Department of Law

29 March 2025

Department of Law

       The Department of Law has been established in the Year 2014, almost five years after the establishment of the Central University of Kerala. The Department is part of School of Legal Studies. The Department is situated at Thiruvalla, Pathanamthitta District, Kerala. CUK Law Campus is located at Thiruvalla, close to the Thiruvalla court centre that houses Family Court, Sub Court, Munsiff’s Court and the Judicial First-Class Magistrate Court - enabling students to have a practical interface with the legal system. The High Court of Kerala is only a two-hour drive from the Law Campus. At present it is functioning in the B S N L Arcade Building. It commenced it functioning only from September 2014 onwards by introducing LL M programme in Constitutional Law, Administrative Law, Criminal Law and Commercial Law. The first batch of eight students (for the academic year 2014-16) has completed the course with a pass percentage of 100% .Till 2020-2021 six batches of Students have completed thei LLM Programme from the Department of Law with 100% results, Department offers PhD programme also from 2017 onwards.


By working in tandem with the Central University of Kerala which seeks to create an inclusive academic community of students, faculty and staff committed to higher learning and research, and emerge as a national leader in public higher education and a catalytic force for the overall socio-economic development of Kerala, the Department of Law is aspiring to emerge as a premier centre of legal scholarship. Department of Law, Central University of Kerala offers a general flexible LLM program and PhD Programme those will cater to the needs of society, government and client. Our faculty of experts with extensive research/ real- world experience is committed to teaching, and our staff is dedicated to serving the needs of all our students.


Our Institution intends to provide high quality legal education and equip students with the necessary knowledge, skills and values that enable them to achieve personal and intellectual growth, pursue creative careers, fulfilling lives, and emerge as civic-minded citizens in an increasingly interconnected world.

Core Values

Since the Central University of Kerala subscribes to core values of academic excellence, academic integrity, humanism and respect for human rights, inclusiveness, secularism, democracy, transparency, gender sensitivity, respect for the environment, participation, and innovation our department also strives to create an environment of collegiality and mutual respect to achieve this mission.

Accomplishment of Mission

The department Law strives to ensure that the programme objectives are constantly met and learning outcomes are monitored. Our mandate is to foster the research aptitude and teaching skills of the LL.M students. Therefore we have student seminar and research paper discussions as part of our curriculum. As an evidence of our achieving the mission, 20% of our LL.M. students are presently cleared NET examination and joined as faculty in Law College 50% of the students have attended several national and international seminars, workshops and conferences. The future plans of the Department of Law includes commencement of LLB Programme, One year LLM Programme and Ph. D Research programmes for which the necessary preparations are taking place on a time bound basis.

Department of Law

Our faculty of experts with extensive research/ real-world experience is committed to teaching, and our staff is dedicated to serving the needs of all our students.

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Department of Law

Our faculty of experts with extensive research/ real-world experience is committed to teaching, and our staff is dedicated to serving the needs of all our students.

Academic Profile

The Department of Law follows choice-based credit system for LL.M Programme. Students are taking elective courses offered by the departments in the school of Legal Studies. The department is also offering two elective courses. We follow, power point lectures, multimedia presentations, white-board and marker pen, videos, case discussion, Student Presentations, in class and take-home assignments. We follow continuous assessment and end semester exams to evaluate the student performance.

Academic Structure/ Flexibility

At present the Department of Law offers only an LL.M course which shall be of two years duration, full time, consisting of four semesters. A duly constituted Consultative Committee in its meeting held on 23, August 2014 has framed the structure and scheme of LLM course having two Specializations. The structure of the Course was suggested to be in the following lines;

  • Compulsory Core Courses: 24 credits
  • Elective Courses: 16
  • Specialization 1 Core Courses: 16 credits
  • Specialization 2 Core Courses: 16 credits
  • Total credits: 72

The Committee also discussed and finalized the essential details of the Courses as indicated below;

Objectives, Structure, and Duration:

The LL.M Degree Programme offered in the Post Graduate Department of Law is intended to produce

  • i) Law teachers
  • (ii) Researchers
  • iii) Experts in law required for other institutions.

The courses and transaction are designed to achieve these objectives.


The specializations offered in the Department are the following ones.

  • Administrative Law
  • Commercial Law
  • Constitutional Law
  • Criminal Law
  • Health Care Law;
  • Public International Law
  • Environmental Law

Department of Law

Our faculty of experts with extensive research/ real-world experience is committed to teaching, and our staff is dedicated to serving the needs of all our students.


Admission to the Programme is done based on the rank list prepared after the publication of the result of the “Central Universities Common Entrance Test” (CUCET) conducted in the month of May every year. This all-India test is being organized by nine Central Universities together, for admission to about 322 Integrated/ undergraduate, Post-graduate and Research Programmes in these Universities. It provides a single window opportunity to the students from different parts of the country to seek admission in nine central universities across the country.

  • Number of Seats

    Total number of seats in the Department is Fifty. Number of students to be admitted to one specialisation is limited to fifteen.

  • Eligibility:

    A candidate who has passed LL B Examination of a University recognized as equivalent by Central University of Kerala, securing not less than 50% of the marks in the aggregate shall be eligible to be considered for admission. Relaxation of minimum marks and reservation of seats will be according to the norms followed by Central University of Kerala.

  • Fees:

    The tuition fees, examination fees and other fees will be as prescribed by Central University of Kerala from time to time.

  • Evaluation:

    Evaluation of the courses shall be done by the teachers themselves and duly empanelled external examiners on the basis of continuous internal assessment, and end-semester examinations, as per University norms.

  • Internal Assessment:

    The student’s attendance and classroom performance as well as the feedback received from tests, and assignments shall form the basis for internal assessment. The marks for internal assessment for a course of 100 marks are 40, and marks for internal assessment for a course of 50 marks are20.Any change from this scheme will be specifically indicated wherever required.

  • Distribution of Courses:

    The Compulsory Core Courses and Core Courses of each of the specializations are given in Regulation 2. Students may choose appropriate Elective Courses from the Schedule of Courses given under Regulation 13, of course, with the approval of the Department. A student is not permitted to choose a course as elective that forms a core course of his/her specializations or compulsory core courses. The tables given below provide for details regarding internal and external marks, respective credits.

  • End-Semester Examination:

    The end-semester examination, which accounts for the remaining 60 marks or 30 marks as the case may be, will be as per the regular norms of the Central University of Kerala. The Dissertation, on a topic of current importance, submitted by the students shall be valued by two examiners, one, a Faculty Member from the Department, and the other, an external examiner, to be appointed by the Head of the Department from a panel approved by the Vice Chancellor. The Viva Voce at the end of the Programme, which accounts for 40 Marks, shall be conducted by a Board of Examiners constituted by the Department. The Board, in addition, will have an External Examiner from outside the University to be appointed by the Head of the Department from a panel approved by the Vice-Chancellor.

All other aspects will be governed by norms followed by Central University of Kerala.

Department of Law

Our faculty of experts with extensive research/ real-world experience is committed to teaching, and our staff is dedicated to serving the needs of all our students.

Prof. Jayasankar KI
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Dr. Gireesh Kumar J
Assistant Professor
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Dr. Liji Samuel
Associate Professor
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Dr. Meera.S
Assistant Professor
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Department of Law

Our faculty of experts with extensive research/ real-world experience is committed to teaching, and our staff is dedicated to serving the needs of all our students.

  1. Dr.Jayasankar.K.I,(2024)."Initiation and withdrawal of Prosecution-an analysis",C.U.L.R p.155, ISSN 0970-0331,p.155

  2. Dr. Gireesh Kumar J and Arjun Philip George,(2020).""Social media and cyber crimes” ",The Hindu, National English Daily,NA

  3. Dr. Gireesh Kumar J and Pelasur Chandrakumar Swamy ,(2019).""A Study on Impact of Cyber - Crimes on Indian Society”",“Journal of Advances and Scholarly Researches in Allied Education” an Internationally Indexed Peer R,Volume-16, Issue-9, pp. 1140-1149

  4. Dr. Gireesh Kumar J and Pelasur Chandrakumar Swamy ,(2019).""A Study on Data Privacy, Security of Cyber Crime”",“Research Review” an International Online Journal of Multidisciplinary Research,Volume-4, Issue-5, pp.2725-2730

  5. Dr. Gireesh Kumar J,(2018)."“Environment, Ecology and the Right to Development, An Overview” ",Ajanta, an international Multidisciplinary Quarterly Research Journal ,Volume-VII, Issue-IV, pp.103-118

  6. Dr.Jayasankar K.I, Rajasree Jawale,(2017)."Problems of right of children to free and compulsory education in India: A critical study’",International Journal of Law ,, Volume 3; Issue 4; ;,Volume 3 ,Page No. 210-214

  7. Dr.Jayasankar.K.I and Rajashree J Jawale,(2017)."Defining human dignity of child and education in India: Human rights perspectives,",International Journal of Law ,,Volume 3; Issue 4; ; Page No. 156-159

  8. Dr.Jayasankar.K.I,(2014)."Right to life and protection of women under criminal justice system: an overview,",Human Rights International Research Journal, Vol 2,2014,p.517-519,ISSN 2320-6942,Vol 2

  9. Dr. Gireesh Kumar J,(2013)."“Economic Integration vis-v-vis Federal Autonomy- A Critical Analysis of Part-XIII of the Constitution of India”",Kerala University Journal of Legal Studies (KUJLS),Volume-VI, pp.197-208

  10. Gireesh Kumar J,(2011)."“Judicial Accountability and Judicial Self Restraint: An Overview” ",Journal of Parliamentary Studies,Volume-2, Issue-1, pp-.73-80

  11. Dr.Jayasankar.K.I,(2010)."Role and Functions of Prosecutors-A Comparative overview",Cochin University Law Review,2010CULR,p.108,

  12. Dr.Jayasankar.K.I,(2008)."‘Investigation into crimes-Supervision of Prosecutor’",Nalsar Law Review,4NLR 2008-2009 page.121,

  13. Dr.JayasankarK.I,(2003)."Prosecution System-An overview on historical approach",Criminal Law Journal,377

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Department of Law

Our faculty of experts with extensive research/ real-world experience is committed to teaching, and our staff is dedicated to serving the needs of all our students.

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Department of Law

Our faculty of experts with extensive research/ real-world experience is committed to teaching, and our staff is dedicated to serving the needs of all our students.

Department of Law
School of Legal Studies(SLS)
Tel: 0469-2638130
Email: hod[dot]law[at]cukerala[dot]ac[dot]in