Brief Profile
Prof. M. N. Mohamedunni Alias Musthafa is an esteemed faculty member in the Department of Education at the Central University of Kerala, Kasaragod, where he has been serving since September 7, 2015. With an impressive 27 years of teaching experience, he has established himself as a distinguished teacher educator, researcher, academician, and administrator. He also serves as Director for E.Sreedharan Center for Life Skills Education (ESNCLSE).Prof.M.N. Musthafa has demonstrated exceptional expertise in various aspects of education, particularly focusing on psychological and sociological perspectives. His research and academic interests span a wide range of topics, including the training of faculties and students on different dimensions of education, psychological perspectives on learning, emotional intelligence, life skills education, and the pedagogy of higher education.His dedication to the development of educators is evident through his significant contributions, having trained over 1000 in-service faculty members of higher education in micro-teaching. Additionally, he serves as a valuable resource person for Orientation and Refresher courses conducted by various Human Resource Development Centres (HRDCs) across the country.In his role, Prof.M.N. Musthafa actively engages in extension activities, conducting diverse training programs for teachers at all levels, as well as for parents and students. His commitment to enhancing the educational experience is reflected in his multifaceted approach, combining teaching, research, and training to contribute to the advancement of education in India. Prof. M. N. Mohamedunni Alias Musthafa is a prominent figure in the academic community, known for his exceptional teaching abilities, research contributions, and leadership in the field of education.
Recent and Major Publications
- Uma Bharti,Soorya Naryanan , M.N.Mohamedunni Alias Musthafa,"Nurturing Naturalistic Intelligence Through Inquiry Based Learning Approach In Science",Education and Society,Vol-46, Issue -4,No.02
- M. N. Mohamedunni Alias Musthafa, Manoj Kumar Dewtwal,Rini E. Stephen,"Effectiveness of self-reflection enhancement strategy on self-concept and skill of coping with stress among upper primary school students",Journal of Applied Consciousness Studies,Volume 11& page No. 106-111
- Shifali T V, Research Scholar, Department of Education, Central University of Kerala , Prof. (Dr.) M N Mohamedunni Alias Musthafa2 Professor & Head, Department of Education, Central University of Kerala,"Enhancing STEAM Culture at the Foundational Stage:
Moving From a Pedagogical Imposition to Praxis Oriented
Curriculum",International Journal of Latest Research in Humanities and Social Science (IJLRHSS),Volume 06 - Issue 09, 2023 ,PP. 31-35
PEDAGOGICAL PRACTICE FOR SCHOOL EDUCATION",Shodhak : A Journal of Historical Research,Volume: 53, Issue: 02, No: 16
- Soorya Naryanan , M.N.Mohamedunni Alias Musthafa,"Techno Emotive Pedagogy: A Strategic Enabler for Catalyzing Sustainable Learning and Living in the Post-Pandemic Educational Landscape",European Journal of Education and Pedagogy,Vol 4| Issue 2
- Sreena A. Manoj Kumar Dewtwal, M.N. Mohamedunni Alias Musthafa,"Conceptualization and Perceptions of Eco Psychology among Prospective Teachers- A Reflective Interrogation",Education and Society,Vol-46,Issue-4, No.-02
- Sreena A. M.N. Mohamedunni Alias Musthafa,"Psycho-Social and Health Related Issues Faced By Labor Migrants In Kerala During Covid -19 Pandemic",Scholarly Research Journal for Humanity Science & English Language,Vol-10/54
- Jijo Varghese & M.N. Mohamedunni Alias Musthafa,"Investigating 21st Century Skills Level among Youth: An Empirical Study",GiLE Journal of Skills Development,1, 2. & 99-107
- Varghese, J. & Musthafa, M.A,.,"Why the Optimism Misses? An Analysis on the Gaps and Lags of Teachers’ Perceptions of 21st Century Skills",Shanlax International Journal of Education,10(1) & 68-75
- Sreena A. M.N. Mohamedunni Alias Musthafa,"PsyCap :A Transformative Tool for Addressing Issues of Indian Youth in the 21st Century",Scientific Research Journal of Education and Literature,Vol-1/ Issue-2
- Varghese, J. & Musthafa, M.A,"Why do Students Procrastinate? Empirical Derivate from the relation between procrastination and learning resistance",Research and Reflections on Education,18, 04A. & 38-42
- M.N.Mohamedunni Alias Musthafa & Rini E Stephen,"Education of the Marginalized; In the Context of Policy Initiatives for Universalisation of Elementary Education",International Journal of Research in Social Sciences,Volume-9 (2) : 723-731
- M N Mohamedunni Alias Musthafa & Shareef N M,"Psychological Deprivation among orphans: learning from the field.",Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR),06 (06) , 798-800
- M.N.Mohamedunni Alias Musthafa & Rini E Stephen,"Synchronizing Quantitative and Qualitative Technological Expansion for Calibrating Quality Research Culture in Education.",International Journal of Innovative Knowledge Concepts (IJIKC).7(5), 1004-1008,Volume-7 (5) & Page No. 152-157
- M.N.Mohamedunni Alias Musthafa & K.M. Sajila,"Gauging Affective Environmental Sustainability Attributes for Calibrating Green Consumer Behaviour among Students: A Consumer-Focused Approach to Sustainability in Higher Education.",Int. Journal of Asian Review of Social Science,7 (1) : 104-110
- M.N.Mohamedunni Alias Musthafa & P. Fousiya,"Schooling and Social Justice: A Gender Perspective",Social Science and Economic Research.,03 (06): 2483-2490
- M.N.Mohamedunni Alias Musthafa & P.S. Bisini,"Integrating Rational Emotive Educational Model (REEM) A New Outlook to Tart up Teaching Community",Int. Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research,05 (06) , 624-632
- M.N. Mohamedunni Alias Musthafa & Shareef N. M,"Need for Career Planning Downward Extension; A Critical Reflection on Indian School System",International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Literature (IMPACT: IJRHAL),06 (06) , 451-458
- MN Mohamedunni Alias Musthfafa & K. M. Sajila,"Reconsidering the Teaching-Research Nexus in Higher Education",Higher Education for the Future,1(2):123-138
Research Projects Undertaken
Psycho-Social Variables as Precursors of Education of Children of Women Fish Vendors in Malabar
The Indian Council of Social Science Research (ICSSR)
Books / Chapters
Chapter(s) - Co-Author, (2023). Community Development - Evidence Based Indian Approaches, Today & Tomorrow's Printers and Publishers, ISBN: 978939174466Chapter(s) - Co-Author, (2023). community Development Evidence Based Indian Approaches, Today & Tomorrow's Printers and Publishers, ISBN- 9789391734466Chapter(s) - Co-Author, (2023). Community Development - Evidence Based Indian Approaches, Today & Tomorrow's Printers and Publishers, ISBN: 978939174466Chapter(s) - Co-Author, (2023). Community Development - Evidence Based Indian Approaches, Today & Tomorrow's Printers and Publishers, ISBN: 978939174466Chapter(s) - Co-Author, (2023). Community Development - Evidence Based Indian Approaches, Today & Tomorrow's Printers and Publishers, ISBN: 978939174466Chapter(s) - Co-Author, (2020). Education for Future, Media House, New Delhi, 978-93-88989-61-9Chapter(s) - Co-Author, (2020). Psychology of Classroom Interaction, APH Publishing, New Delhi, 978-93-89875-15-7
Membership/Fellowship of other institutions/professionals societies : |
Life Time Member, Indian Association of Life Skills Education (IALSE)
Student related co-curricular, extension and field based activities and counseling. |
Contribution to corporate sector-management of the department and institution through participation in academic and administration,committees and responsibilities.
Other activities/Responsibilities : |
Director, E Sreedharan Centre for Life Skills Education, Central University of Kerala
Former Director, IQAC, Central University of Kerala
Any other relevant information, if not given above : |
Teaching & Research Guidance
- Teacher Education, Life Skills Education:Post Graduate
- Teacher Education
Research Methodology:Under Graduate
- Teacher Education
Life Skills Education:Research Guidance