Brief Profile
Dr. Joseph Koyippally Joseph is the Professor (since 2014) and Head (2011-14, 209-20; 2021-till now) of the Department of English and Comparative Literature, Central University of Kerala. He is CU Kerala’s first regular Head of the Department and first regular Dean of School, and the founding head of the Departments of Hindi, and the Department of Linguistics.
He took MA (Kerala University in 1988), and PhD (JNU) in English in 1998. Before joining CU Kerala, Dr. Joseph worked at the English Departments of Central government institutions of higher education in Bhutan (Sherubtse College, Kanglung); India (Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi); and Saudi Arabia (University of Hail, Hail).
At present, Dr. Joseph serves CU Kerala in several capacities. He is a member of the University Court, University Executive Council, University Academic Council, University Finance Committee, and is also the Director of the University Placement Cell, the Centre for Language Skills, and the Centre for Translation Studies.
He is a recognized translator and Shakespeare scholar. He offers a 4-credit Postgraduate MOOC 'Shakespeare Across Cultures' through SWAYAM for UGC/CEC. He has published 3 books (2 translations and 1 edited work). This much sought-after resource person has written more than 40 articles and has given more than 80 invited lectures.
Recent and Major Publications
- Joseph Koyippally,"Analysing Diverse Genres: Shakespeare in India (48-49)",TBR,2020. 44(2-3) 48-49
- Joseph Koyippally,"Goat Days: The Art Writing and the Task of Translating",Tapasam,2020. 11(1). 2015 July-2016 April. 14-29
- Joseph Koyippally,"Ill school’d in bolted language”: Adaptations and Shakespeare",Humanities Circle,2019 8(2)
- Joseph Koyippally,"‘Translation in the Posthuman Age’",Humanities Circle,2017 5(1) 19-28
- Joseph Koyippally,"’Mappila’: Identity and Sematic Narrowing",IOSR-JHSS,2016, 22(1). 8-13
- Joseph Koyippally,"The Bard on Cyberstage: MIT Shakespeare Project’",Humanities Circle,2014, 2(2), pp.215-218
- Joseph Koyippally,"Transnational Feminine identities: Mapping, Resistance and Diaspora in Dryden’s Amboyna",Oasis,2013, 5(1), pp. 54-72
- Joseph Koyippally,"Caliban’s Smile?: South Asian Diasporic Response to 9/11",Humanities Circle,1(1), pp. 189-203
Books / Chapters
Chapter(s) - Sole Author, (2022). Semiotics and Dialectics: Essays in Honour of Prof. Harjeet Singh Gill, Aakar Books, New Delhi, 9789350027349Chapter(s) - Sole Author, (2019). Qazi Muhammad’s Fathul Mubeen, Kerala Book Trust, 93-87014-54-1Chapter(s) - Sole Author, (2017). Missionary Bhashashasthram, Malayalam University. Tirur, India, 9878193533703Chapter(s) - Co-Author, (2016). Bharathada Bahubhashika Parisara mathu Anuvada (250-274), Kuvempu Bhashabharati Pradhikara: Bangalore, India, xxxxxxxxxxxxChapter(s) - Sole Author, (2015). Malayalavum Hermann Gunderttum, Malayalam University, Tirur, India, 9788193114162Chapter(s) - Sole Author, (2015). Adujeevitham Patanangal, Green Books, Thrissur, India, xxxxxxxxxxxChapter(s) - Sole Author, (2014). Veedu Maarunnavar: Arabyan Pravaasa Saahithyam, Green Books, Thrissur, India, 9788184233674Chapter(s) - Co-Author, (2014). Who is Afraid of English? Paradigm shift in Brave New India, Kuvempu Bhasha Bharathi Pradhikara, Bangalore, 9788192175898Chapter(s) - Sole Author, (2014). Growing Synergy Between India and Korea, Manak Publishers, Delhi, India, 9789378313547Book - Co-Author, (2020). Devil Mountain, Notion Press, Singapore, 9781648996351Book - Co-Author, (2014). PLSI Kerala Volume: People’s Linguistic Survey of India (Vol. 15), Orient Blackswan, New Delhi, 9788125056270Book - Co-Author, (2012). Goat Days, Penguin, India, 9780143416333
Membership/Fellowship of other institutions/professionals societies : |
Comparative Literature Association of India,
Shakespeare Society of India
Student related co-curricular, extension and field based activities and counseling. |
Gives extension lectures at various institutions in Kerala.
Contribution to corporate sector-management of the department and institution through participation in academic and administration,committees and responsibilities.
Dean, School of Languages and Comparative Literature, CUK (2012-15)
Head, Department of English & Comparative Literature (2011-14, 2018-19, 2019-)
Director, Placement Cell, CUK
Coordinator, Alumni Association, CUK; Coordinator, PTA Cell, CUK
Other activities/Responsibilities : |
Director, Placement Cell,
Director, Center for Translation Studies
Director, Language Skills Center
Coordinator, University Alumni Association,
Cooradinator, University PTA Cell.
Any other relevant information, if not given above : |
PhD Examiner for more than 12 Universities.
Observer in CUCET, AIPMT in several examinations
Teaching & Research Guidance
- English:Research Guidance
- English:Under Graduate
- English:Post Graduate
- Shakespeare Across Cultures (MOOC) through SWAYAM, GoI.:Short term/Continuing Education/Specialist Courses conducted
- Approaches to Literature (A210), AOU, Saudi Arabia:Under Graduate
- Aspects of Translatology (LCL5402), CU Kerala, Kasargod, India:Post Graduate
- Comparative Literature (LCL6101), CU Kerala:Research Guidance
- Comparative Literature I: Methodology and Perspectives (LCL5101), Central University of Kerala:Post Graduate
- Diaspora Discourses (LCL5013), Central University of Kerala:Post Graduate
- Indian Literature in English, (LCL5302) Central University of Kerala,:Post Graduate
- Interpretation of Text, JNU, New Delhi, India:Post Graduate
- Introduction to Literature (ENG 371), University of Hail, Saudi Arabia:Under Graduate
- Literature in the Modern World (A319), AOU, Saudi Arabia:Under Graduate
- Lyric Mode I: Virgil to Wordsworth (LCL5102), Central University of Kerala,:Post Graduate
- Narrative Mode I: Cervantes to Dickens (LCL5205), Central University of Kerala:Post Graduate
- Romantic Poetry, Sherubtse College, Bhutan:Under Graduate
- Romantic Poetry, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi:Post Graduate
- Shakespeare (LCL5001), Central University of Kerala:Post Graduate
- Shakespeare, Sherubtse College, Bhutan:Under Graduate
- Shakespeare, Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi:Post Graduate
- Shakespeare, University of Hail, Hail, Saudi Arabia:Under Graduate
- Applied Linguistics (ENG 355), University of Hail, Saudi Arabia:Under Graduate
- Introduction to Linguistics (ENG 252), University of Hail, Hail, Saudi Arabia:Under Graduate
- Language Testing (ENG 485), University of Hail, Hail, Saudi Arabia:Under Graduate
- Language Testing (ENG 485), University of Hail, Hail, Saudi Arabia:Under Graduate
- Psycholinguistics (ENG 483), University of Hail,:Under Graduate
- Psycholinguistics (ENG 483), University of Hail,:Under Graduate
- Semantics (ENG 355), University of Hail, Hail, Saudi Arabia:Under Graduate
- Research Methodology:Research Guidance
- Research Publication and Ethics:Research Guidance
- Research Publication and Ethics:Research Guidance