Brief Profile
Dr. Amruth G Kumar is a research awardee of University Grants Commission, New Delhi. He was awarded with certificate of merit for teaching based on the student assessment for five times consecutively when he was Assistant Professor at Pondicherry Central University. He has published seven books and has several research papers for his credit in National and International journals. He is a columnist for national dailies, through which he expresses his views on the contemporary educational issues and developments. Dr Amruth has travelled widely as part of his academic endeavors. He was selected for the International Visitor Leadership funding of the Department of State of the United States to associate with academic and research initiatives with various Universities in USA. His paper bagged the best paper award in European educational conference held at Rome, Italy in 2012. He headed PMMM National Mission on Teachers and Teaching School of Education at CUK, a prestigious project of the Ministry of Human Resource Development Ministry, Government of India. In continuation of PMMM National Mission on Teachers and Teaching he became the first Director of the Malavia Mission Teacher Training Centre (MMTTP) at central University of Kerala. Dr Amruth's scholarly interests include critical theory in education, Neoliberal policies in education and policy analysis in education. Dr. Amruth critically probes into the influences of neoliberal policies in shaping the psyche of stakeholders of education. Exploring the ramifications of neoliberal economy, Dr Amruth attempts to build up a broad framework for pedagogic interference to empower the teachers and students. He prefers to combine quantitative and qualitative approaches in his research. He draws a lot from Poetry, literature and philosophy in his teaching and research.
Recent and Major Publications
- TY - JOUR AU - Gunasekaran, Dinesh AU - Kumar, Amruth AU - M C, Krithika AU - Vengayil, Rajasree AU - Alampady, Nirmala,"Multiculturalism in Educational Policy Documents: : The Indian Experience.",The International Journal of Diversity in Education,24 (2): 39-58. http://doi:10.18848/2327-0020/CGP/v24i02/39-58
- Tilak, Jandhyala B.G., Kumar, Amruth G.,"Tracing good and emerging practices on the right to higher education; policy initiatives on the right to higher education in India.",UNESCO Policy paper,UNESCO
- Gunasekaran, Dinesh, Amruth G Kumar, and Nirmala A,"Multicultural Education in India: A Historical Exploration",The International Journal of Interdisciplinary Cultural Studies,17 (2): 75-82
- Jandhyala B. G. Tilak & Amruth G. Kumar,"Policy Changes in Global Higher Education: What Lessons Do We Learn from the COVID 19 Pandemic?",Higher Education Policy,Open access
- Debani Deb & Amruth G Kumar,"Where is she?— questioning sport gender stereotypes in an english textbook of kerala at secondary level",Research and Reflections on Education,Issue Vol 19(3)
- Amruth G Kumar & Dinesh G,"Culturally Proficient Instruction: A guide for people who teach.",The Primary Teacher,Vol. XLII, No. 2
- Debani Deb & Amruth G Kumar,"A critical reading of English rhymes taught at primary schools in West Bengal.",Turkish Online journal of Qualitative Inquiry.,Vol.12, No.8
- Amruth G Kumar,"A framework for critical pedagogy: Lessons from selected teachers working in higher education institutions.",Journal of Educational Planning and Administration,V- XXXIV, N 1
Research Projects Undertaken
Investigating the Knowledge of Clean Water, Sanitation Practices, and Perceptions Towards
Microplastics Pollution among the Coastal Villagers of Kerala
ICSSR, New Delhi
ICSSR Short-term Empirical Research Project 2023-24
Project Head of Pandit Madan Mohan Malavia National Mission on Teachers and Teaching School of Education.
Ministry of Human Resource Development, Government of India
Building a Framework for classroom based Critical Pedagogy: Lessons from selected teachers working in Higher education Institutions
Indian Council for Social science Research, new Delhi
A study on Certain Factors relating to Information Skills of Post graduate students
University Grants Commission, New Delhi
DISE Post Enumeration Survey of Schools
Government of Puducherry
Books / Chapters
Chapter(s) - Sole Author, (2019). Future of Higher Education, Springer Publications, ISBN: 978-981-32-9060-0Book - Sole Author, (2021). Education as organized violence (വിദ്യാഭ്യാസമെന്ന ആസൂത്രിത കലാപം ), Published by Olive Publications, Calicut., ISBN: 978-81-9455-794-72Book - Sole Author, (2017). Factors relating to Information Skills., Cambridge Scholar Series. United Kingdom., ISBN: 978-1-5275-1395-2.Book - Sole Author, (2013). Critical Pedagogy ( വിമർശനാത്മക വിദ്യാഭ്യാസം), Kerala Bhasha Institute, Trivandrum, Kerala., ISBN 9788176383035.Book - Sole Author, (2013). Economics of Education, Vijay Nicole Publications, Chennai., ISBN 13: 978-81-8209-342-3
Membership/Fellowship of other institutions/professionals societies : |
Student related co-curricular, extension and field based activities and counseling. |
Contribution to corporate sector-management of the department and institution through participation in academic and administration,committees and responsibilities.
Other activities/Responsibilities : |
Any other relevant information, if not given above : |
Teaching & Research Guidance
- Advanced Educational Psychology,Qualitative Research Methods, Economics of Education, Curriculum Studies, Policy Analysis in Education:Post Graduate