Brief Profile
Dr Syam did his MPhil and PhD from CDS-JNU in aging related issues. He did his Post doc from IGIDR, Mumbai on development studies. He specialized in health economics, development studies, econometrics, migration studies and studies on social securities related issues. He is a member of working group for drafting 13th and 14th five year plan for Kerala. He is a member of professional bodies like HDCA, IUSSP, TIES, and IASP etc. He has written two books and more than 20 scholarly articles. He is trained in handling NSSO, and NFHS data base with SPSS and stata software. He made professional visits to Netherlands, Germany, Japan and South Africa.
Recent and Major Publications
- Akhila Balagopalan,"Analysing catastrophic out of pocket expenditure in India: Determinants and Method of Financing",South African Journal of Economics and Management Studies,24,1 & 34-42
- Dr. syam prasad,"Do Your Circumstances Matters in Decision on Migration: Evidence from NSSO Data",Journal of South Asian Studies,23,2 & 32-48
- Dr. syam prasad,"Polerization and inequality: Evidences from Kerala, India",Journal of South Asian Studies,24-2
Books / Chapters
Chapter(s) - Sole Author, (2017). Oldage deprivation: Does circumstances matters, Orient Blackswan, India, 978-9386689573Book - Sole Author, (2017). Poverty and deprivation among elderly in india, Lambard, Germany, 3659113808Book - Sole Author, (2010). A crisis in Making: study based on pension system Spe4cial reference to Kerala, VDM, Berlin, 3639248511
Membership/Fellowship of other institutions/professionals societies : |
Member of HDCA
member of Working group of Kerala Planning Board for 13th and 14th plan
EC member of TIES
Student related co-curricular, extension and field based activities and counseling. |
faculty advisor Delta Club
Director board member of Children in India
Contribution to corporate sector-management of the department and institution through participation in academic and administration,committees and responsibilities.
Other activities/Responsibilities : |
Disability welfare through NGOs
Any other relevant information, if not given above : |
A person with Cerebral Palsy
Teaching & Research Guidance
- Economics (2 PhD and 4 Mphil):Research Guidance
- Microeconomics, Statistics, econometrics, Development Economics, Health economics, Demography, Research Methods:Post Graduate