Brief Profile
Dr Asha S. is currently working as Associate Professor in the Department of English & Comparative Literature, Central University of Kerala, Kasaragod. She was awarded Ph.D. in 2004 by the University of Kerala on the topic ‘Purdah in the Sub-continental Novel in English’. She has 14 years of teaching experience at the undergraduate level and 17 at the postgraduate. She undertook two UGC Minor Research Projects in 2006 and 2009 on the topics - ‘Literary Representations of the Middle Eastern Muslim Woman: Realities and Stereotypes’ and ‘Islamist Construction of Muslim Femininity in Post 9/11 Malayalam Periodicals’. She has published 23 research papers in peer reviewed national and international journals and co-authored a book Introducing Literature, currently prescribed for study in the core course of the 1 year BA English programme of the University of Calicut.
Recent and Major Publications
- Scaria, Subin & Asha S.,"Branding the Saint: The Representations of
St. Kuriakose Elias Chavara in the Marketplace in Kerala",The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Cultural Studies,18.2 pp.131-51
- S.,Asha,"Conflicting Empathies: Arab Spring in Benyamin’s Jasmine Days and Al-Arabian Novel Factory",Littcrit,47.1 pp/120-131
- S., Asha,"Critiquing Camus, Denouncing Islamism: Kamel Daoud’s The Mersault Investigation as Double Edged Postcolonial Re-writing",Literary Endeavour,X.2 pp. 261-268
- S., Asha,"Reconfiguring Faith, Redifining Agency: Post 9/11 Muslim Women’s Diasporic Dilemma",Littcrit,45.1 pp.41-50
- S., Asha,"(ഇസ്ലാമിക) ) സ്ത്രീവാദം മുസ്ലിം സംഘടനകളുടെ പരിപ്രേക്ഷ്യത്തില്",Malayalam Research Journal,11. 3 pp. 4358-4371
- S., Asha,"Contending Patriarchy,
Confronting Civilization:
The Mother as the
Doughty Rebel in Driss
Chraibi’s Mother Comes
of Age",The Criterion: An International Journal in English,8.3 pp. 988-993
- S., Asha,"The Politics of
Spotlighting on Afghan
Women’s Plight in Khaled
Hosseini’s A Thousand
Splendid Suns",The Criterion: An International Journal in English,6.5 pp. 149-153
- S., Asha,"In the Throes of
Transition: Muslim
Women in Ahmed Ali’s
Twilight in Delhi and
Zeenuth Futehally’s
Zohra",International Journal of English Language, Literature and Translation Studies,2.3 pp. 108-115
- S., Asha,"Muslim Feminist
Consciousness in Indian English Fiction in the Nationalist Era",The Criterion: An International Journal in English,6.4 pp. 007-015
- S., Asha,"The Intersection of the Personal and the Political: Huda Shaarawi’s Harem Years and Leila Ahmed’s A Border Passage",Icfai University Journal of English Studies,7.2 pp. 31-38
- S., Asha,"Norma Khouri’s
Forbidden Love: A Case
of Textual Violence
Against Women",Icfai University Journal of English Studies,6.3 pp. 56-60
- S., Asha,"Perceptions on the Indian
Muslim Woman in
Colonial and Reformist
Discourses",Littcrit,37.1 pp. 3-11
- S., Asha,"Battered by Poverty:
Women in Shaukat
Osman’s Janani and The
State Witness",Icfai University Journal of English Studies,5.3 pp. 40-44
- S., Asha,"Aiding Imperialism: Popular Iranian Women’s
Memoirs",Littcrit,36.1 pp. 32-43
- S., Asha,"Muslim Society at the
Crossroads: Mumtaz Shah
Nawaz’ The Heart
Divided as a Chronicle ofFemale and Community
Identities in the Making",Littcrit,35. 1& 2 pp. 32-39
- S., Asha,"Reading Lolita in Tehran: Rehashing Orientalist Stereotypes",Icfai University Journal of English Studies,4.1 pp. 47-53
- S., Asha,"Narrative Discourses on Purdah in the Subcontinent",Icfai University Journal of English Studies,3.2 pp. 41-51
Books / Chapters
Chapter(s) - Sole Author, (2021). Postmodern Voices in Indian English Literature, Authorspress, New Delhi, 13 : 9789390588060Chapter(s) - Sole Author, (2012). Various Cultures, Variant Readings, Creative Books, New Delhi, 81-8043-093-6Book - Co-Author, (2018). Introducing Literature, Publication Division, Calicut University, 9788177482126
Membership/Fellowship of other institutions/professionals societies : |
Student related co-curricular, extension and field based activities and counseling. |
Contribution to corporate sector-management of the department and institution through participation in academic and administration,committees and responsibilities.
Other activities/Responsibilities : |
Any other relevant information, if not given above : |
Teaching & Research Guidance
- Fiction, Indian Writing in English, Research Methodology, Arab Spring Narratives, Syrian Refugee Narratives, Postsecular Feminism:Post Graduate
- Kerala Modernities, Disability Studies, Matrilineal Studies, Graphic Narratives:Research Guidance