Brief Profile
Completed Masters in Geography and Education from University of Mysore. Obtained Ph. D on “Life Centered Career Education for Students with Mental Retardation in Karnataka State- An Exploratory Study” from University of Mysore. Have 5 years of teaching experience. Have presented and published research papers in the reputed National and International levels. Have conducted Conference and Workshops at the National level.
Recent and Major Publications
- Bhaskar Gurramkonda, Dr. Vanitha C,"Awareness on Assistive technology among pre-service teachers to promote inclusive education",International Journal of Current Educational Studies (IJCES),2,2 No. 28-40
- Meisuangdai Gonmei, Aswathi P K, Ramakanta Pradhan, Bhaskar Gurramkonda,"TOWARDS INCLUSIVE EDUCATION IN INDIA: AN IN-DEPTH ANALYSIS OF NEP 2020 AND ITS CHALLENGES",Ravenshaw journal of educational studies,12(1), 72-79
- Meisuangdai Gonmei, Aswathi P K, Dr. Vanitha C,"Breaking barriers and fostering inclusion: Empowering Learners through STEM Education",Conference Proceeding,191-203
- Anjali. R., and Vanitha. C,"Assistive Technology Facilities for the Students with Intellectual Disability in The Buds Special Schools in Kannur District of Kerala",Studies in Indian Place Names,40(50), 4858 – 4869
- Anjali. R., and Vanitha. C,"Information and Communication Technology Facilities for the Students with Special Needs in the Inclusive Setup in Kannur",Studies in Indian Place Names,40(60), 2318 – 2328
- Vanitha. C,"Services offered in the Special Schools for the Students with Intellectual Disabilities in Karnataka State",Journal of Disability Management and Special Education,3(1), 10-19
- Abeera. C. A., and Vanitha. C,"A Review of Rights of Persons with Disability Act 2016 with Special Focus to the Provisions for Capacity Enhancement of Children with Disabilities",International Journal of Research Culture Society,3(11), 18 - 22
- Vanitha. C,"A Study on Level of Gender Equality Awareness among Higher Secondary Students in Kasaragod",English Studies: International Research Journal,7(1) 77-82
- Anjali. R., and Vanitha. C,"Information and Communication Technology for the Students with Special Needs in the Inclusive Setup in Kannur",Frontiers in Education and Research: A Peer Reviewed Bi-Annual Journal,7(2) 7-13
- Anjali. R., and Vanitha. C,"A Study on Social Skills among Students with Intellectual Disability",International Journal of Education and Research: New Frontiers in Education,51(2), 60-64
- Vanitha. C,"Vocational Training Skills offered for the Students with Intellectual Disabilities",Jai Maa Saraswati Gyandayini: An International Multidisciplinary e-Journal,2(2), 339-345
- Vanitha. C., & Ramaa. S. ,"Different Levels of Vocational Competency among Students with Moderate Intellectual Disabilities",International Journal of Psychosocial Research: A Peer Reviewed Journal,4 (2), 3-9
- Vanitha. C., & Ramaa. S. ,"Personal social skills offered in the special schools for students with moderate intellectual disabilities",International Journal of Education and Research: New Frontiers in Education,48(2), 72-79
- Vanitha. C,"Daily living skills training offered in the special schools for students with moderate mental retardation",International Journal of Contemporary Research in Social Science,1(3), 13-19
- Vanitha. C., & Ramaa. S. ,"Work Readiness Skills among Students with Mild Mental Retardation",Asia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Research,1 (1), 151-160
- Vanitha. C., & Ramaa. S. ,"Life Centered Career Education for Students with Mental Retardation in Special Schools of Karnataka State",International Journal of Psychosocial Research: A Peer Reviewed Journal,2 (1), 22-32
Research Projects Undertaken
Curriculum offered for the Student with Intellectual Disabilities in the Special Schools of Kasaragod
Pandit Madan Mohan Malaviya Mission on Teachers and Teaching, School of Education, Central University of Kerala
Membership/Fellowship of other institutions/professionals societies : |
Student related co-curricular, extension and field based activities and counseling. |
Contribution to corporate sector-management of the department and institution through participation in academic and administration,committees and responsibilities.
Other activities/Responsibilities : |
Any other relevant information, if not given above : |