About the Mahatma Ayyankali Centre for Kerala Studies
Mahatma Ayyankali Centre for Kerala Studies is one of the innovative centres being established by the Central University of Kerala. The centre is attached to the School of Cultural Studies, one of the infant schools at the Central University and it aspires to be one of the pioneering centres for research in Kerala studies. The centre provides state-of-the art facilities for research related to Kerala society, polity, economy and culture and will undertake policy-oriented research that aims
at the overall aspects of Kerala, with a view to bring out solutions for the challenges facing the polity and society. The centre visions to undertake various researches on specific themes, will
document our cultural heritage and conduct discussions and seminars with publication of monographs and scholarly works.
Objectives of the Mahatma Ayyankali Centre for Kerala Studies
- To undertake policy-oriented research for the socio-economic development of Kerala society.
- To prepare a comprehensive database on the socioeconomic-political and cultural aspects of Kerala society.
- To prepare a databank on the socio-economic and political status of various sections, especially the marginalized in Kerala Society.
- To provide inputs to policy makers, both at the Centre and at the state, on how to respond to the socio-economic problems being faced by various sections in the society and to improve the situation.
- To look into the current socioeconomic and demographic issues in Kerala Society.
- To study the social and cultural transformation that is occurring in the Kerala society.
- To undertake policy-oriented research on various aspects of Kerala Model of Development, its inclusive and exclusive nature in particular.
- To organize seminars, symposiums and workshops of national and international nature for disseminating and sharing the contributions of great social reformers of Kerala; to discuss the multifaceted issues facing the State, with a focus on development issues of the state.
- To engage with policy makers to advocate for change at the state and national level with respect to the living standards of the marginalized population in particular and others in general.
- To publish data bases, monograms, edited volumes and books on Kerala society, polity, economy and culture.
Publications of Mahatma Ayyankali Centre for Kerala Studies
- Nation Building and Social Harmony : The Legacy of Sri Narayana Guru
Editor: Prof. (Dr.) K. Jayaprasad
- Keralanavodhanam: Dishayum Dishabodhavum
Editor: Prof. (Dr.) K. Jayaprasad