Brief Profile
Prof. (Dr.) M. R. Biju, currently working as Dean, School of Legal Studies and Head of the Department of Public Administration and Policy Studies, Central University of Kerala, Kasaragod. He is the Chairperson of the PG Board of Studies and also serving as Member of the Court of the University. He has served the full term as Dean, School of Social Sciences (2017-2020) and also a short span as Dean, Academic (2020).
Prof. M. R. Biju is one of the widely cited writers in the field of Social Sciences with 161 citations and H-index of 6 and i10 index of 3. As per UGC Regulations of 2010, 2013 and 2016 Dr. Biju possess a total API Score of 3914 with API Cap of 3739 as on 01.01.2017.
Prof. Biju is the Editor of South Asian Journal of Socio-Political Studies (SAJOSPS), a UGC Listed Journal (No.34425 Dated 11.01.2017 with an impact factor of 3.1028).It is a Twenty –Two year old research journal which is indexed and abstracted by renowned indexing and abstracting agencies worldwide. Notable among them include the US Library of of Congress, Michigan University, University of Manchester, Columbia University, University of West Indies, University of Pardubice etc. He is also serving as Editor-in-Chief of International Journal of Political Science (IJOPS). He is a prolific writer on socio-political and developmental issues.
He has published Thirty (30) books, One hundred and Seventy-Five (175) research papers, Seventeen [17] book chapters and 11 (Eleven) Seminar Proceedings. All the books were published by leading publishing houses in New Delhi. Notable among them include, Concept Publishing Company, Atlantic Publishers, National Publishing House, Kanishka Publishers, Mittal Publications, New Century Publications, Authors Press, APH Publishing Corporation, ABD Publishers, Manak, etc.
He has delivered 78 (Seventy-Eight) Invited Lectures,16 (Sixteen) Keynote addresses and reviewed over Nine Hundred books for South Asian Journal of Socio-Political Studies. His research papers appeared in the renowned journals viz., Economic and Political Weekly, Mainstream, The Atlantic Journal of World Affairs, International Journal of Commerce, South Asia Politics, The Indian Journal of Political Science, Journal of Political Studies, The Indian Journal of Political Studies, South Asian Journal of Socio-Political Studies, International Journal for Research and Business Innovation, Indian Journal of Current Research (Quarterly International), Grassroots Governance Journal, Punjab Journal of Politics, Meerut Journal of Politics and Public Administration, Journal of the Institute for the Study of Developing Areas, Kurukshetra, Yojana, Social Science in Perspective etc. Some of these have been abstracted in the International Political Science Abstracts, Paris.
His teaching and research experience, spanning nearly three decades, includes several achievements such as completion of Three major research projects funded by Ministry of Panchayati Raj, Govt. of India and University Grants Commission, New Delhi and the post-doctoral fellowship awarded by the UGC in 2004-07. He has also successfully guided doctoral students of the University of Kerala. Seven students are currently pursuing their doctoral studies under his supervision at CUK.
He is consistently making professional academic contributions in the capacity of an Associate Board Member of Economics and Management, a prestigious journal published by the Technical University of Liberce, Czech Republic; as the Director and Member Secretary of the Asian Institute of Development Research (AIDR); and as a life Member of several Academic and Professional Bodies.
He is also serving on the Editorial Board of International Journal of Business, Innovation and Administration. Also working as Member of the PG Board of Studies of Central University of Rajasthan and Gandhigram Rural Institute, Dindugal .Earlier he served as Member PG Board of Studies of the Dept of Political Science and Public Administration of the University of Kerala.