Department of Plant Science
The Department of Plant Science was established as one of the four department in the school of Biological Sciences in 2011 with 16 students and five guest faculty. Prof.( Dr.) G.M. Nair, the( former Director of the prestigious Tropical Botanical Garden Research Institute (TBGRI))headed the department since its inception till November 2013.The department currently comprises of 6 permanent faculty,one post-Doctoral fellow,21 Ph.D scholars,2 support staff and 42 masters students.
The teaching activities in the department cover a wide ranging curriculum designed to provide in depth knowledge to graduate students pursuing M.Sc. and Ph.D degrees. We also conduct regular training programs and workshop for scientists and students outside the University.Faculty is also actively engaged in promoting science education in schools by organizing regular interaction program with the high school students.
Research program is in our department covers wide range of aspects in Plant Science from fruit devlopment,plant micro propagation, algal biochemistry and bio prospecting ,genome stability in plants under stress ,bio energy and plant-microbe interaction biology
- To prepare a work force ready to address the current and future challengersof our nation in ensuring food security and enhanced quality of life.
- Providing research based solutions and assistance to 'plant' related needs of the society.
- Improving the fundamental knowledge on basic plant biology
To become the centre of innovative teaching and research in Plant Science that culminate in the service of our nation and the world.