant Molecular Biology Reporter,10.1007/s11105-021-01287-6

  72. Kumar A, Kumar S, Komal, Ramchiary N, Singh P.,(2021)."Role of traditional ethnobotanical knowledge and indigenous communities in achieving Sustainable Development Goals",Sustainability,13, 3062.

  73. Gangaraj K.P., Muralikrishna K.S., Ginny Antony, Sahu, B.B., Hegde, V. and Rajesh, M.K,(2021)."A rapid invitro leaf inovulation assay to investigate Phytophthora palmivora- coconut interactions.",Journal of Phytopathology,169:316-328

  74. Angeline C, Toji T, Thomas TD,(2020)."Mass multiplication of Gymnema sylvestre (Retz.) R. Br. ex Schult. through in vitro shoot organogenesis from callus.",Plant Tissue culture and Biotechnology,30: 27-32.

  75. Yoosuf NA, Joseph J.T. and Shah J.M. 2020.,(2020)."Mutagenicity assessment of sunset yellow on chromosomal aberrations and whole genome DNA strand breaks in Allium cepa.",Journal of Cytology and Genetics,21:121-129

  76. Chhapekar, S.S.; Brahma, V.; Rawoof, A.; Kumar, N.; Gaur, R.; Jaiswal, V.; Kumar, A.; Yadava, S.K.; Kumar, R.; Sharma, V.; et al.,(2020)."Transcriptome profiling, simple sequence repeat markers development and genetic diversity analysis of potential industrial crops Capsicum chinense and C. frutescens of Northeast India",Industrial Crops and Products,Volume 154, 112687

  77. 2020. Arunkumar,K. R. Raja, V.B.S. Kumar, A. Joseph, T. Shilpa, I.S. Carvalho.,(2020)."Antioxidant and cytotoxic activities of sulfated polysaccharides from five different edible seaweeds",Journal of Food Measurement and Characterization(Springer) ,15 (1), 567-576

  78. 1. Palliprath S, Poolakkalody NJ, Ramesh K, Manisseri C,(2020)."Lignocellulosic Content and Biofuel Potential of Post-harvest Sugarcane Leaves from Commonly Cultivated Indian Varieties.",Science and Technology Journal,, 8(2): 15-23

  79. 2020. Arumugam, P., Arunkumar, K.,Murugan,M., Kamalakkannan, P. and Murugan,K.,(2020)."Protective effects of fucoidan against 4-nitroquinolin-1-oxide provoked genetic damage in mouse bone marrow cells",Environmental Science and Pollution Research (Springer) ,27:31760–31766

  80. 2020. Sudhakar, M.P., K. Arunkumar and K. Perumal. ,(2020)."Pretreatment and process optimization of spent seaweed biomass (SSB) for bioethanol production using yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae)",Renewable Energy(Elsevier),153:456-471

  81. Sabana, A.A., Rajesh, M.K and Ginny Antony,(2020)."Dynamic changes in the expression pattern of miRNAs and associated target genes during coconut somatic embryogenesis",Planta,251:79

  82. Deepa AV., Thomas TD,(2020)."In vitro strategies for the conservation of Indian medicinal climbers.",In Vitro Cellular and Developmental Biology - Plant,56:784–802

  83. 2019. Sudhakar,M.P., B. Ramesh Kumar, Thangavel, M., K. Arunkumar,(2019)."A review on bioenergy and bioactive compounds from microalgae and macroalgae-sustainable energy perspective",Journal of Cleaner Production(Elsevier),228,1320-1333

  84. 2019. Arumugam,P., K. Murugan, M. Murugan, L. Sivakumar,K. Arunkumar,(2019)."Anticancer effect of fucoidan on cell proliferation, cell cycle progression, genetic damage and apoptotic cell death in HepG2 cancer cells,",Toxicology Report (Elsevier),6: 556-563

  85. 2019. Suganya, K., Govindan,K., Arunkumar, K. and Murugan,M.,(2019)."Effect of biosurfactant derived from Vibrio natriegens MK3 against Vibrio harveyi biofilm and virulence",Journal of Basic Microbiology(Wiley) ,59(9); 1–14

  86. 2019. Mugesh,S.,Arun,R., Arunkumar K.andMurugan, M.,(2019)."Synthesis of biogenic copper nanoparticles embedded in graphene oxide-chitosan composite and its antibacterial and cytotoxic activities.",Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology(ASP),19(5):2526-2532

  87. 2019. Suvega, T. and K. Arunkumar. ,(2019)."Probiotic bacteria promote the growth of associating host(red seaweed, Gracilaria edulis) also synthesize antibacterial protein",Biocatalysis and Agricultural Biotechnology(Elsevier),19 ; 101136

  88. 2019. Antony Roseline, T., M. Murugan, M.P. Sudhakarand K. Arunkumar,(2019)."Nanopesticidal potential of silver nanocomposites synthesized from the aqueous extracts of red seaweeds",Environmental Technology and Innovation (Elsevier),13:82-93

  89. Pardeep Singh, Vipin Kumar Singh, Rishikesh Singh, Anwesha Borthakur, Ajay Kumar, Dhanesh Tiwary, PK Mishra,(2018)."Biological degradation of toluene by indigenous bacteria Acinetobacter junii CH005 isolated from petroleum contaminated sites in India",Energy, Ecology and Environment,3: 162–170

  90. Sabana, A.A., Ginny Antony, Rahul, C.U. and Rajesh, M.K.,(2018)."In silico identification of microRNAs and their targets associated with coconut embryogenic calli.",Agri Gene,7:59-65

  91. Eluvakkal, T. and K. Arunkumar,(2017)."Season, locality and parts of the thallus influence fucoidan yield and its compositions among the three Gulf of Mannar brown seaweeds",Seaweed Research and Utilization,39(1) : 17 – 22

  92. Arvind, K., Sabana, A.A., Rajesh, M.K., Gangaraj, K.P., Agnisrota Mazumder, Ginny Antony and Tony Grace.,(2017)."Computational identification of miRNAs and their targets from mango (Mangifera indica L.) ESTs.",International Journal of Innovative Horticulture,6(2): 129-137

  93. 2017. Sudhakara,M.P., A. Jegatheesan, C. Poonam, K. Perumal and K. Arunkumar,(2017)."Biosaccharification and ethanol production from spent seaweed biomass using marine bacteria and yeast.",Renewable Energy(Elsevier),105: 133-139

  94. 2017. Jegatheesan, A., M. P. Sudhakar, C. Poonam, K. Perumal, K. Arunkumar,(2017)."Isolation and characterization of alginate-degrading bacteria Sinomicrobium oceani",Biomass Conversion and Biorefinery (Springer),7(1):51-58

  95. Li, H., Bai, J., Mahmood, T. Antony, G., Lu, N., Pumphreys, M. Bowden, R. ,Gill, B. and White, F.F, Bai,J,(2017)."The non host pathogen Puccinia triticina elicits an active transcriptional response in rice",European Journal of Plant Pathology,147: 553-569

  96. Sudhakar, M.P., Ravel Merlyn, K. Arunkumar and K. Perumal,(2016)."Characterization, pretreatment and saccharification of spent seaweed biomass for bioethanol production using baker's yeast",Biomass and Bioenergy (Elsevier),90:148-154

  97. 2016. Arunkumar,K and J. Archanadevi. ,(2016)."Effect of increased dissolved inorganic carbon on two tropical marine red algae calcareous, Amphiroa fragilissima and non-calcareous, Gracilaria edulis",Seaweed Research and Utilization,38(1):41-47

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Department Of Plant Science

To become the centre of innovative teaching and research in Plant Science that culminate in the service of our nation and the world.

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Department Of Plant Science

To become the centre of innovative teaching and research in Plant Science that culminate in the service of our nation and the world.


Department Of Plant Science

To become the centre of innovative teaching and research in Plant Science that culminate in the service of our nation and the world.

Department Of Plant Science
School of Biological Science
Email: hod[dot]plantscience[at]cukerala[dot]ac[dot]in