Recent and Major Publications
- D. J. Hinde et al.,,"Nuclear structure effects in quasifission – understanding the formation of the
heaviest elements",EPJ web of conferences,123,03005
- P. Jisha , 1,* A. M. Vinodkumar , 1 S. Sanila , 1 K. Arjun,1 B. R. S. Babu , 1 J. Gehlot,2 S. Nath , 2 N. Madhavan,2 Rohan Biswas , 2 A. Parihari , 2,† A. Vinayak,3 Amritraj Mahato , 4 E. Prasad,5 and A. C. Visakh,"Role of positive transfer Q values in fusion cross sections for 18O + 182,184,186W reactions",Phys Rev C,105,054614
- P. Jisha , 1,* A. M. Vinodkumar , 1 S. Sanila , 1 K. Arjun,1 B. R. S. Babu , 1 J. Gehlot,2 S. Nath , 2 N. Madhavan,2 Rohan Biswas , 2 A. Parihari , 2,† A. Vinayak,3 Amritraj Mahato , 4 E. Prasad,5 and A. C. Visakh,"Role of positive transfer Q values in fusion cross sections for 18O + 182,184,186W reactions",Phys Rev C,105,054614
- A. C. Visakh, E. Prasad, P. V. Laveen, M. Shareef, A. Shamlath, S. Nath, N. Madhavan, J. Gehlot, Gonika, Rohan Biswas, A. Parihari, J. Khuyagbaatar, B. Lommel, B. Kindler, A. M. Vinodkumar, B. R. S. Babu, S. Sanila, K. M. Varier, and S. Appannababu,"Fusion studies in 16O+142,150Nd reactions at energies near the Coulomb barrier",Phys. Rev. C,Vol 104, 054602
- Kaushik Banerjee et al.,,"Sensitive search for near-symmetric and super-asymmetric fusion-fission of the superheavy element Flerovium (Z=114)",Phys. Lett. B,820,136601
- Sunila Kalkal et al.,,"Ground state and excited state multinucleon transfer
channels in interactions of 28Si with 90,94Zr
in near barrier region",International Journal of Modern Physics E,30, 2150053
- A. Jinghan et al.,,"Development of a time of flight
spectrometer based on position sensitive
multi-wire proportional counters for fission
fragment mass distribution studies",Review of Scientific Insturments,92,033309
- E. Prasad et al.,,"Systematics of the mass-asymmetric fission of excited nuclei from
176Os to 206Pb",Phys. Lett. B,811, 135941
- P. V. Lavee, E. Prasad et al.,,"Fusion studies in 35,37Cl+181Ta reactions via evaporation residue cross section measurements",Phys. Rev. C,102, 034613
- B. M. A. Swinton Bland et al.,,"Systematic Study of Quasifission in 48Ca-induced reactions",EPJ web of conferences,232, 03007
- H. M. Albers et al.,,"Zeptosecond contact times for element Z=120 synthesis",Phys Lett B,808,135626
- P. Jisha, A. M. Vinodkumar, E. Prasad et al.,,"Evaporation residue measurements of compound nuclei in the A≈200 region",Phys. Rev. C,101, 024611
- K. K. Rajesh et al.,,"Measurement of fusion evaporation residue cross sections in the 48Ti+138Ba reaction",Phys. Rev. C,100,044611
- K. Benerjee et al.,,"Mechanisms Suppressing Superheavy Element Yields in Cold Fusion Reactions",Phys. Rev. Lett,122, 232503
- ,,"Nuclear dissipation at high excitation energy and angular momenta in reaction forming 227Np",Phys. Rev. C,99, 024618
- J. Khuyaagbaatar et al.,,"Nuclear structure dependence of fusion hindrance in heavy element synthesis",Phys. Rev. C,97, 064618
- A. Wakhle et al.,,"Capture cross sections for the synthesis of new heavy nuclei using radioactive beams",Phys. Rev. C,97, 021602(R)
- D. J. Hinde et al.,,"Sub-barrier quasifission in heavy element formation reactions with deformed actinide target nuclei",Phys. Rev. C,97, 024616
- M. Morjean et al.,,"Evidence for the Role of Proton Shell Closure in Quasifission Reactions from X-Ray Fluorescence of Mass-Identified Fragments",Phys. Rev. Lett,119,222502
- E. Prasad, D. J. Hinde, E. Williams, M. Dasgupta, I. P. Carter, K. J. Cook, D. Y. Jeung, D. H. Luong, C. S. Palshetkar, D. C. Rafferty, K. Ramachandran, C. Simenel, and A. Wakhle,"Fusion and quasifission studies for the 40Ca+186W,192Os reactions",Phys. Rev. C,Vol. 96, Page:034608
- D. J. Hinde et al.,,"Quasifission Dynamics in the Formation of Superheavy Elements",EPJ web of conferences,163, 00023
- C. Sengupta et al.,,"First Elastic Scattering Measurement of 8Li on 209Bi at the Australian National
University",EPJ web of conferences,163, 00052
- A. Shamlath, E. Prasad, N. Madhavan, P. V. Laveen, J. Gehlot, A. K. Nasirov, G. Giardina, G. Mandaglio, S. Nath, Tathagata Banerjee, A. M. Vinodkumar, M. Shareef, A. Jhingan, T. Varughese, DVGRKS Kumar, P. Sandya Devi, Khushboo, P. Jisha, Neeraj Kumar, M. M. Hosamani, and S. Kailas,"Fusion and quasifission studies in reactions forming Rn via evaporation residue measurements",Phys. Rev. C,Vol:95, 034610
- Tathagata Banerjee, S. Nath, A. Jhingan, Gurpreet Kaur, R. Dubey, Abhishek Yadav, P. V. Laveen, A. Shamlath, M. Shareef, J. Gehlot, N. Saneesh, E. Prasad, P. Sugathan, and Santanu Pal,"Fission fragment angular distributions in pre-actinide nuclei",Phys. Rev. C,94, 044607
- D. J. Hinde et al.,,"Systematic study of quasifission
characteristics and timescales in heavy
element formation reactions",EPJ web of conferences,117,08006
- M. Shareef, A. Chatterjee, and E. Prasad,"Entrance channel systematics of pre-scission neutron
multiplicities",EPJ A,52,316
- D. J. Hinde et al.,,"Quasifission in heavy and superheavy element
formation reactions",EPJ web of conferences,131,04004
- Sunil kalkal et al.,,"Asymptotic and near-target direct breakup of 6
Li and 7
Li",Phys Rev C,93, 044605
- Sunil Kalkal, E. C. Simpson, D. H. Luong, K. J. Cook, M. Dasgupta, D. J. Hinde, I. P. Carter, D. Y. Jeung, G. Mohanto, C. S. Palshetkar, E. Prasad, D. C. Rafferty, C. Simenel, K. Vo-Phuoc, E. Williams, L. R. Gasques, P. R. S. Gomes, and R. Linares,"Asymptotic and near-target direct breakup of 6Li and 7Li",Phys. Rev. C,93, 044605
- E. Prasad, A. Wakhle, D. J. Hinde, E. Williams, M. Dasgupta, M. Evers, D. H. Luong, G. Mohanto, C. Simenel, and K. Vo-Phuoc,"Exploring quasifission characteristics for 34S+232Th forming 266Sg",Phys. Rev. C,93,024607
- A. Shamlath, M. Shareef, E. Prasad et al.,,"Fission fragment mass distribution studies in
reaction",Nucl. Phys. A,945, 67 (2016)
- E. Prasad et al.,,"Mass-asymmetric fission in the 40Ca+142Nd reaction",EPJ web of conferences,123,03006
- Ish Mukul, S. Nath, K. S. Golda, A. Jhingan, J. Gehlot, E. Prasad, Sunil Kalkal, M. B. Naik, Tathagata Banerjee, T. Varughese, P. Sugathan, N. Madhavan, and Santanu Pal,"Probing fusion-fission dynamics in 203Bi",Phys. Rev. C,92, 054606
- Laveen P V et al.,,"Fusion measurements for the O+ reaction and
search for neutron shell closure effects",Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics,42, 095105
- E. Prasad, D. J. Hinde, K. Ramachandran, E. Williams, M. Dasgupta, I. P. Carter, K. J. Cook, D. Y. Jeung, D. H. Luong, S. McNeil, C. S. Palshetkar, D. C. Rafferty, C. Simenel, A. Wakhle, J. Khuyagbaatar, Ch. E. Düllmann, B. Lommel, and B. Kindler,"Observation of mass-asymmetric fission of mercury nuclei in heavy ion fusion",Phys. Rev. C,91, 064605
- Rohit Sandal, B. R. Behera, Varinderjit Singh, Maninder Kaur, A. Kumar, Gurpreet Kaur, P. Sharma, N. Madhavan, S. Nath, J. Gehlot, A. Jhingan, K. S. Golda, Hardev Singh, S. Mandal, S. Verma, E. Prasad, K. M. Varier, A. M. Vinodkumar, A. Saxena, Jhilam Sadhukhan, and Santanu Pal,"Probing nuclear dissipation via evaporation residue excitation functions for the 16,18O+198Pt reactions",Phys. Rev. C,91, 044621
- S. Santra, A. Pal, P. K. Rath, B. K. Nayak, N. L. Singh, D. Chattopadhyay, B. R. Behera, Varinderjit Singh, A. Jhingan, P. Sugathan, K. S. Golda, S. Sodaye, S. Appannababu, E. Prasad, and S. Kailas,"Effect of projectile breakup on fission-fragment mass distributions in the 6,7Li + 238U reactions",Phys. Rev. C,90, 064620 (2014)
- Maninder Kaur, B. R. Behera, Gulzar Singh, Varinderjit Singh, Rohit Sandal, A. Kumar, H. Singh, Gurpreet Singh, K. P. Singh, N. Madhavan, S. Nath, A. Jhingan, J. Gehlot, K. S. Golda, P. Sugathan, Davinder Siwal, Sunil Kalkal, E. Prasad, and S. Appannababu,"Anomalous deviations from statistical evaporation spectra for the decay of the 73Br and 77Rb compound systems",Phys. Rev. C,89, 034621 (2014)
- Rohit Sandal, B. R. Behera, Varinderjit Singh, Maninder Kaur, A. Kumar, G. Singh, K. P. Singh, P. Sugathan, A. Jhingan, K. S. Golda, M. B. Chatterjee, R. K. Bhowmik, Sunil Kalkal, D. Siwal, S. Goyal, S. Mandal, E. Prasad, K. Mahata, A. Saxena, Jhilam Sadhukhan, and Santanu Pal,"Effect of N/Z in pre-scission neutron multiplicity for 16,18O + 194,198Pt systems",Phys. Rev. C,87, 014604 (2013)
- G. Mohanto, N. Madhavan, S. Nath, E. Prasad et al.,,"Entrance channel effect on ER spin distribution",Nucl. Phys. A,890, 62 (2012)
- C. Yadav, R. G. Thomas, R. K. Choudhury, P. Sugathan, A. Jhingan, S. Appannababu, K. S. Golda, D. Singh, Ish Mukul, J. Gehlot, E. Prasad, and H. J. Wollersheim,"Evidence of quasifission in asymmetric reactions forming the 250Cf compound system",Phys. Rev. C,86, 034606 (2012)
- E.Prasad et al.,,"Fission fragment angular distribution measurements for 16O + 194Pt reaction at energies near the Coulomb barrier",Nucl. Phys. A,882, 62 (2012)
- E. Prasad, K. M. Varier, N. Madhavan, S. Nath, J. Gehlot, Sunil Kalkal, Jhilam Sadhukhan, G. Mohanto, P. Sugathan, A. Jhingan, B. R. S. Babu, T. Varughese, K. S. Golda, B. P. Ajith Kumar, B. Satheesh, Santanu Pal, R. Singh, A. K. Sinha, and S. Kailas,"Evaporation residue excitation function measurement for the 16O+194Pt reaction",Phys. Rev. C,84, 064604 (2011)
- Sunil Kalkal, S. Mandal, N. Madhavan, A. Jhingan, E. Prasad, Rohit Sandal, S. Nath, J. Gehlot, Ritika Garg, Gayatri Mohanto, Mansi Saxena, Savi Goyal, S. Verma, B. R. Behera, Suresh Kumar, U. D. Pramanik, A. K. Sinha, and R. Singh,"Multinucleon transfer reactions for the 28Si+90,94Zr systems in the region below and near the Coulomb barrier",Phys. Rev. C,83, 054607 (2011)
- S. Appannababu, S. Mukherjee, B. K. Nayak, R. G. Thomas, P. Sugathan, A. Jhingan, E. Prasad, D. Negi, N. N. Deshmukh, P. K. Rath, N. L. Singh, and R. K. Choudhury,"Fission fragment mass distributions in reactions forming the 213Fr compound nucleus",Phys. Rev. C,83, 034605 (2011)
- S. Nath, J. Gehlot, E. Prasad et al.,,"Angular momentum distribution for the formation of evaporation residues in fusion of 19F with 184W near the Coulomb barrier",Nucl. Phys. A,850, 22 (2011)
- S. Nath et al.,,"Angular momentum distribution for the formation of
evaporation residues in fusion of 19F with 184W near the
Coulomb barrier",Nuclear Physics A,850,22
- S. Nath, P. V. Madhusudhana Rao, Santanu Pal, J. Gehlot, E. Prasad, Gayatri Mohanto, Sunil Kalkal, Jhilam Sadhukhan, P. D. Shidling, K. S. Golda, A. Jhingan, N. Madhavan, S. Muralithar, and A. K. Sinha,"Evaporation residue excitation function from complete fusion of 19F with 184W",Phys. Rev. C,81, 064601 (2010)
- E. Prasad, K. M. Varier, R. G. Thomas, P. Sugathan, A. Jhingan, N. Madhavan, B. R. S. Babu, Rohit Sandal, Sunil Kalkal, S. Appannababu, J. Gehlot, K. S. Golda, S. Nath, A. M. Vinodkumar, B. P. Ajith Kumar, B. V. John, Gayatri Mohanto, M. M. Musthafa, R. Singh, A. K. Sinha, and S. Kailas,"Conclusive evidence of quasifission in reactions forming the 210Rn compound nucleus",Phys. Rev. C,81, 054608 (2010)
- Sunil Kalkal, S. Mandal, N. Madhavan, E. Prasad, Shashi Verma, A. Jhingan, Rohit Sandal, S. Nath, J. Gehlot, B. R. Behera, Mansi Saxena, Savi Goyal, Davinder Siwal, Ritika Garg, U. D. Pramanik, Suresh Kumar, T. Varughese, K. S. Golda, S. Muralithar, A. K. Sinha, and R. Singh,"Channel coupling effects on the fusion excitation functions for
in sub- and near-barrier regions",Phys Rev C,81, 044610
- Sunil Kalkal, S. Mandal, N. Madhavan, E. Prasad, Shashi Verma, A. Jhingan, Rohit Sandal, S. Nath, J. Gehlot, B. R. Behera, Mansi Saxena, Savi Goyal, Davinder Siwal, Ritika Garg, U. D. Pramanik, Suresh Kumar, T. Varughese, K. S. Golda, S. Muralithar, A. K. Sinha, and R. Singh,"Channel coupling effects on the fusion excitation functions for
in sub- and near-barrier regions",Phys Rev C,81, 044610
- E. Prasad et al.,,"Study of fission fragment mass distribution for 16O + 194Pt reaction",Nucl. Phys. A,834, 208c (2010)
Research Projects Undertaken
“Systematic investigation of the effect of neutron excess in ER survival probability against fission in
heavy ion fusion”,
IUAC, New Delhi
IUAC UFR project, External
A systematic study of fusion and quasifission in heavy nuclei – paving the road to new element synthesis.
Department of Science Technology
DST-RFBR (Indo-Russian bilateral) project, Major internatinal project
Searching the stabilizing effects of N=126 in compound systems formed in heavy ion collisions
IUAC, New Delhi
Membership/Fellowship of other institutions/professionals societies : |
Student related co-curricular, extension and field based activities and counseling. |
1. Sports coordinator, Central University of Kerala (2017-till date)
2. Chairman, sports committee (2020- till date)
3. Chairman, Faculty Recreation Club
4. Convener, Program & Invitatio committe, Convocation 2021
Contribution to corporate sector-management of the department and institution through participation in academic and administration,committees and responsibilities.
1. Member, Court of CUK (VC nominee)
2. Member, Internal Complaints Cell, CU Kerala
3. Member, Centre for Women studies, CU Kerala
4. NAAC Department Coordinator, C U Kerala
5. Member, CUCET admission committee, CU Kerala
Other activities/Responsibilities : |
1. Department Seminar coordinator
2. Joint Secretary, Department Alumni Association (2021- till date)
Any other relevant information, if not given above : |
Teaching & Research Guidance
- Modern Physics:Under Graduate
- Nuclear and Particle Physics:Post Graduate
- Nuclear Physics:Research Guidance
- Thermodynamics:Under Graduate
- Mathematical Physics:Post Graduate
- Nuclear Reactions:Post Graduate
- Nuclear Instrumentation:Post Graduate