Brief Profile
Dr. V. Nagaraj has completed his Post-Graduation, M.Phil and Ph.D. in Economics from Annamalai University. He is a Gold Medallist and University Rank Holder in his Post-Graduation. He started his teaching profession as Assistant Professor in School of Maritime Management at Indian Maritime University in the fields of the Port Economics, Transport Economics and Maritime Environmental Management. From September 2016 he is working in the Central University of Kerala as Assistant Professor in the School of Economics. Prior to the teaching profession, he worked as a research assistant in The Rajiv Gandhi Chair for Panchayati Raj Studies, Gandhi Gram Rural Institute, Dindigul, Tamil Nadu. Further, he worked as a team member in the preparation of the Human Development Report for Trichy and Tirunelveli Municipal Corporations of Tamil Nadu. His areas of specialisations are Institutional Economics, Environmental Economics and Research Methodology.
Recent and Major Publications
- ,"Sustainable Tourism in India: An Audit ",Journal of Critical Review,7(19): 6311 - 6319
- ,"Factors Discriminating Entitlements to Water Supply: Empirical Evidence from Urban Household Survey in Cuddalore District, Tamil Nadu",IASSI Quarterly,39(2); 266 - 288.
- ,"Institutions, Access and Entitlements to Water Supply: The Survey of Recent Literature",NAGARLOK,0027-7584
- ,"Institutions, Access and Entitlements to Water Supply: The Case of Urban Households in Cuddalore District, Tamil Nadu",International Journal of Regulations and Governance ,10(2): 77-90
Membership/Fellowship of other institutions/professionals societies : |
Student related co-curricular, extension and field based activities and counseling. |
Contribution to corporate sector-management of the department and institution through participation in academic and administration,committees and responsibilities.
Other activities/Responsibilities : |
Any other relevant information, if not given above : |